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by pablo g - 11/27/14 9:58 PM
You know that feeling you get when you feel someone is looking at you. I get that but instead of some one looking at me its the number 19. I've been seeing this number for over 10 years now, but before I use to see the number 444 a lot. As an agnostic/atheist I don't really believe in these signs from god, but I still find it interesting. I was born 2/19/89

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RE: 19

by Dream Vision about 19,000 - 1/24/17 2:08 AM
Several years ago, I began having a dream and visions about the number 19,000. In this dream/vision, there is a large beautiful bright silver sword that glints in the sun as it towers above me. The handle is straight and it looks extremely heavy. The tip of the blade is at my feet, just a bit to the left of me. I tilted my head all the way back and looked up and saw the number 19,000 etched all the way down the center of the blade.

Later that month, I had another dream/vision about this sword. I was standing on a map. The water bodies were in white. I was standing on the Gulf of Mexico. The tip of the sword was at the center southern point (which looked like New Orleans to me), but I did not know for sure. My attention was on the sword. Again, it towered above me. This time, it began to fall backward toward the north, toward Canada -- splitting the country in two. As it started falling, I began screaming and crying. I was terrified! When it finally landed on the flat side of the blade, it rebounded and fell again. Dust filled the air on both sides of the sword as my heart sank and I fell to my knees sobbing. I hung my head in complete despair until the dust settled. When I lifted my head, I saw massive numbers of people standing on each side of the sword. They were just staring at it, like they couldn't believe what had just come between them. All of those who had been in the middle had been crushed. For some reason, I knew that this was a moment in time that would never be replayed and all of us who remained would never be the same. Nausea began to overtake me. I tried to stand and noticed that I was on the east side of the sword.

Let me say that, first off, I don't believe this vision has anything to do with geography. At least that is not the interpretation God has given me. God may give someone else a different interpretation that will help them. God gave me this interpretation of it about a year after I first experienced it -- back in 2003. The number of 19,000 is even more significant realizing that the Roman Number for 19 is XIX as was shown here. That was the important part of the number. Multiplying it by 1000 only meant that it is a definite and massive shift in the lives of those involved. God impressed upon me to remember Scripture verses that state how much He hates lukewarm people. He says, Either you are FOR Me or AGAINST me, but don't say you are a Christian and do what you please without yielding to Me and The Word. All those who were in the middle (being lukewarm) were destroyed. At this particular grace time (if you want to call it that), those against God would get another chance -- only while they live. Those who had chosen God were safe and were told to hurry across the sword to help those who had not chosen God, through Jesus, to understand. The time was short. The time was severely short. I sensed urgency the likes I've never known. It was like trying to keep a pedestrian from being run over by a car that is careening into the crosswalk. All of us who could, wiped the dust out of our tear stained eyes and ran over the top of the sword and hugged the people on the other side who we did not even know. Those on the west side even hugged us from the east side as they were so happy to be together again.

As things have been going in America these days (1/24/2017), this dream/vision has become somewhat of a reality. When I had the dream, I didn't know of Barack (whose number people here have said also depicts the number 19). I certainly did not realize that this number was for this time, for us now.

We are so divided. If we voted for Trump, we're vilified by the liberals. If we liked Hillary & Barack, we are vilified by the conservatives. I'll quote Hillary here, "At this point, what difference does it make?" I hate to speak of this because I don't want to get blasted for being political, but I hoped Barack would help America, but he didn't and he really caused us to be more divided than ever since the civil war (hence the number 19 for his name). It is the very reason that many people can't accept when others are trying to good for them. Hatred is such a vial condition for humanity and it has been part of our conversation for too long. Are we really at this place where we can't find the good in each other anymore? We have been disillusioned by politicians for too long. Barack promised to reach across the aisle. He never did. Even though he is the one who promised it, we should have never expected it from him. Instead, we should have been doing this ourselves. If Americans can reach across the aisle, we will be successful and victorious without depending on others to do it for us. It won't matter in the future who the president is at any given time. If we, as Americans, can come together instead of fighting each other, we'll accomplish great things. Who doesn't want to go to Africa and feed every dying child? Who doesn't want to save the Elephants and other wildlife from extinction? Who doesn't want to stop government from poisoning our food and air? I do! I'm actually hoping Trump will follow through with his promises... If you want him to do something, write to him and let him know. Have integrity about it and we may be surprised at how much he listens. That is my hope, but at some point, we are going to have to stand together. It is going to be up to us! Please don't argue me on this on a political standpoint or you'll miss the point... if you disagree about my thoughts on Barack being equal to 19 -- that is okay!

