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Authoritative Perspective on 1134

by "1134" - 12/07/19 11:35 PM
My previous comment in the thread, which explained the meaning of the number, was deleted, for reasons I don't know. Following their lead, I will offer something less easily mishandled. Here are some valuable pointers for interpreting the number:

1) It does not refer to Hell. This is thought because 1134 reads "Hell" when upside down on a calculator. That is too specific to English. 1134 is a number. Math is a universal human language system.
2) Breaking the digits apart into angel numbers usually leads to flimsy interpretations. The number must be considered as a whole separately from the individual parts.
3) Your first guess about the meaning is probably wrong.
4) Conclusions from superstitious fears about seeing synchronicities are usually wrong. No one freaks out about seeing a magnolia tree, and yet I see magnolia trees less often than 1134. It is a natural part of the world that should be studied carefully, scientifically.
5) Mathematicians will have a stronger intuition for understanding numbers than most of us. Look to their insights to improve your own.
6) Look at historical events related to the number and trace themes between your experiences and historical events. Let experience be your teacher, and don't let your personal interpretation cloud the number's actual, essential meaning.
7) You are not the center of the universe, though you may believe it to be the case, and despite that you cannot help but frame the world through your own eyes. 1134 may appear with that being the seemingly appropriate conclusion, but your divine significance is something which can change and pass away. You are a quaint little creature on a tiny planet.

As for the actual meaning of the number, I will not say here, since someone deleted the comment where I explained it, and this is a poor format for in-depth content. It was honestly probably one of my computer-savvy friends. I will say that you have very little to worry about, and that seeing the number is an entirely good thing. Stay classy folks,

PS Don't try to find me unless you will approach me in kindness.

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