Properties of the number 666
Represent the perfect Imperfection and also the Impiety without measure.
According to the Bible, the number 666 is the name of a man and this name, indicated by this number, is the name of the Antichrist. Lucifer, the ancient serpent, the devil or Satan, the Red Dragon becomes, in these last times, the Antichrist.
Whom who wants to be above God carry the sign 666, since he wants to be the monkey of God and by then the double of God being representing in symbolic by 2 times 333 since 333 indicates the divinity and the mystery of God.
Symbol of the power or the "divinized" State.
Represents the human Karma, in contact with the cosmic Karma and the divine providential balance, according to R. Allendy.
By bringing number 666 of the 18th blade of the Tarot, 6+6+6 = 18, A. Bertet interprets that as the obscurantism, the black magic, the wandering of the man out of initiation.
Key-number of the life according to Abellio, because it is the result of the sum of the following numbers: 123 + 231 + 312, orderly series, or 132 + 321 + 213, disorderly series. It is the manifestation of the three terms of the Trinity, in the three plans: spiritual, animist and material.
In "The last waltz of the tyrants", Ramtha says that this number is the one of gold. The number 6 is the one of the man who did not overcome his passions yet - the man having 6 members with the tail, 5 being the number of the perfect man with his 5 members, the tail being left. The fact that the beast is associated to the number 666 means that the beast will use the gold to enslave the man having again his passions.
According to Paco Rabanne, it is the seizure of power of calculation on the language, suddenly private of its capacity to make emerge the being.
For Creusot, 666 marks a threshold where it is great time to turnaway from the terrestrial world and prepare to enter in the spiritual world.
Symbol of the perfected nullity and the unkindness, because it is composed of three 6 and that the 6 is the symbol of the imperfection, the evil, the iniquity and the apostasy. According to the messages received by Don Stefano Gobbi of the Priestly Movement of Mary, these three six would mean the communist atheist, the freemasonry and the ecclesiastical freemasonry attacking the Church of the Christ.
For John Phaure, the three six of 666 of the Beast of the Revelation "expresses, among others things, the outcome of all possibilities of the sensitive manifestation, without the possibility to reach the Seven, that is to say to reintegrate the divine Center". J.-J. von Allmen goes in the same way affirming that the 666 "means a triple repetition of the number 6, and therefore a refusal, by counting, to go until 7: the number of the man that does not want to enter in the intention of God and that glorifies himself."
In "The Bible, numbered document", Raymond Abellio proposes "to symbolize the multiplicity by a cone at the top of which would be God and that would turn while being inserted in the matter. It goes without saying that this view is imperfect, since the totality and consequently the Absolute can be conceived only in a perfected symmetry. But it concerns here only the Absolute seen by the man. The cone is a microcosmic structure, but identical to itself in all the macrocosm. Then let us put the number 37 at its top and suppose that the cone lengthens while being inserted and while turning. Its polarization by the space gives 307 whose reversal is precisely 703. There is here, exceptionally, equivalence, to near reversal, between polarization's by the time and by the space. The difference 666 can then be considered as symbolizing the volume of the cone, the whole of the material manifestation."
The number of the Beast of the Revelation, or Apocalypse. (Rv 13,18)
The 666 sons of Adonikam that returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2,13)
Weight of the gold in talents which arrived to Solomon in only one year. (1 K 10,14; 2 Ch 9,13)
In the Bible, Protestant edition, the book of Job is the 18th book with 1070 verses, whereas the last, book of the Apocalypse, contains 404 verses. Verses of the book 6+6+6 subtract from those of book 66 gives 666, that is to say 1070-404.
This number, in the Revelation, is mentioned to the verse 18, chapter 13. And we can see that 6+6+6 = 18 and 13 represents the death.
To the biblical reference John 6,66 it is mentioned that several disciples left the Christ following his speech on the "bread of life": "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.".
