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6016 (NXVIM in Roman Numerals)

by Anonymous - 11/29/20 2:18 PM
So,I kept seeing this NXVIM and had no idea what it meant. People kept pronouncing it 'nexium'. I don't know a lot about this group, ive heard that they are very powerful and are some sort of sick sex cult ring?

And, I don't know why my mind works like this but NXVIM in Roman Numerals breaks down like this.
N=5000 (not typically listed,but following the number pattern after 1000 [M] this is what was used)
=6016 Further broken down to remove '0'as an indifferent you would get 616... However , 6016 has its own meanings as well. Representative of improvement and struggle, achievements and goals ... Very ambitious and empowering were the associated texts I found when researching 6016 through numerology. Condensed to a single digit you would get 4 the Angel number, the same with 616. ( 6+1+6= 7+6= 13 1+3= 4)

Who provides us with "truths"?
Are we at the beginning of a spiritual war we had no idea we were a part of? Or did some sick group just think that they were actually angels?? That's messed up!

I don't like coincidences and I don't trust what the current media portrays as fact. But I do trust my gut and my instincts and there is something to all this, I don't know what, but theres some layers here without a doubt. There's no way this is a coincidence.

I know NOTHING of this group, except for surface level information that's has been reported. I am provided information by someone who has been provided information by someone who claims to have information + proof that the information they provide can be corroborated. But where's the whole story?
Who are these people, where did they come from, is it JUST a sex cult, are they members of other groups as well,how did they get so much power, who do they control, who controls them, why do they need to control anyone, where did I put that scotch?
These are some questions

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