The real issue here is that if we want to be a unified people in America, we're going to have to start reaching across the aisle ourselves and not expect others to do it for us. Everyone who lives has different opinions about absolutely every single thing! I have conservative AND liberal views about different things. As much as I want to feed children in Africa, I don't want babies to die in the womb without a chance to breath air in our world. It isn't fair to rob them of the same life we enjoy! I see skin color as something not one person could help being born into -- and don't understand how anyone could punish anyone else for it, being white, black, green, yellow, purple -- I don't care! I care about your heart! I care that you don't die and end up being separated from God in Hell for eternity. This sword is going to fall (if it hasn't already). Satan will only lie to you, use you up and spit you out. When you burn forever with him, he'll be laughing at you the entire time. I'm not a conventional Christian as I don't judge your heart. That is God's job to do. It is my job to love people and tell them the truth about the spiritual world being far more real than this temporal plane we are living on right now. If you are an atheist and you have made that your final decision, I respect it. If you'd like to consider that even Albert Einstein said it is better to believe and yield to God, through Jesus, and live eternally with God in Heaven than to face the alternative being laughed at in a burning pit of Hell.

The sword of life is going to slam down on all of us some day. Our life here will be over! This is a sword of separation (which is also a meaning of the number 19). We get life or death. We get Heaven or Hell. There is no in between no matter what. Every one of my dreams I've had since I was 16 years old have come true. My husband and many others can attest to this.

Something in me believes the Sword of Grace (the first sword) has fallen this year. Perhaps Barack did a good thing by waking us up. Maybe we had to get so full of hate to see how depraved we look. Maybe its time we start loving and caring for each other again. When the second sword falls, it will be the end of your life. As long as people are lukewarm, they are considered dead by God. Our decision for or against God has to be a decisive one. This second sword will separate your body from your soul and your choice will determine where your soul will reside for eternity.

There are no second chances after we die. At the Great White Throne of Judgment before God, when you face God in His pure Holiness, if you didn't decide for God, you'll remember this letter written to you. Our choice here and now IS THE choice. Are you going to choose life or death, God or Satan, Heaven or Hell. And in case no one has ever told you the truth of things... Satan has been the ruler of this world since 1/3rd of the angels fell and Satan caused Adam to sin. You either serve him or God. There is no in between on that either. It is why lukewarm people are not accepted by God.

Once you believe in God and the crucifixion of His Son, Jesus, as your Savior and Lord in this life, you are protected from Satan, who is the definitive enemy of humanity. He doesn't like that God loves you. He does all he can to keep you from the eternal and all encompassing love of God. Once you are a Believer, all you need to do is remind Satan that you belong to Jesus and to get away from you in Jesus' Name. Let Satan know you don't accept his trash anymore. The Bible says Satan will flee from you when you do this in Jesus' Name. Unless you have Jesus, you are fair game for Satan. Once Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you will be a new person altogether. All sins will be forgiven completely -- no matter how bad. Once you yield to Him, He forgets your sin and removes them from you as far as the East is from the West. Living as a Christian is not always easy, but that is only because Satan tries to keep messing with you, especially about your past. If you remember that your past is behind you and God doesn't hold it against you anymore, you know that Satan is lying to you to try to make you miserable. Have faith in God that you are saved, you are healed by what Jesus suffered in the beatings before He went to the cross. It is a gift to you as much as the salvation you receive when you believe. Accept the gift of salvation AND accept the gift of healing for your body, which is now a temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will live within you and give you guidance, peace, wisdom to do things right... You'll sense Him there with you all the time.

No matter what you have done in the past -- even the worst thing in the world, God is your Father and will forgive you completely. All you have to do is say you believe and want to be forgiven. Tell God you need His love and believe Jesus died for this to happen for you. Know when you pray this that the Holy Spirit will make you feel lifted and you will actually live above the evil that resides on this earth. Even If you've persecuted Christians, don't worry the Apostle Paul in the Bible did too, before he met Jesus. God will forgive you of that too. No matter how far you fallen to the bottom or if you think you're in the best times of your life, God wants you to let Him lead your life, because He'll lift you out of the muck and He'll make what you think is great even better! If you choose God, when you get to Heaven, Jesus who died for you, will open the Lamb's Book of Life and find your name there and you'll never have to stand at the Great White Throne Judgment. You will actually be happy to see God!

I'm running across the Blade of the Sword and trying to reach you with this truth. I care about you! God cares about you even more!! Will you embrace me even though I'm different than you? Even more important, will you embrace God?

This number 19 has been haunting me for the past 14 years and I needed to share this with you. Thanks for reading it.

RE: 19

by Anonymous - 5/06/18 5:48 AM
I think maybe your reading too much into this from what I see I believe God wants you to have peace in the fact that 19 means one with God and 1000 is forever a day to to a thousand years and a thousand years is to a day, but I do believe in the steps of Jacobs ladder and that it’s a process of sanctification and that it’s a place of diligent seeking to find the peace of God we want so badly, numbers 19 laws of purity

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