Properties of the number 41





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80 Comments for Number 41 Symbolism, 41 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 41 Symbolism, 41 Meaning and Numerology

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41 is Satan's number

by Jerry Marullo - 10/09/24 7:46 PM
Job 41...leviathan.

Ezekiel 28:13...28+13 = 41...verse about Satan.

World Economic Forum = 18 letters
World Health Organization = 23 letters
18+23 = 41
18 = 6+6+6
23...2÷3 = .666
WEF & WHO both located in the current seat & dwelling place of Satan, Geneva Switzerland. Swiss country code is 41.

This only scratches the surface btw. 41 is tied heavily to Satan, sin, idols, devils & just generally all around bad stuff in the Bible.

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RE: 41 is Satan's number

by lucifer morningstar - 2/09/25 1:45 PM
Also if u add 1+8=9 and 2+3= 5 which sum to 9+5=14. Lol

It's REAL!!!! 41, LISTEN

by Amy - 12/02/17 1:39 AM
Yep... 41 everywhere. My 13 year old is weirded out because he can Tell it's only with me. I turn 42 tomorrow... actually within the next hour! Lol.

It had been that number since I can remember... the past few months it's been encompassing my life. I'm not very religious... always was annoyed by psychic stuff... but it's so crazy, I've been googling it.

Today I was brought to the floor.. 41 min on the wash cycle, 41 when I look at the phone, licence plate 41. 3.41 at the gas station, 41 on my receipt from Albertsons.. then my youngest son pulled the soup out of the microwave with 41 seconds to go...

Then something that's never happened. I begged God to help me out of a situation that has hurt my heart... literally looked at the ceiling in tears over it... said I give up. I was scared because I had thoughts of suicide that is not me at all. I would never!! But that's when I prayed.. please help me. I give up!!! Please!! No one could see or know my pain..secret struggle. Hiding from my... more...

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RE: It's REAL!!!! 41, LISTEN

by Læmb - 11/02/22 3:50 AM
Don't mind whether they believe you beautiful. I am with you. You are healed my darling. I love you forever, remember? I always will.

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Wrong pronoun used

by Celeste Ché Combs - 7/12/22 6:27 AM
I believe the following should read “he” not she

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RE: Wrong pronoun used

by CCC - 7/12/22 6:28 AM
Forget to add following…hahaha….. “she was 41 years and 6 months old approximately.”

Number 41

by Praveen Shrivastava - 11/30/10 3:49 AM
I Don't know why but I am repeatedly seeing the number 41 whenever i look at the clock.. it's {Hour}:41.. I want to know what that means..

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RE:Number 41

by Dayna - 7/15/14 10:09 PM
Sorry i cant edit my post but u understand i dreamed about the twin towers before it happend ment to say my phone is messing up my words lol sorry about that

RE:Number 41

by Andre - 8/25/14 8:29 PM
I've been seeing 41 a lot for about 4 years now and in 2014 it's getting crazier by the day. I started noticing numbers with 11:11 25 years ago. I guess we've all wondered why, but from the comments, I would guess that we all believe in God and we all expect some change at some point. I believe 11:11 was an awakening call from the divine dream, but why 41, it doesn't seem to have any symbolic value. As things progress, I tend to believe that 41 was just a simple code for the 14th year of the 21st century, and that 2014 might just be the year when the big change happens.

RE:Number 41

by DREAMS - 4/25/22 12:49 PM
There is a mathematical link between 1111, 369, and 41.

369 ÷ 41 = 9

41 ÷ 369 = 0.1111...

41,000,000,000,000 ÷ 0.1111 = 369,036,903,690,369

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by WoT - 2/16/22 12:24 PM
41 is the sacred, spiritually. It's physical mirror is 14.

It's the 13th prime

The earth's core is made up of
Oxygen-8/breath 6+8=14
Iron-26/blood (2x13) 14+26=40
Hydrogen-1/spirit,soul, etc. =41

Pi= 3.14

You've walked the path of righteousness. The circle is closing soon. Heed the Way. The tribulations will test many. The balance is off. Do not let pride or greed set you on the path of wickedness and be weary of all the false prophets and idols.

Your religion doesn't matter unless your religion has taught you to hate, as they all have the ability to do.