The Beast of the Revelation would appear in the year 1999 since by reversing this number we obtain 6661, that is to say the number of the Beast opposed to the divinity. American Satanists had declared indeed that the year 1999 would be the year of the Beast. Revelation of beyond or human decision? True or false prophecy? Whatever, the year 1999 will be the last year of the time devoted to Mary. In fact, when the pope John-Paul II, and that from the beginning of its Pontificate, has announced the Jubilee of the year 2000, immediately in the different marian groups they have wished that the 15 years preceding the year 2000, be 15 years devoted to Mary, in double memory: the age of Mary which had 15 years when she has become the Mother of Jesus, and the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary - a Mystery per year, the year 1995 being the year of the Death on the Cross, the Calvary. The Holy Father apparently did not make this calculation. On the other hand, under the inspiration the Holy Spirit, he decided that the year 87-88 would be the Year of Mary which would insert us to enter in Times of Mary. So it is a space of 13 years that separates the year 87, opening of this Time for Mary, of the year 2000. Thirteen years, it is the Sign of Fatima. Then we can think reasonably that it is the time of the last Combat when the Mystery (and the third Secret) of Fatima has to be unveil.
Some authors have advanced that the duration of the reign of the Antichrist would be of 666 months.
According to Thibaut De Langres, this number, in the Latin manner to note the numbers, can be written by changing the order of letters: DIC LVX. These letters make in fact 666: DC LX VI. In this number, 6 designates the married peoples, 60 the continents, 100 the virgins. The disciples of the Antichrist will tell in fact that anybody, who did not offered the sixth fruit, the sixtieth or the hundredth to the Antichrist, will not be able to be saved. The weight of the offered gold brought to Solomon each year was 666 talents. This is what is due normally by the royal right, this great seducer will claim to require it. It misses to the number of the Antichrist to reach the number of the legion 6000.
In one of the messages of the Virgin Mary given to Don Stefano Gobbi, from the Marian Movement Priests, we can read: "666 indicated once, that is to say, for the first time, expresses the year 666, six hundred and sixty-six. In this period of history, the Antichrist is manifested through the phenomenon of Islam, which directly denies the mystery of the divine Trinity and the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Islamism, with its military force, breaks loose everywhere, destroying all the ancient christian communities and invades Europe and it is only through my extraordinary motherly intervention, begged for powerfully by the Holy Father, that it does not succeed in destroying Christianity completely. 666 indicated twice, that is to say, for the second time, expresses the year 1332, thirteen hundred and thirty-two. In this period of history, the Antichrist is manifested through a radical attack on the faith in the word (Parola) of God. Through the philosophers who begin to give exclusive value to science and then to reason, there is a gradual tendency to constitute human intelligence alone as the sole criterion of truth. There come to birth the great philosophical errors which continue through the centuries down to your days. The exaggerated importance given to reason, as an exclusive criterion of truth, necessarily leads to the destruction of the faith in the word (Parola) of God. Indeed, with the Protestant Reformation, Tradition is rejected as a source of divine revelation, and only Sacred Scripture is accepted. But even this must be interpreted by means of the reason, and the authentic Magisterium of the hierarchical Church, to which Christ has entrusted the guardianship of the deposit of faith, is obstinately rejected. Each one is free to read and to understand Sacred Scripture according to one's personal interpretation. In this way, faith in the word (Parole) of God is destroyed. The work of the Antichrist, in this period of history, is the division of the Church and the consequent formation of new and numerous christian confessions which gradually become driven to a more and more extensive loss of the true faith in the word (Parola) of God. 666 indicated thrice, that is to say, for the third time, expresses the year 1998, nineteen hundred and ninety-eight. In this period of history, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and of his Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, of the great tribulation and of the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will be open or the appearance of the man or of the very person of the Antichrist!" It is interesting to notice also that the number 666 is used 3 times in the Bible if we consider that the number of the sons of Adonikam is 667 and not 666, since there is contradiction from one biblical reference to another concerning this number.
A bishop in Lyon had already recognized in 666 the age of Noah at the time of the deluge, image of the final catastrophe, added with the dimensions of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, type of the Antichrist.
The prophet Nostradamus speaks at the 66th quatrain of the 6th century (giving by concatenation 666) of the discovery of bones of the First Pope, Saint Peter. It is the Pope Pie XII who announced that the tomb of Saint Peter had been found after the request of his research.
The malediction word is used 66 times in the Old Testament and 6 times in the New Testament, giving 666 by concatenation.
In his "De praestigiis daemonum", appeared in Bale in 1568, John Wier estimates "apart from calculation error", the number of the demons to 7405926, divided into 111 legions of each 666 fiends.
