11 Comments for Rapture

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by Bro Danny - 3/07/11 6:15 PM
Let us be cautious not to consider other mark possibilities, for they are out there. Also, be advised that those who are saved will NOT participate in the mark as they will be Raptured prior to the beast identifying himself. I speculate that we are being conditioned to accept the possibility of aliens or life in outer space. This is the vehicle that Satan will use (after the Rapture) to unite a chaotic and lost world. He will use the premise that visitors from space have taken your loved ones away. Be aware that once the Rapture occurs and you are left behind, it will be impossible for you to remember what you have previously heard pertaining to salvation. The Word tells us that a delusion will overcome the world and my point here is; that if you think you can wait until the Rapture happens and then accept Christ because you now truly know that God exists... well, it'll be too late. The end time signs are out there, let the Holy Spirit open your eyes. Amen.

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RE: Rapture

by Sword of the Lord - 3/15/11 4:09 PM
Let's not speculate nor rely on idiotic movies or TV shows to get our prophecy. Read your bibles, King James Version and you will get all the information you need. Mark 13, THE WHOLE CHAPTER! Spend 10 minutes reading this, and you will see that Jesus said AFTER the tribulation His angels will gather His elect. Not before. Are you someone special, that you think you won't have to go through what Christ said we would have to endure? I don't think so. Please stop telling others they will be magically "raptured" when things start to get tough. You will have to answer to God for your false message as well as other false prophets. Read what the author of this site wrote to explain this time. He uses scripture and shows how easily "Christians" can be duped.

RE: Rapture

by seth - 8/06/16 8:53 PM
Delusion already my friend if you believe that garbage


by Anonymous - 7/11/18 7:00 PM
We will be here for 3 1/2 years 1260 days But God will protect us through the tribulation

RE: Rapture

by Anonymous - 9/09/20 1:55 AM
UFOS and terrestrial beings are already here. There's alot of books in the Bible that address this. I don't know how this will play out exactly, but I will always choose Love and Light. Peace.


by Frank - 12/20/20 6:45 PM
Rapture is a false doctrine 14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.


by Anonymous - 4/14/21 8:19 AM
Yahushua said many times on the last day I will raise you up


by Jacob - 8/15/21 9:26 AM
I used to believe is a Pre Trib rapture.

However, it is clear to me now that there isn't a single verse to corroborate that view. The early Church was post trib. Every verse on the topic is in the context of the 2nd Coming. The "thief in the night" verses are in the context of the wicked being judged. The rapture in Thessalonoans says the dead in Christ rise first and Revelation tells us when the 1st resurrection is...AFTER tribulation. Paul speaks of the mystery of God at the last trumpet and in Rev 10 we see the 7th angel blow and complete the "mystery." That is at the end.

We see in the parables that the tares are gathered FIRST...THEN the wheat. The tares are the wicked.

We see in the parable that the one "taken" in Luke is of the wicked. The apostles said, "where Lord?" (Where will the body be taken). Jesus answered, "where the body is there the vultures will be gathered."

Scripture says, we will be "protected from the wrath to come" and "kept from the hour of testing." But it doesn't say the means of protection will be a rapture off the planet. That is eisegesis and at the end of the book it says, "DO NOT ADD OR TAKEAWAY" FROM THIS BOOK."

So literally all the verses supposedly supporting pretty trub rapture have been twisted.

There so much more guys. Seek the Lord no matter the cost...and He will let you find Him.

Grace and Peace to you all


by Rob - 10/29/21 11:44 AM
So sad to see that you have such a bad interpretation of all things Rapture and the End Times...not a single verse eh? Well lets take one verse that should end that argument forever (2nd Thess. 2:3)...see that word 'apostasy?'...totally wrong when you review the ancient Greek, verses the Strongs Concordance.

The actual term used there was NEVER 'apostasia' which does mean in English, 'apostasy.' BUT THEN which apostasy must come first?

So-called Christians have been apostasizing for 2000 yrs...so that doesnt even make sense in this verse (2 Thess 2:3).

Now the actual original term used was APO (and) STASIA, two words, not not one word. So what you say?

Well, lets see...Let's start with word one, "APO": to BE TAKEN AWAY, violently and/or unexpectedly, much like the actions taken by a very professional pickpocket (actions much like a "professional thief"); now for word two, "STASIA":it means taken from a VERY SPECIFIC PLACE on the Earth, like from a GRAVE, TOMB, or from the SURFACE (those still alive). So now reread the passage. "...the 'APO'...'STASIA' (Rapture) must come FIRST, THEN the 'lawless one'is revealed."

So there you go, that's why KING YESHUA says: "FEAR NOT" and COMFORT ONE ANOTHER with these words."

If the Bride has to go THROUGH the Tribulation, then we would have much to "FEAR"...and FEAR brings "NO COMFORT!"...

All Glory to GOD for appointing me a Forensic Bible Teacher! HE WILL BE HERE VERY SOON!

Remember: NOAH when THROUGH the Judgment (Protected inside the Ark). The BRIDE is kept FROM the Judgment in Heaven (in CHRIST)...(Rev.3:10). "Through" and "From" are as important to understand as are the terms "APOSTATSIA" "APO"-&-"STASIA."

RE: Rapture

by Anonymous - 11/26/21 10:24 PM
The Day of the Lord in all instances refers to wrath. The Body of Christ is not appointed unto wrath. Before the last seal is removed the Body of Christ is taken from earth. The contents of the scroll is wrath, judgement upon the earth. When Jesus was in front of the tabernacle and read from Isaiah, he stopped mid sentence, closed and rolled up the scroll. But first said this was fulfilled in their hearing. The balance of the chapter will be fulfilled....


by Anonymous - 11/26/21 10:29 PM
Through much tribulation we enter the Kingdom of God. Tribulation has been throughout time for believers. Those taken before seventh seal removed are all believers dead and alive at that time. The contents of the seal is wrath, we are not appointed unto wrath.

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