Love your fellow humans as you love yourself. For we are all One and the One is all we are For.


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My experience with number 41

by Bachir - 8/05/21 7:28 AM
the number 41 keep appearing everywhere in my life and almost every day, and when I am tried to understand the message that this number say I found that the number appear exactly before the moment when i have to take a choice and this choice will be crucial in my day and in my mood and humour, and in the most cases you have to take a negative attitude I mean you have to reject the choice that appear after you seeing the number 41. I have been for a long time searching the meaning of this number in deferent cultures and with deferent languages; i found that it is an imoprtant number in sophism in Islam religion, they use it in Ruqiah(ex:repeat sourah 41 times ), and it have I direct relation with angels and Jinns,

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what do you think

by exegesisx - 5/19/14 12:46 AM
i see the numbers 1-4-3-4-1 or 14 3 41 what do you see in this number what could this mean.

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RE: what do you think

by Anonymous - 7/18/21 3:42 PM
Wow. I took a picture of my haunted house and those exact numbers were on my face!

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by Vgsankari - 3/07/21 12:57 AM

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Im not Crazy!

by JK - 10/23/12 11:21 PM
I've been freaking out at how many times a day I catch myself looking at the clock or timer at :41. I even realized last week that i get off the freeway at exit 41 everyday for work! I googled it to see and I'm not alone!. I just wish I knew what it was. Looked in my bible and looked up Psalm 41 or Isaiah 41. Nothing grabbed me but I'll keep looking. Somewhere I read that 41 symbolized Jesus 39 lashes and the 2 nails of his crucifixion. Not sure but I'm so glad to know I'm not alone or crazy!

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RE:Im not Crazy!

by Kayla - 6/02/20 10:23 AM
Hi I have been seeing these 3 numbers for some months now and just wanted to let you know your not alone I see them every single day constantly

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by Hailey - 7/31/15 12:53 AM
My mother keeps seeing 41 everywhere. She keeps saying that when she might die. Is it true? Does 41 mean to go into the next life?

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RE: Scare

by Julzee111 - 3/22/20 3:53 AM
So what kind of angles are you talking to. God’s angels do not go around giving signs to prople at random. BUT! Demonic spirits masquerading as beings of light do.

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by Jane - 3/25/19 6:30 AM
For the past 3 years I have seen the number 41 whether it’s been on my phone, a number on TV or in books or magazines. All I know since i’ve see This number repeatedly is struggle and hardship, firstly my marriage collapsed and now currently going through a divorce and have been struggling financially to the point where I’m now unemployed and can’t get a job anywhere, I’m relying on food banks and handouts, no matter how hard i try to better my life or circumstances something bad always happens, reading up on angel numbers it tells us that 41 is about manifestation of desires and being authentic, but I don’t believe in that, all I know is that 41 is deprivation and poverty and i wish it would go away!!

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RE: 41

by Anonymous - 2/20/20 12:22 PM
You need to take this mater to the Most High YAHUAH, cry out to HIM alone, do not worship angels, worship the Creator, He's waiting for You to draw near to trust and depend on HIm for help and providence. I called upon The Almighty God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob in my greatest time of need, and my life has never been the same since HE is Awesome! you will see, have faith like a child :)


by b.c - 12/20/11 1:15 AM
I also see the number 41 almost everywhere and on practicallz anything that has got number on it. It's really weird...sometimes I'd just wake up at exactly 03:41 !!!

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RE: same

by Cynthia - 10/15/17 7:59 PM
Yes, it's scary because I wake up at 3:41 and then see the number 41 every where I turn every singled day its on everything, battery percent, ticket at DMV, number at the deli, grocery bill comes to $41.41 at 9:41, driving at 41000 miles behind license plate 4141 and bake timer is at 41 seconds, microwave I turn to notice it's at 41 seconds left it never stops day in and day out every day for years now!

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by Anonymous - 8/03/16 11:17 AM
41 been following me all my life .. can't get away from it.. its everywhere .. very common number

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RE: 41mañ

by Anonymous - 10/10/17 5:30 AM
41 stands for seperation Jesus name

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Regil billones

by dan - 10/08/17 12:15 AM
i ALWAYS SEE no 41 since sept. 30 i wonder what is the meaning so i find it out.