At the time where the Revelation was written by the John the apostle, they believed that the Antichrist had to be one the Roman emperors since the addition of six of the seven Roman number gave 666: I + V + X + L + C + D = 1 + 5 + 10 + 50 + 100 + 500 = 666.
In New York, in the quarter of Manhattan, there is a skyscraper on which we see three gigantic 6 luminous. "666", the number of the Beast of the Revelation. It is the "Tishman Building", situated on the corner of 5th Avenue and 52th West Street, neighbor the Rockefeller Center and the main studios of television. The number "666" appears to be the frequency of radiophonic waves (666 kHz) chosen by the first radio station. Paco Rabanne sees then in Hertzian waves a means of propaganda which will be used by the Beast.
Mark Lärmer, in his book "The circle of Veckner", points out that the number of the Beast is also found in the numerical structure of the usual electronic keyboards, such as calculators, recording cases, remote controls, telephones keyboard, etc.
NORTH 1 2 3 WEST 4 5 6 EST 7 8 9 0 SOUTH
By doing the addition in each of the 4 directions (and by taking care to eliminate summations 1+4+7 and 3+6+9 of orientations NORTH-SOUTH) he obtains, by theosophical reduction:
NORTH EST SOUTH WEST 9+5+1=15 => 1+5=6 7+8+9=24 => 2+4=6 1+5+9=15 => 1+5=6 3+2+1=06 => 0+6=6 8+5+2=15 => 1+5=6 4+5+6=15 => 1+5=6 2+5+8=15 => 1+5=6 6+5+4=15 => 1+5=6 7+5+3=15 => 1+5=6 1+2+3=06 => 0+6=6 3+5+7=15 => 1+5=6 9+8+7=24 => 2+4=6
By concatenation, the result gives four times the number 666 in each directions. Like observed by Mark Lärmer, this numerical structure which allows us to calculate, to program, to buy, to sell and to withdraw money (that is, the computer) is in relation with the text of the Apocalypse of John where it is written that "And made it illegal for anyone to buy or sell anything unless he had been branded with the name of the beast or with the number of its name." This Beast, personifying the devil or Satan himself, has always been considered as "the one who says always NO" ("NON" in French) to the achievement of the divine will. And if we dial "NON" (in French) on the telephone keyboard, we are surprise to press three times on the number 6.
The phone number connecting the president Nixon to Neil Armstrong, the first man to land on the moon, was 666 666.
The clairvoyant nicknamed "Bush of Thorns" had received the warning from the Virgin Mary, in June 1996, to no longer carry its digital watch because the number of the Beast would be visible (on 6th day of the 6th month of the year 96). It was suggested to her to replace it by a watch with a traditional one "because all the digital watch have been specially conceived for Maitreya. Each one has been programmed to receive a special signal and a beam from special satellites, to create a manipulators and subliminal sounds with the result that his voice could be transmitted everywhere. Also, during of the month of June of the year 1996, its number will be seen clearly and this equipment will be used in multiples manners throughout the microwaves, throughout the television and the radio. (...) This is why My sweet dear little children should not carry these digital watches, since they no longer will be safe or reliable, because they are all programmed in advance to reply at the same moment when the time will be arrived to be known publicly as the Messiah."
During his trip in Hungary, John-Paul II was in a registered car 666.
During the pontifical visit in the United States it was possible to obtain information about the itinerary and the hours of ceremonies using the phone number which included the number 666.
The bar's code of type "EAN" (SLB No10) incorporate the fateful number 666, easily locatable with its three groups of two bars longer than the others in the beginning, the middle and in the end. These are three identical numbers (since a bar is associated to a number) which are added to 13 functional digits. Each one having 6 as a value, they form a kind of claw numbering "666" which is superimposed on each bar's code.
In Italy, there is a mark of shoes 666, whose label is decorated with a head of lamb carrying two horns, inspired directly from the Apocalypse: "Then I saw a second beast, emerging from the ground; it had two horns like a lamb, but made a noise like a dragon."
In China, a mark of shirt manufactured by Kerman Scoot Ltd, 40% polyester 60% cotton: 666.
In the United States, computer LSI (Lear Siegler, Inc.) are marked 666.
In France, a lemonade, bottling by Tresch-Alsacaves S.A. at 68110 Illzach: 666.
Some "pink messaging" have equally a phone number ending by 666.
