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67 see it everyday

by Anonymous - 2/16/20 1:23 PM
My mother passed away in Sept 2019...ever since she has passed, I've been seeing this number everywhere. She was 76 when she passed, which is 67 backward. Trying so hard to find out if my mother is trying to tell me something. I feel there is some connection, but I just cant find the meaning.

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RE: 67 see it everyday

by Anonymous - 2/23/20 12:01 AM
It's the Lord trying to communicate with you. But he doesn't want to be persuasive and so he has used the number in many ways at too many times so you will realize you are seeing this number by no just meir coincidence and so you find yourself with many questions of why? and what does it mean? And why 67 and not some other number? Etc. And so you begin to do your searching all the while the appearances of 67 will continue. Your searching will lead you to more searching and even more questions. I don't know if your are spiritual at all and I do not know your beliefs or background life story. But what I do know is God, our Father in Heaven, which is the same Father and God of The Holy Bible, he is wanting you to want a relationship with him. He won't force you, because that would be just like a parent forcing a child to do something that the child might not want to do, and there's no real connection or relationship or love in something that is forced. 6 in the bible always represents man. And 7 in the bible always represents the spiritual realm, something that is holy, good, perfect or righteous, and something that is greater than man. When 6 and 7 are put together its showing the connection and relations between man and God. God wants a relationship with you so he can show you what and why he created you for, what his true intentions are. God wants to help you, guide you, show you, and most of all God wants you to connect back with him. He wants you to be the best that you can be so he can use you for his greater purpose. He wants you to spend eternity with him and he wants to share his happiness and love and all his riches with you. But again he will not push himself on you, he is not interested in having slaves. He does not want you or any of his children to fall into the darkness. Gods ways are very brilliant and intelligent and perfect. He is good, he is light and he is love. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, I lost my fiance of ten years due to a tragic car accident. My world as I knew it could have went so dark and i could have just gave up. But my fiance of all people had taught me a lot about the Bible and about God. We would watch Perry Stone on youtube all the time. You should check him out. He is a Christian preacher and he has many teachings on youtube to make the bible understanding to everyone. My fiance is the one who noticed 67 everywhere for a long time and then so did I and his mom and his sister and brother and then some of our close friends too. Even after he passed I was still seeing 67 and still do. I will be praying for you and your journey. God bless you

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