Properties of the number 40






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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59 Comments for Number 40 Symbolism, 40 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 40 Symbolism, 40 Meaning and Numerology

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The number 40 and the Aztecs civilization

by Ramon Torres Padilla - 10/29/23 11:01 AM
The Aztec civilization also had an important meaning and attribute for the number 40. In their mythology. It is said that it rained for 40 days and nights and was caused by the moon goddess called the “Coyolxauhqui By the Aztecs

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Misleading untruths

by Minister RC - 11/29/20 7:49 AM
There are way to many untruths in this article. 1st, you cannot try to use the same symbolism through different religious groups. The symbolism simply does not line up. The number 40 is significant to the God of Israel and those of the New Covenant/New Testament that was established through Jesus Christ. 2nd, Jesus was not struck 40 times. The Roman law stated that Jews should be beaten 40 times save one, which means that the 40th lash was reserved so that the individual was not struck more than 40 times in the case of a miscount. 3rd, Jesus' body was in the tomb/sepulchre longer than 40 hours. The Word of God states that he was risen on the third day. A 2-day cycle would already credit 48 hours, moreso, you have to have an understanding of Jewish days and time, especially being that their time in days do not line up with the Gregorian calendar that we use today. Example, Rashashan, the Jewish new year, is closer to the beginning of the USA fiscal year rather than its actual new year. 4th, Jesus' ministry lasted 3 1/2 years before he was killed. I would suggest that factual evidence and factual history is used when making these kinds of posts. It was some good reading, just not factual reading.

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by Morn - 12/02/11 4:32 PM
Have never understood how the obvious is overlooked! 40 derives directly from the period of 40 weeks = 40 x 7 days starting from the woman's last menstrual period to give the expected date if delivery of the baby, and as a unit if time has been so used for millennia! But then, later theologians of any religion probably didn't discuss their ideas with midwives and expectant mothers. Hence, the associations of 40 as a period of time with a period of preparation, incubation, sometimes trial, followed by a new and transformed beginning - it is a forward-looking number. The symbolism of 38 derives directly from this - the baby can be born any time from 2 weeks before to 2 weeks later, I.e. from 38 weeks, so 38 signifies the beginning of 'labour', the beginning of the new beginning - as in Deuteronomy, when Moses begins his preparations in earnest to invade Canaan, or in john's gospel when Jesus meets the man who has sought healing for 38 years. Also, in mark's gospel, count how many hours Jesus was dead. Mary (maureen) norrie

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by Anonymous - 5/14/20 11:04 AM
This was a concise and comprehensive interpretation.

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not yelling the truth about the bible

by gga - 5/08/20 2:36 AM
don't do it again

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The Koran is not the Bible...

by V.B. - 4/21/20 12:53 PM
The Koran and the Bible can not he combined. They are two different books. Jesus is the God of the living.

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Appreciation to you

by GES - 1/17/20 6:58 AM
Thank you very much for the well articulated information. Very useful and helpful insights. One therefore can appreciate the number 40 and ably re- align his/her life journey. Be blessed indeed

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RE: Appreciation to you

by Anonymous - 2/14/20 12:24 AM
letter mem is 40 and means water. I though it was a cleaning, like baptism. I never heard about baby gestaton of 40 weeks, babies are in fluid. the desert wanderings and temptations dont make sense.

40 40 40

by By Ajayi - 4/28/19 11:47 AM
Please sir,i which to know what this means. This number appeared to me 3 time in 3 days

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RE: 40 40 40

by Anonymous - 12/31/19 10:12 AM
It's means the end of one cycle. It's a transition to a new phase. It could mean a new job, financial level, spiritual height...e.t.c if you look back, you will observe a drastic change that period.


by Francine - 7/19/19 12:23 AM
I’m walking through a garden and it’s very heavy white mist, the grass is thick and I hear a fountain trickling, I follow the noise and it’s a three tiered rock fountain with green ivy all over it. I look in the fountain and their are gold and silver coins in the water on the bottom tier, on the second tier are wads of money and loose bills in different denominations. Then I hear someone walking up to me and I turn around and I see a silhouette and around that silhouette the light is purer and very very bright. Two arms are raised to me with palms up and in each palm is a 20 dollar bill. And the person has white robe sleeves but I cannot see their face but I look up and I see the eyes of Jesus. What does this mean? I had this dream about 30 years ago. I looked up 40 in the Bible and it’s crazy how many times and ways it’s used biblically.

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Please explain

by Anonymous - 7/08/19 7:49 AM
A demon appeared to me after I lost my child . He offered me 40$ to give her back. Can anyone can tell me who this demon is. Or what 40 means.

