Latest World News 
World news of interest to Christians and Bible scholars, organized by category:
Faith, Technology, Science & Nature, Health, and War and Politics.
- Christians tuning into thriving
- Christianity's Image Problem
- Pope: Other Christians not true churches
- "I am both Muslim and Christian"
- Will Britain one day be Muslim?
- House church movement growing
- Jesus in the Jailhouse
- Salvation: Just click and confess
- Catholic Church buries limbo after centuries
- Envisioning a God with a body
- To fight deflation, abolish cash. Could Japan make reality of ‘science fiction’?
- Xega Creates Human Tracking Chip
- Every child in school numbered for life
- Humans 'will be implanted with microchips'
- Microchips Everywhere: a Future Vision
- FBI Prepares Vast Database Of Biometrics
- Employee microchip tracking bill discussed
- Ultra-Dense Optical Storage - On One Photon
- Electronic Tags Used to Track Immigrants
- VeriChip broadens RFID dogtag options
Science & Nature
- Trials for 'bionic' eye implants
- Seeing God in science
- Human Skin Cells Turned Into Stem Cells
- King David's Palace Is Found, Archaeologist Says
- Researchers creating life from scratch
- South Korean scientists clone first dog
- Partly Human Organs in a Flock of Smelly Sheep
- 'Pleasure drugs' boom on way, says think-tank
- Skin Stem Cells Made into Bone and Muscle
- Australian researchers revive plan to clone extinct Tasmanian tiger
- U.N. talks seek compromise on human cloning ban
- Future of Stem Cell Research
- France opens door to human stem cell research
- The Threat of Biotech - Joni Eareckson Tada
- Reagan and Dean on Stem Cells
- Bid to create human embryo clones
- Human cloning 'flawed'
- Pope condemns unethical science, cloning
- Lose a tooth? Just grow a new one! say British scientists
- Japanese researchers develop easy-to-fit 'sponge' artificial bone
War and Politics
- Bulgaria: Qaddafi: Islam, Not Christianity is Sole Universal Religion
- What 'Israel's right to exist' means to Palestinians
- The Religious Right's Era Is Over
- Making Martial Law Easier
- Castro Calls Bush 'Deranged'
- First Amendment no big deal, students say
- N Korea Has Bought 'Nuclear Bomb'
- The amazing true story of the liberal evangelical
- Rumsfeld says US needs new agency to fight 'war of ideas'
- US faces Iraq 'guerrilla war'