In Orient, the paving stones of hashish carry sometimes the mark 666.
In Japan, the firm Suzuki manufactures the motor bike 666. And the publicity shows a registration plate having this number.
In Latin, 666 is pronounced: sex, sex, sex, illustrating well the perversity of our time.
A Philippine priest has been condemned of a fine in 1993 to have refused the registration plate having this number.
A priest living in Germany complained one day to the service of telecommunications that had given him a number of fax containing the number of the Beast; they changed it by another where had been inserted between two six the number 58 (giving 66586) where he recognized the year of the appearance of the Virgin Mary at Lourde, in 1858.
There exists a section of a turnpike going from Gallup (New Mexico) to Monticello (Utah) where it shows the number I-666. The residents of Utah have even constituted an association to make change this number. It is a narrow turnpike with full of curves on 300 kilometers where it occurs, apparently, several unexplained automobile accidents and also multiple assassinations.
At the great satanic feast that has taken place during ten days in February 1994 to Zurich officiated Abraxas Belzébuth, famous demonic that does not accept to rent in the great hotels if there is no bedroom number 666.
Raoul Auclair established that between the beginning of the famous Prophecy of Malachie, in 1143, year of establishment of the first Pontiff of the list, Celestin II, and the seizure by Napoleon on the States pontifical, until of which Pie IX was considered as captive, 1809, there is 666 years.
The pyramid of the Louvre is, apparently, covered with 666 panels of glass.
A gigantic computer is installed in Brussels on three floors of the administrative surface building the EEC. Itself, it is able to attribute a distinct credit card number to each inhabitant in the world. In 1993, the Dr Eldeman, analyst chief of the European Commission explained that it was realizable by using three data of six digits, 666, what confirms a very simple calculation. It is not without interest to notice that in Brussels, this computer is called "The Beast".
If we take, in the series of numbers, three successive number, for example 1, 2, 3 and that we combine them in all possible manners (three numbers can give place to six combinations) we have: 123, 132, 231, 213, 312, 321. By adding these six combinations, we obtains a sum: 1332. This sum, divided by the average number of the series (here the number 2) product 666. It would be similarly with the series: 2, 3, 4, or 3, 4, 5, or 4, 5, 6, or 5, 6, 7, etc.
R. Lafforest and J. Langlois, in their book "Signed: God", speak about the flower having three six. This horticulture flower produced by the man, named rubrum, in the family of the liliaceous, having 6 petals, 6 stamens and a green star with 6 branches clearly printed on white background.
Raoul Auclair notices that the pact Germany-Soviet has lasted 666 days, of August 23, 1939 to June 20, 1941.
Guy Tarade notices in his book "The files of strange" that if we characterize the parallel of the boreal hemisphere of our Earth not by their degrees of latitude but by locating them by their distance from the equator and that we consider furthermore the distance of this equator to the North pole with a scale of 10, then the Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church would be located on the parallel 0.666... The revelations of the Virgin Mary to sister Mary-Danielle, nicknamed "Bush of Thorn", tend to confirm that the residence of the Vatican is apparent in fact to the number 666. September 13, 1994, she says that "you have to know that the Antichrist, Maitreya, is on the earth... and it resides in the number six-six-six. Take care of this number and remind you well My words..."
The book "Satan" of the Carmelite Studies has exactly 666 pages.
In some occult sects, numbers 1, 10 and 100 represent "the unit", or the "ordinal perfection", while the number 6 represents "the union of all the apparent dualities in the reality", or "the union of the infinite with the finite". Thus in the Bavarian order of "Illuminated", created by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 two month before the United States of America obtains their independence, July 4, 1776, they had estimated that a "circle of the best influences" had to contain only 100 members and that 6 of these circles would be enough to govern the whole world if they were each directed each by a committee constituted of 10 persons. In fact, according to Stan Deyo, in his book "The Cosmic Conspiracy", the first intention of this order, that would have justified its creation, would be to establish to the planetary scale a new world wide order governed by a world wide dictatorial government. Since their foundation, this order would have taken sufficiently extension in our days at the point to have become the center of a "invisible government" with their various international ramifications which they would have succeeded to install. Still according to Deyo, if these moderm Illuminated maintain to the original concepts of Weishaupt, the structure of this "invisible government" dispersed through the whole world would have existed around 6 circles, 60 directors and 600 members: 6+60+600=666. On the other hand, Stan Deyo sees also in the seal of the "one American dollar" the sign of the Beast. This seal is composed among others by a pyramid of 13 floors with an eye appearing at the top. On the first floor of the pyramid it is registered in Roman numbers the year 1776, MDCCLXXVI, which he divides firstly in three groups, "MDC", "CLX" and "XVI", then in beneath groups, "M.DC", "C.LX" and "X.VI". By regrouping all beneath groups together, he obtains "MCX" and "DCLXVI", what represents 1110 and 666. But if we use the sexagesimal system (base 60, used in the past by the Babylonian) instead of the decimal system (basis 10) 1110 becomes 666, that is to say 1110 multiplied by 100 and divided by 60. So DCLXVI gives 666 in the decimal base and MCX also gives 666 but in the sexagesimal base.