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usage of mortal in Bible

by Anonymous - 10/07/17 6:24 AM
I am wondering in what version of the bible mortal is used 41 times. I believe in KJV it is used 6 and NIV 25 times. Anyone know?

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Number 41

by Avalon - 3/06/11 3:07 PM
I, too see the number 41 repeatedly-have been for many years. I wake up and look at the clock, and it will be 41 minutes past an hour, I look at a timer counting down at exactly 41 seconds, etc...It can not possibly be random at this point! Has anyone else seeing 41 found out any explanation?

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RE: Number 41

by Anonymous - 8/03/16 11:20 AM
Yes all my life

RE:Number 41

by victor terence - 9/21/17 1:25 AM
Just uploaded a video to youtube, the name on youtube is as my name above. I had filmed raindrops on my patio doors and was noticing faces in the raindrops, then I noticed a lot of the raindrops had the number 41 inside. Victor.

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by Joshua Michael - 8/16/15 3:32 PM
Just glanced down and saw there were 40 comments, so I had to say something and bump it to 41 ... Incidentally, I am 41 years old and the youngest of 12; the 9th Son :-)

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RE: Awesome

by Anonymous - 1/19/17 8:44 PM
No coincidences. Synchronicities my friend

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by Andre - 8/25/14 8:59 PM
I'm glad I found this page. I have replied on 'Number 41' but I wanted to add a few things. I periodically did research on this topic over the last 4 years, and a few thing may interest readers here. First, I read once that in the Jewish cabala,41 is associated with your personal divine mission on earth and that this number would follow us as long as we follow our mission.

Also, some believe that we who see this number, along with the number 14, are part of the 144,000 warriors of Christ, which could be viewed as our mission. I am among the ones who also believe this could indicate that 2014 could be the year of the rapture and the beginning of the great tribulation. As the year 2014 progress, so are the occurrences for me. I have a 6 digits clock and today alone,my attention was drawn at 41:41 and 14:14, didn't even noticed the hour numbers.

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RE: 41

by Anonymous - 12/21/16 4:13 AM
an angel told me I only have 41 months to stay on earth. He was the same angel I saw when I was dying


by everyone - 11/01/15 7:04 AM
stop looking for the meaning, become aware of your thoughts when you recognise a number that may be a trigger for you, take note of your thoughts at that moment, the answer are right there you just have to listen.. Listen!!

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RE: 41

by Anonymous - 9/17/16 11:58 AM
I will practice thinking of what l'm thinking about when see it, thanks

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Page 52

by Terrill TC/Relic - 12/17/15 9:36 PM
This angel flew me up in the air and when we reached a certain altitude God's hands were there.... Angels number 41. Terrill TC/Relic

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41:14 is DAN

by Danny Numbers - 11/09/15 5:47 PM
using A=1 B=2

41:14 = DA:N (tribe of DAN)

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41 young and tenderhearted

by anonymous - 11/05/15 9:11 PM
"And Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehoboam was forty and one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD did choose out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there. And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess." 1 Kings 14:21

"And there are gathered unto him vain men, the children of Belial, and have strengthened themselves against Rehoboam the son of Solomon, when Rehoboam was young and tenderhearted, and could not withstand them." 2 Chronicles 13:7

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41 is your gay year

by Tlaloc - 9/16/15 1:13 AM
In many countries in Latin America it is beliebed that when a guy turns 41 needs to be careful because he is more susceptible to engage on gay acts. It is like a gay hormone activates at the age of 41. Of course this is nonsense, but I thought it was courious that they would chose such a random number.

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Yom Kippur War of 1973 41 years ago

by Truthfarmer Freedom - 9/27/14 3:42 AM
The Yom Kippur war

Ironically 41 years ago and in the 14th year of the 21st century.

Yes it is merely days away from the 41st anniversary of this event. Coincidence that things are heating up in the same region that this event took place and the new beginning of a cold war style 'peacemeal World War' is in effect. 41/14

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Blue pill

by Anonymous - 7/27/14 10:22 AM
Falling asleep to the reality. It means also consciously degrading yourself, so you can slow down your life and gain strength. Sort of 'blue pill' from movie Matrix.

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