Properties of the number 123






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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194 Comments for Number 123 Symbolism, 123 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 123 Symbolism, 123 Meaning and Numerology

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by Kenny (kennykline99) - 7/14/15 2:43 AM
(Im sure i have Lotz of typos sorry...)I my self have also been seing that number! It started in my 5th period class the bell would ring at 123, then ever since i ALWAYS i would garentee more then once a day i see it either on a clock, a game, how many messeges i have or just random things popping up, and honestly i feel this is a cool subject we ALL have in common! First we know we will never be alone if this is bad, we all got this! But what if its good? I have made mistakes in my life. But im the oldest brother and i do feel that i am important some way or another, we should all right down whats going on in the moment, do this for a while then fine commen factors, sort threw it.... Maybe we can come up with a scientific reasoning or biblical... This could be serious or something to discover...

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RE: 123

by Anonymous - 12/01/24 11:14 PM
I agree

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Tesla 123

by Jonathan - 12/13/17 8:29 AM
The 123 discovered by Tesla is even more complex than mankind will understand at this point in time. But, there is one individual who has studied and figured out the Tesla finding. It is a message not of this world

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RE: Tesla 123

by Anonymous - 9/10/22 10:54 PM
I’m intrigued


by Rachael - 7/21/16 6:07 PM
Well I finally got enough courage to look into researching if anyone else has had this happen to them and ran into this site.I read some other things but most were in regards to numerology, terro etc.Being a Christain I really dont want to mess with things like that. Anyhow my experience of seeing the numbers on a clock 1:23pm 11:23,12:23 etc, who knows how many times I saw this numbers before I finally realized it and more than realizing the actual #s it was the uneasy feeling that came with it, kind of like dread.I began to get so worried because it happened so many times that I knew It had to mean something but what?? I told my husband what I was experiening and my mom because honestly I had NO idea what to do or why it was happening everyday for almost a year and it was causing anxiety. Well a year and a half or so after i began seeing the 123s, in 2001 my little brother who was 14 years old at the time died in a car accident. When we went to the mortuary my mom yelled at me to look at his death... more...

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by Lisa - 8/30/21 1:54 PM
Curious to know if perhaps all the people who see 123 are apart of the 144,000..

RE: 123's

by Anonymous - 6/25/22 7:17 PM
I also have the 123 angel/ protector along with 351 direct line with RH neg bloodline of god and 738 which 738 is dimensions on the cross of Jesus Christ each point is like 6x 123 & so on. I am at a point in life , this time, that we need a higher purpose! Wife, mother, grandmother achieved but you feel there is more, more to learn, to do. We have protesters eager and waiting for the precise time to help us through the process. It will be hard, most things worth it are. It’s an amazing time in history to be alive and you were chosen to witness this biblical time in history. I lost my baby brother to lung cancer and it devastated me. It was his soul contract. His choice, and I think of him needing to be that computer warrior now bc we are in a cyber information war. All outlets are ok all can be used for good or evil. I can recommend you go on telegram to Tarot by Janine, a longtime truther, Ismael Perez will tell you about you and where we come from and our souls. May you find love and peace.

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by Devine - 1/02/20 8:46 AM
The numbers are also from divine spirit who guide us and sometimes, allot of the time it is a reminder that they are with us guiding us and saying hello. Any numbers that are synchronizing is the Devine either answering us if we had questions, in a positive way, affirming something that we have been questioning, simply letting us know yes we are here and yes we hear you and yes keep going! They can't talk to us like we would hope so they drop synchronicities. Always positive affirmation for whatever we are doing, hoping, wanting and needing in life. Everything shall be okay ! That's that :) enjoy your signs and signals it's always positive.

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RE: 123

by Michael - 1/03/21 5:59 PM
Makes absolute sense to me, thanks


by Christy - 3/16/20 8:20 AM

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Always 123 or 1234

by questions - 11/11/10 11:34 AM
I am trying my best to make sense of why I have been seeing these numbers so much everyday for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I have been trying to make some serious life changes spiritually though. Thats when this all started. I am sure it is a sign, I just don't know what the sign is.

