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Well damn...

by Stacy - 9/16/19 8:35 AM
Odd. Thought I was the only one...thought I was weird, which I am, but thought I was crazy-weird. About 20 years now, 34.. I'm 43 now and when I was still in my late 20's-early 30's i was convinced that was the universe telling me at what age i would die (I've lived a rather extreme life, wouldn't have been a surprise). I've never researched this oddity of mine online to discover it's not just my oddity, and I'm not sure if I'm comforted or not by knowing there's quite a few of us that sees this...mine is just 34. Clocks, number seen any and every where in any depiction....but 34. It used to scare me when it was 3-4 times a day for weeks on end...it's slowed some, not everyday yet still noticeably often enough to be familiar...scared when highly seen and yet scared me when first noticed its decrease. Why the change? Hell, why even the start of? Why 34?

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RE: Well damn...

by Anonymous - 9/23/19 3:47 AM
I been having the same thing going on with me. I became a born again since the age of 20. I have faced alot of situations in my life and right now I'm going through alot. It's weird seeing g this number constantly. I know it's a sign for something but I dont know what for. I ask people but they say I'm the only one that notices or see it everytime I look at the clock. God is trying to send a message to me but havent picked up on it yet.

RE: Well damn...

by Jason - 9/23/19 4:04 AM
I been seeing this number 34 everytime I am facing a situation in my life that I fear or am anxious when trying to complete something. I try to be on the positive side because I been a born again since I was 20. I had a very difficult childhood which led me to God. Knowing and understanding his word is refreshing to me. Sometimes I feel as though he is speaking to me. I am now, 25 and I am facing alot with family, my job that I currently left because I felt the door was closing and no where for me to grow with my full potential. Right now I dont know where to turn to. But I believe it is a message from God about purpose and meaning. If you keep procrastinating you will never fulfill your purpose. I have tried to find answers for always seeing the number 34. I even try to see what those mean in the bible. Most verses in the bible with 34 in them are not quite comforting to hear. I think god is giving us all a sign. I feel we are put here for a purpose and meaning and I dont understand sometimes the situations I am in, but if you put your total trust in him you will find what you are looking for. Also when I have dreams sometimes they come true which scare me. I dont say nothing to no one but I believe there is a message from the one who created us. It's either you are for him or against him.

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