Ozanam notices that 666 is a triangular number, formed by the sum of three other triangular numbers: 15 + 21 + 630.
Some comparisons can be made to show the existing connection between the number of the Beast, 666 (that is the triangulation of 36), and the characteristic number of the mission of the Christ, 153 (triangulation of 17). Note that in the Gospel of Luke, the verse 36 of chapter 17, does not exist. And put aside verses 1 S 17,36 and 2 K 17,36, the reference chapter 17 verses 36 never occur in any other place in the Bible. These two verses of the Old Testament highlight the combat led against the Antichrist and that only the Christ must be adored. At 2 K 17,36, the people are warned against the false gods and that they have to adore only the Lord: "You are to bow down and offer sacrifice only to Yahweh". At 1 S 17,36, it is David that told Saul that Goliath will fall between his hands "for having challenged the armies of the living God". David, a shepherd (symbolizing the "The Good Shepherd", the Christ) faces Goliath and kills him by cutting his head (symbol of the Antichrist dethroned) with a sword (symbol of the Word of God).
A cuneiform document, named "The tablet of the Essagil", today at Louvre, gives plans numbered of the zigurrat of the ancient city of Babylon. Here are the main measures: 60 60 60 the length, 60 60 60 the width in cubit sukum, and the height equal to the length and to the width (90 meters on each side). Therefore everywhere 60 60 60, reminding the number 666 of the Revelation.
Some criminals have already taken this number as signature.
The length of the diagonal of the antechamber of the Great Pyramid is 666 feet.
John-Paul Regimbal, priest, declares in his book "The Rock 'N' Roll, no 2": "Since years 1970, the pouch of the discs become increasingly explicit for the utilization of references and the esoteric, erotic and satanic symbols. So, for example, we will see the triangles reversed, the pyramids, the pentagrams, the hexagrams, the magic circles and all the plethora of the symbols of the sorcery. Furthermore, they don't hesitate to put in obviousness the nudity, the phallic and vaginal symbols, the mutant of all kinds and clearly satanic symbols such that the numbers 666 and its opposite 999, human sacrifice scenes, black masses and infernal representations."
The cards of the National Bank of Australia present the number 666.
The Office of the Compensation check for Indian banks in Bombay shows the numerical code 666.
New American credit cards now include a number starting with 666.
The "computer system Olivetti P 6060" uses numbers starting with 666.
The restorations of computer of all the United States have the number 666 surrounded by gray points.
The number 666 is printed on all the lottery tickets of Israel.
The overseas phone number of Israel is 666.
Built in 691 after J.C. by Caliph Omar, the mosque named the "Dome of the Rock of Jerusalem", located in Israel, has in its construction several remarkable geometrical structures. For example, the plan of the soil is a double square, then an octagon, surmounted of a cupola whose diameter to the ground is 66 feet 6 inches.
Rael, who created the "raelien" movement, would have received those revelations directly from Elohim. It would have given him amongst other things the real meaning of events related in the Bible. Elohim would have even forecasted that we would discover the nuclear power after that 666 generations of humans were generated and succeeded on earth since the creation. They knew hypothetically that after 666 generations of human, we would be at this precise degree of scientific development, just like we can predict that a foetus will have reached such maturation degree after weeks of pregnancy in the belly of her mother.
The atomic bomb was released on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The name of emperor of Japan in 1945 was Hiro-Hito. And, unfortunately, he was the 666th emperor of Japan! The legend says that 13.320 years before Hiro-Hito, the first Japanese emperor is born from the union between a woman "coming from the sky" and a man of the earth! As a generation corresponds to average of 20 years, we can then divide 13.320 by 20, which gives 666!