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RE: Always 123 or 1234

by Giamo - 7/23/19 7:06 PM
Me too- it’s hard to find the meaning of this other than one or two definitions of these numbers as angel number- it HAS to be deeper than what I’ve read... those definitions just don’t resonate with me. If you find out please let me know

Meaning of 123

by The Soul Intention - 7/08/11 5:51 PM
123 is a code for those who need to remove that which is no longer serving the highest purpose of our lives. 123 signifies, destruction, rebirth and new phases in our life. When you see this number, take an inventory of what needs to be removed or changed in your life. Life is a sequence of events and steps. 123 is a clue that you are going through a process of transformation and change. Just as the Earth goes through seasons, so does the human body, mind, heart and soul. With much Light & Love, Namaste!

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RE:Meaning of 123

by Giamo - 7/23/19 6:59 PM
This- thank you. I needed to hear this. Much thanks

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by Xavier - 5/14/19 11:47 PM
THe numbers 123m,1111,777 and 3333 have been with me all my life and it wasnt until 68 days ago when I was awaken it all made sense. If you see this its a Great thing. It will mean different thigns to all. You will know waht it means when you see it. For me it lets me know Great higns are here and that The Trinity is always protecting me :) Blessings!

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RE: 123

by Ricky Sugarplum - 6/11/19 3:35 AM
I’ve been following 3 since becoming fully self aware. My lucky stars continue to lead me in life, the universe loves me and I love everything in it. Heat peace and happiness in life. The power of 3 will forever keep me free.


by Shanty - 10/06/15 9:48 PM
What does this mean I wake up each morning at the same exact time. I have an idea of what it means but I was wondering your opinion please

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RE: 2:31

by Aeby - 3/25/18 4:12 PM
That's the exact same thing is happening to me. As I work as a cashier, there was a total for a customer of 123.45 (yesterday) and I keep seeing the patterns even if they're not in order, just as you've said. That's being going on for a year.
On 2016 I would see the numbers 222, but 2017-2018 I've seen the sequential patterns.

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Nicola Tesla's 1-2-3

by Anonymous - 2/15/16 11:36 AM
This reference could be here, however...
Nicola Tesla made the only documented observation of extraterrestrial message:
it was simply the numeric sequence: "1-2-3"

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RE: Nicola Tesla's 1-2-3

by Anonymous - 4/21/17 9:03 PM
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Guess what?

by Jamie Kara - 2/23/11 11:58 AM
123! lol =P I've been seeing it and 1234 a lot as well. I've been following spirituality for a good 3 years now. More and more we realize that we are not alone and we are all being awakened for a reason. So these numbers are not to be afraid of, in case you are. The messages under these number patterns is to be taken in consideration. If it's continuously repeating itself then it's time to search it's meaning.

These are messages from guides, angels or any other beings of Light trying to help you be aware of something that you may need to know. If you don't believe it that's ok, cauz, baby, one day will come where you have no choice but to believe that we have inter dimentional beings living among us but on another plane of existence. We just don't want to accept the hidden truth sometimes. Because many people can't handle the truth! =| lol. Humans are funny =)...just like myself. Like why am I afraid, why? Meditate, let your soul gravitate and that way we'll overcome our fears. YE

Anyway lol, if you follow Doreen Virtue, she's really good with angel reading. She has the meaning of number patterns in case you have 123 1234 or any other number repeating in your life. Check her out.

Enjoy =)

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RE:Guess what?

by Diane - 5/30/13 1:25 PM
I my goodness I just notice 1:23 was my last post I swear I did not know until I just reread it

RE:Guess what?

by TellMeSomethingGood… - 1/15/17 11:34 AM
Has anyone here, ever dreamt of a baby boy conducting a full on conversation with them, you know, like one word converse with an adult?

I had a dream like this, about a month and a half ago, I felt really wonderful when I awoke.

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by William - 11/15/14 5:41 AM
Hey all!
Yeah, 123 keeps occurring in my life too. For starters, my zip code is 123. I've been involved in a 'guess how many beans'-competition where the answer of course was 123. Clocks, license plates etc say 123. But the most poignant thing was when I looked up my favorite verse in the Bible....
'I tell you that, if these would hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out' Sends chills down my spine. page number? Not five, not six, not even seven point nine but....123!

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RE: 123

by Anonymous - 8/30/16 3:05 PM
Some people are scared, but Im hoping it something positive. I opened a store and I called it 1 2 3 Shoppe Unique. Thinking it was God telling me to. Maybe there are passer byers seeing my sign, that also see 1 2 3 a lot!