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by Elik Troconis - 8/01/11 2:58 PM
Hello; I read your article about number 40. I found it really interesting and I am citing it in a really important work. After congratulating you for the wonderful work done in all your website, I would like to know your name so that I can cite you correctly.
Thank you,
Elik Troconis.

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Re: your name

by Anonymous - 2/27/19 2:50 PM
There was 40 yrs between the, 'i have a dream' speech by, Martin Luther King to "President Obama" becoming president.

40 meaning

by Anonymous - 11/06/13 11:56 AM
I thought that the #40 means death

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RE: 40 meaning

by Anonymous - 2/04/19 4:20 PM
It is only said to in certain modern works, such as the TV show Supernatural.


by sara - 12/18/17 1:18 AM
This is strange I'm comment number 40 the past week I've been seeing number 40 on license plates but only in the cars that are in front of me I'm not sure what this means but I'm sure it will come together

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RE: #40??

by Anonymous - 1/25/19 5:19 PM
The roads represent pathways to destiny. The cars represents ministries the plates represent divine authorization. And upon the plates the 40code.And 40 represents probation, trials, preparation. Those vehicles were in front of you for u to follow and learn from and u will be guided on the right path. Basically I believe God is trying to show you the kind of Ppl or ministries you can receive instructions from to be properly guided.Ppl and ministries that have been tried and tested.

RE: Need help understanding

by Anonymous - 1/25/19 5:04 PM represents a stage or a phase in the curriculum of your life. A phase of development.

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Need help understanding

by Anonymous - 3/26/17 6:24 AM
My whole life the number 40 has followed me. It has been assigned to me several times from childhood to even now. It shows up all the time. Is there a meaning?

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RE: Need help understanding

by Anonymous - 1/25/19 5:03 PM represents a stage or a phase in the curriculum of your life. A phase of development.


by Rachid Ahmed - 6/04/16 7:27 AM
i just dreamed last night with the number 4040 everything was 4040 car plates house numbers on tv everything was 4040 does that have a meaning ?

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RE: 4040

by Anonymous - 1/25/19 4:12 PM
40 doubled is just for emphasis. That's a code bundled with a lot of meaning to you. It represents the end of a phase of your life and the birthing of a new phase by God in all aspects.

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by Azah - 7/20/18 2:16 AM
Thank you for sharing all the information relating to 40. At least now I know I am not crazy or loosing it. From a young age 40 has always been the number that comes to my mind and growing up I never bothered to look it up or understand why but as I'm older now I have had this urge to find out more and this site has helped me put some things into perspective. For me 40 is associated with spiritual rebirth and deliverance. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

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by sara - 12/18/17 1:22 AM
ok REALLY strange I thought I was commenting Amber 40 but it was really 39 so when I went back to look I see number 40 now I'm more baffled than ever

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by Norbert - 12/04/17 2:36 AM
Could you give exact references , where the quote of st Augustine (According to saint Augustin, forty expresses the perfection... ) comes from?

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by SHAWKINS - 7/04/12 9:37 AM

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Re: thank you

by Anonymous - 1/16/17 4:31 PM
On the 4th day YHWH Elohom will come!

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The Truth.

by Ryan Osborn - 11/26/16 4:24 PM
Jesus Christ Is God Almighty In The Flesh! Believe Jesus Christ Shed his blood and died for all of our sins on the cross, he was buried and he rose again from the dead three days later by his power and if you believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ then you shall be saved and go to Heaven forever. None of our good works shall save us or anything else will from our sins that deserve destruction and death in a Lake Of Fire for all eternity. Once saved always saved forever by the gospel of Jesus Christ for all our sins. Ephesians Chapter 2:8-9, 1 Corinthians Chapter 15:1-4 And Romans Chapter 3:25. The King James Bible.

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No. 40-40

by Melanie - 7/26/16 4:31 AM
Thank you for the depth of the meaning of 40.....I will look at some things differently ....

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true meaning of Bible forty

by bukenya Emma muwonge - 4/28/16 9:55 AM
forty means deliverance of someone from something bad.cod after forty years Israelites were delivered into the promised Land

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The meaning of 40

by The Wizard of π - 2/28/16 3:12 PM
Check out my article about the meaning of 40 in Google plus, thanks!

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am an artiste my name is 4t dayz...

by kepha - 11/12/15 12:17 AM
I was trying to choose my artiste name & this is what I thought of...

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by lorenzo - 10/31/10 8:30 PM
40... I only buy the number 40 on the lottery. don,t know why......

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RE: 40

by Thinker - 9/18/15 4:51 PM
Yeah! How many times have you won ? Genius !