The six different coins used in Japan give 666 by adding them together: 500+100+50+10+5+1 = 666.
The former Prime Minister of the United States, Ronald Wilson Reagan, has 6 letters to each name, giving 666. He also bought a house whose number of the street was 666.
Some interesting mathematical properties: (6x6x6)+6+(6x6x6)+6+(6x6x6)+6 = 666; (1x1x1)+(2x2x2)+(3x3x3)+(4x4x4)+(5x5x5)+(6x6x6)+(5x5x5)+(4x4x4)+(3x3x3)+(2x2x2)+(1x1x1) = 666.
The sum of numbers 1 to 666 gives 222111 considered by some esoteric texts as divine or sacred since they make of it the code representation of God and the Temple.
In physics, the constant of the universal gravitation is equal to 6.66 x 10E-11 N×M²/kg².
Numerical value of Neron Kesar, the emperor Neron, in Greek. Others authors rather refer to "Caesar N(eron) god", where the eleven Greek letters ("th" is only one) in equivalent numbers give: kaisar = 20+1+10+200+1+100 = 332; N = 50; theos = 9+5+70+200 = 284. The total: 332+50+284 = 666. Neron was the sixth Caesar.
The body of Jesus on the cross was transpierced by a lance of a soldier on his side and where immediately came out blood and water (Jn 20,25). It is by the merits of this wound that, according to the Fathers of the Church, was giving divine graces to the whole of the Church. The numerical value of the word "side" in Greek is 666:
P L E U R A N 80 30 5 400 100 1 50 = 666
In Hebrew, the WWW, abbreviation of "World Wide Web" is written with the letter Hebraic waw, where its numerical value is 6, and is translated in Latin form by letters U, OU or by W. Then, the three letters WWW generate 666 in Hebrew since in this language the numbers are represented by the letters.
According to the revelations received by "Bush of Thorn" of the Virgin Mary, Maitreya would be the Antichrist, as it testifies besides the sum of the letters of his name transcribed in the Hebrew language, that is to say MAIThRIE: mem, aleph, yod, taw, resh, yod, he; 40+1+10+400+200+10+5 = 666. Another manner to write it would be in permuting the letters aleph and he, MIThRAIE, which gives the same result.
In German Maitreya is written "Maitreyas". By using the gematria A=6, B=12,... we find that Maitreyas gives 666. Similarly with the name of Himmler gives 666 by using the gematria Z=6, Y=12,... Himmler was the head of the Gestapo (SS) and was the great organizer of concentration camps aiming to exterminate the Jews.
Mireaux, in The Queen Berenice, 1951, worsens the case of the Roman Empire by proposing a decoding that implicates the ten first Roman emperors according to their Greek initials names. Then we have:
Kaîsar - Caesar: Kappa = 20 Sebastos - Auguste: Sigma = 200 Tibérios - Tibere: Tau = 300 Gaïos - Gaius: Gamma = 3 Klaudios - Claude: Kappa = 20 Nérôn - Neron: Nu = 50 Galbas - Galba, Othon, Vitellius: Gamma = 3 Ouespasianos - Vespasien: Omicron = 70 Total: 666
There is a numerologic table conceived as follows: A=6; B=12; C=18, D=24,... and so on for the next letters, with a step of 6, until: X=144, Y=150 and Z=156. With this table, we obtains some surprising results. Thus COMPUTER makes 666: 18+90+78+96+126+120+30+108 = 666. Here are some others results. Deutschland = 666, Diluvium (deluge) gives also 666, and New York = 666. We can also apply this table to the name of the software "Windows 95", conceived by the Microsoft: W(138) + I(54) + N(84) + D(24) + O(90) + W(138) + S(114) + 9 + 5 = 656. If we consider that 95 is put for 1995, it is necessary to add 1 + 9, and we obtain: 666. Similarly with the name of Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, or Gorbatchov, as writen in the most newspapers in the world: G(42) + O(90) + R(108) + B(12) + A(6) + T(120) + C(18) + H(48) + O(90) + V(132) = 666. Also the name of the reverend Sun Moon: S(114) + U(126) + N(84) + M(78) + O(90) + O(90) + N(84) = 666. They prepare in Rome the great Jubilee of the Sinai for the year 2000, whose the pope John-Paul II demonstrates a fiery desire to live until the end of the century to lead it succesfully. So JUBILE-SINAI (written in French) gives J(60) + U(126) + B(12) + I(54) + L(72) + E(30) + S(114) + I(54) + N (84) + A(6) + I(54) = 666.