Really wondering .

by Joshua - 4/25/16 7:07 PM
Yeah so this is the first time I've looked this up but I've had the exact same going on for years . Seeing the number waking up at 12.34 or 1.23 stuff like that . I tell people about it all the time I just told a work mate today as I was telling him I looked at the sign on the street where I live off .... It was 1 to 23 number off house ..... Then I come home my mums a Cristian she left a note on my bed saying please read this beacuse we had a Debate the other day ... The page she left open for me was Isaiah 43 page 1223 !! Please help what does this mean what should my next move be ??!

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RE: Really wondering .

by Anonymous - 8/30/16 2:57 PM
Niceto know this is happening to others

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by Anonymous - 6/14/16 5:20 PM
I have been seeing this in more than just clocks. For me it is 1234, and it is coming up for debt transactions, word count on documents, clocks, dice, license plates. It's everywhere. It happens more and more when I read the scriptures. I can't ignore it any more either.

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RE: 123

by Anonymous - 8/30/16 2:55 PM
Yes me roo, even mile markers. A couple of years ago . I was telling my daughter about how this number keeps coming up, while we were playing cards. After we were done playing, she was keeping score, I asked her what my score was. She said one hundred twenty three mom. Then she looked at me with admazment

123 321 420

by Anonymous - 4/03/15 11:01 AM
I found God about a year ago. It took me about 8 months struggling with sin to really make progression and cut out a lot of bad habbits. I have had some really bad trips.. probably a few months ago i started seeing these numbers daily. Its hard to explain but i can tell everyone commenting knows how uncoincidental it is. As of recently i have been remembering my dreams every night. They are never good. Not scary or nightmares but just never good. I just dont know what to think. Everyone has their own opinion but i just dont know what to think. Seeing that so many people experience the same thing makes it even weirder to me. I have accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and dedicate my life to His work. For some reason i just dont feel good about it. Not like anything particular bad has happened i just dont feel good about it. I use to smoke weed a lot. Ive stopped for the most part but i do end up smoking like once a week. Please reply with any insight

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RE: 123 321 420

by Anonymous - 4/18/16 1:40 AM
I think it's a message. I truly saw this number on my clock night after night but never understood until until now. In my interpretation it means that you have to change all the way and not be afraid of how much it takes out of you to get there because you are still doubting. Don't complicate yourself and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance ,strength and inspiration and let God be God.

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Jan's For Peace (RE: 36C)

by Not Voln Gharst (clock numerology) - 11/15/11 4:58 PM
123 = 0.0081300813
--->8/13 (aug 13) = 225th Day (Leap Year)
--->2:25 (min/hr hand at 5/2)

0.0225225 = 1/444
--->Jesus = 444 (english gematria)

Back to 5/2 (as follows)
5/2 (may 5) = 123rd Day (Leap Year)

Lord Jesus Christ = 1230 (reverse english gem.)
--->12:30 AM = 00:30

1/30 = 0.00333

Yehoshua HaMashiach = 173 (english)
--->Jesus the Messiah (Hebrew Numerology)
--->1,7/3 (one and seven thirds) is equal to 3.33

3.33 (written as three and one third)
--->3,1/3 (three and one third)
--->Yehoshua HaMashiach = 313 (reverse english)

3.33 weeks = 1/23 (jan 23)

1/333 = 0.300300
3:00 (min/hr hand at 12/3)

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RE: Jan's For Peace (RE: 36C)

by Shaun - 4/01/16 11:56 AM
2:25 is a reference to Joel 2:25 that God will repay the years the locust (satan) has eaten. Jesus is the redeemer i.e. John 10:10 "The thief came to steal, kill, and destroy, but I came that you may have life, and life more abundantly!" I audibly heard 1, 2, 3 which was annoying because the feminine voice was no help at all.

The Coming Dawn

by Syn - 1/13/16 12:52 PM
"I am the vision and the sight. I am with eyes of ice so that even the blind will see. I am the familiar song and I am the story to be told again. I am not prophecy, I am fulfillment.