By using the ASCII table, the name "christ" in lower-case letters gives 653. If we add the number of the Christ himself, that is to say 13, we obtain the number 666: c(99) + h(104) + r(114) + i(105) + s(115) + t(116) + 13 = 666. The fact of using lower-case letters instead of the capital letters to obtain this number 666 shows that it well concerns Jesus Christ, not glorified, but annihilated by our faults supporting the sins of the world. In the same way, the word "Messiah" written in Aramaic, meschîkhâ, gives 666 by adding 13: M(77) + E(69) + S(83) + C(67) + H(72) + I(73) + K(75) + H(72) + A(65) + 13 = 666.
The real name of Bill Gates, president of Microsoft, is William Henry Gates III. Today he is known under the name of Bill Gates (III), where "III" the third. By converting the letters of his name using ASCII value (lower-case letters), and by adding 3, we obtain: b(66) + i(73) + l(76) + l(76) + g(71) + a(65) + t(84) + e(69) + s(83) + 3 = 666. Furthermore, someone also says that he earns $666/minute.
In Greek, the word designating "the Tradition" is written PARADODSIS and has as numerical value 666 = 80+1+100+1+4+70+200+10+200.
The version of the MS-DOS operating system 6.21, conceived by Microsoft, gives 666 by using the ASCII table: 77+83+45+68+79+83+32 = 666.
The number 666 could have been referred to Herod Agrippa, king of the Judea. In the old Hebrew documents, the name of Herod could be written at least in two manners: Hôredôs and Hôrôdôs. In the second manner, there is three waw. As the value of letter waw is 6, the name includes then three 6. Herod is the proper name of all a dynasty of tyrants, since it is the name of Herod tells the Great; his son Herod from the second Mariam; Herod son of Cleopatra; Herod Antipas; Herod Archelaus; Herode Aggripa 1st; Herod of Chalcis; and Herod Aggrippa II, the contemporary of the great war of the Judea against Rome. When the name of Herod was spelled in Hebrew Hôrôdôs, that gave visually for the reader Hebrew H6R6D6S, the name of the three 6.
Irenee, Doctor of the Church of the 2nd century after J.-C., observed that the numerical value of "Roman" or "Latin" in Greek (Lateinos) by using the gematria of the Greek numerical alphabet, gave 666:
L A T E I N O S 30 1 300 5 10 50 70 200 = 666
And, according to Alexander Hyslop in his work "The two Babylons", the Romans go back to their origin to the god-child of the sun they called it Lateinos and this god was also identified to Saturn, that is to say "Stur" in Babylon language (the hidden god, the god of the mysteries). Considering the value of letters of the Stur, we obtain also 666: S=60, T=400, U=6, R=200.
Numerical value of "Sorath" (link of the Sun), a high angelic entity which had for mission to keep the glare of the Sun during the night and to give it back to God in the morning, according to a occult philosophy. This history reminds strangely to Lucifer whose name means "carrier of light".
Numerical value of the word ROTAS being written in Hebrew (resh, waw, taw and samekh) giving numerically: 200 + 6 + 400 + 60 = 666. This word refers to the Hebraic square ROTAS that is presented as follow:
A lot of things have been written concerning this magical square ROTAS. Let us say simply that the Latin sentence SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS, registered in a magic square of five, has been interpreted by the alchemists and the esoterists in many ways. Among others, some have seen in this sentence that translation "the ploughman with his plough or in his field directing the labours".
The sephirotic Tree of the Cabal taught us that the sum of numerical values of Aïn-Soph (166, absolute empty) and Kether (500, unity) gives 666, the Sun.
Paul-Louis Couchoud notices that this is the numerical value of the name Attis in Greek (to the accusative because to the dative we obtain 616). Attis was the companion of the Phrygian goddess Cybel whose the orgiastic cult was spread in the world Greco-Roman in 3rd century before J.-C. Attis was therefore a designated Antichrist.