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RE: The Coming Dawn

by Shaun - 4/01/16 11:35 AM
What are you quoting?

my futhre

by khalid - 1/22/16 9:47 PM
Good work

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by Darren - 7/25/15 3:40 PM
Why is this number so important , recently i found out that i was a medium , ok that took a while to sink in , but its true , i can actually communicate with spirits , i have the gift of knowing , however i do not know what this repeated 123 means , its not just clocks its everywhere , and seems to be when i am thinking of the spirits , here is just one example , 2 weeks ago i went with my pregnant wife to the hospital for checks , the number calling board was stuck on 123 , the place was packed and it was chaos , ok so thats not strange really , but this is , 2 weeks later we went back to the same place for more checks , the system was working fine this time so my wife got a ticket and yup it was number 123 , impossible odds of that happening , but it did , last night i was playing a game online and i was just about to quit when someone or something told me to keep going , i looked at the time and it was 1:23 , ok not a real sign as that happens twice a day , but with in 1 minute i won 123 dollars exactly ..... more...

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RE: 123

by Anonymous - 1/02/16 11:54 AM
I to have been seeing the number 123, but for the longest time I would see the number 222. For years it was 222 now it is 123. The other strange number is 911. I see this all the time, I think of the attacks on our country this date was 911 but I don't think this is why I keep seeing this number. Maybe 911 is telling me it is important to pay attention to 123 now, sort of like it is a count down to something. I also have a run in with a shadow person. Waking up and this figure was standing over my wife, no eyes and no major features. Just a shadow of a man. I watched as it moved to the left of the bed and I did not take my eyes off of it, I looked at the shades behind it and there was no shadow, I know looking for a shadow of a shadow person.LOL but I had to look it was just very strange. It moved in front of the tv and that is when it disappeared. I am not sure if someone or something is trying to warn me of something that is about to happen but I can feel something is about to have.


by me - 3/05/14 12:39 PM
well i´ve been seeing the number too.. and now my post is number 123..

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RE: 123

by Anonymous - 11/08/15 9:38 AM
And so is the time of your post

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by Cody - 10/12/15 1:09 AM
Oddly enough Nikola tesla experienced the same thing. He often told a story of an almost otherworldly dream he had. An alien approached him with a message he said, and this message read "1.. 2.. 3"

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All the same

by Riley - 1/25/13 12:40 AM
I've spent a good time reading this and like all of you are followed by 123, I'm a high school student who finds this number to repeat more than anything else, clocks, license plates, bank receipts, hell even my dice rolls are 123... but one thing i have noticed is all of us seem to see it on clocks, why would we all need to be paying attention at the same time? also 1+2+3= 6 any thoughts? maybe the number has been 6 all along.. tho so far 123 has no positive or negative in my life, I'm only intrigued to find there are others like me :)

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by Cody Nicole - 9/01/15 8:02 PM
I as well see the number 123 mostly on the clock. But I just think it strange that many of us but probably only a certain few of the billions of us see this sequence. I wonder if it means something good/bad is coming. And we're the select few to have knowledge. For me this has been going on for months now. It's amazing and confusing all at once. I just hope that what ever is about to happen is good for all of us who see this number sequence.

RE:All the same

by Anonymous - 9/11/15 6:53 PM
I've just been reading through this feed as many years ago I started realising I would look at the time during the night at 1:23am and then it became more reoccurant and I would do it throughout the day too. My boyfriend said it was probably because I was subconscious about this number and I just happened to be looking at the time when I knew it was subconsciously there.
Then we're were on a return flight home and k clicked on the screen to see the remainder of the flight and it was 1:23 - I quickly nudged him to show him it wasn't interested head and because I wasn't conscious and I wasn't just time keeping. Then tonight I've looked at the time - what do you know - it was 1:23. I looked into numerology and found out my "number" was six - then seen in this thread people making 123 add up to 6?? Is this related??

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im seeing numbers

by Anthony Moaremoff - 5/08/15 3:23 PM
I keep seeing the numbers 1,2,3,4,. all together, for example I look at clock to see what time it is and it will read 12:34. Why? it's been going on for about 3-4 years.

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RE: im seeing numbers

by angel - 8/28/15 10:26 PM
I have the same reoccurring situation, but it's always 123, no matter where i am i see the number. It's weird, right now it's 1:23am crazy huh


by Daniel - 7/27/15 1:21 PM
04-20-99 the date of the Columbine shootings. 4+20+99=123

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I constantly see 1, 2 3 as well especially after my father's passing

by Lynda - 6/21/15 7:57 AM
I read RJS thread below and immediately started crying because I have felt since my Dad passed that the 1,2, 3 had something to do with it. The thing is that I wasn't close to my father. Not sure if he is protecting me in the afterlife.

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