Numerical value of "Vicarius Filii Deï", Vicar of the Son of God, by using some letters of the Roman numerals:
VICARIVS : V=5, I=1, C=100, I=1, V=5 112 FILII : I=1, L=50, I=1, I=1 53 DEI : D=500, I=1 501 Total: 666
The sum of 112, 53 and 501 gives 666. The Vicar of the Son of God refers to the Pope. This coding was advanced by the Protestants of the Reform.
The father Petro Bongo, canon of Bergam, demonstrated that the Antichrist was Martin Luther by using the Hebrew alphabet:
M A R T I N L U T H E R A 30 1 80 100 1 40 20 200 100 8 5 80 1 = 666
Numerical value of the words "totally without law" or "totally unjust" written in Greek, panathesmios.
Numerical value of the Hebrew word celohim, which means "I am similar to God".
The name of Hitler gives 666 if we give the value 100 to the letter A in the German alphabet, others letters following the order:
H I T L E R 107 108 119 111 104 117 = 666
Numerical value of the word Antichrist by using the following code: A=1, B=2, J=10, K=20, L=30, S=100, T=200:
A N T E C H R I S T 1 50 200 5 3 8 90 9 100 200 = 666
The name of Charles De Gaul written in Hebraic letters gives 666 as numerical value: 300+200+30+60+4+6+6+30+30 = 666.
Using Roman numbers, 666 is the value of the emperor Diocletien August who persecuted the firsts Christians:
D I o C L e s a V g V s t V s 500 1 100 50 5 5 5 = 666
The name of Mahomet written in Greek letters, Mahometis, gives 666 as numerical value:
M A O M E T I S 40 1 70 40 5 300 10 200 = 666
The word Beast in Greek letters, attein, has for numerical value 666: 1 + 300 + 300 + 5 + 10 + 50 = 666.
The baron Napier found that the sum of the words "empire Latin" written in Greek gave 666. The "empire Latin" refers to the papacy.
For John H. Alexander, the number 6 represents the man, underlining his limitations and his insufficiency. In his book, "The Apocalypse verse by verse" , he makes notice that in Greek language, 666 is expressed with Chi=600, Xi=60 and sigma=6 (CH-X-S) and that in some manuscripts the name of the Christ (Christos) appears in the shortened form CV (CH-S) where only the first and the last letter are retained. "In the number 666, it is as if one had slipped, between the two letters expressing the name of Christ in summary, a central letter symbolizing the power of the man (the numerical value of the Xi Greek is 60, that is to say 10 x 6). This letter Xi would appear therefore as a symbol of the beast and would signal its intention to pose for Christ, by giving the illusion that it is covered of its power".
In Hebrew characters 666 is obtained by letters taw for 400, resh for 200, samekh for 60 and waw for 6, which forms the word Sother or Sathor, that means exterminator.
The numerical value of "Your God" (Ex 6,7) and "The flaming sword" written in Hebrew gives each 666.
In Hebrew, the word "romiith", meaning "Roman kingdom", has 66 as numerical value: 200+6+40+10+10+400 = 666.
Constellations or lights (Gn 1,4) in Hebrew is translated by YEI, 25, MEEROTH, 641. So: 641 + 25 = 666.
Alfred Weysen notices that 666 is marked on the entry of the Temple of the Graal by the presence of the owl, bird of Athena, which in Greek is written Strigx or Xestria = 666.
The child is told in Sanskrit Baithania and according to the Hindu doctrine of Sâmkhya, the value of Baithania is 666. This number is also the symbol of the Three Fires vedic of value 6 for each.
Irenee, author of 2nd century, notices that the name of Teitan, meaning giant in Greek, contains the number 666: Teitan, 300+5+10+300+1+50 = 666. Teitan is the Chaldean form of Sheitan, name under which Satan was designated by the worshippers of the demon in the Kurdistan. The history of Teitan and his brothers is narrated by two Greek writers Hesiod and Homer. This last one says that all gods of the Tartare or from the hell were called Teitans. Hesiod says that their chief having committed a spiteful action against his father, the supreme God, with the approval of a lot others children of heaven, called them all a defamatory name, Teitans; After to have cursing them, they were precipitated into the hell and chained to the bottom of the abyss.
Numerical value of the Latin word Diclux, referring to the sentence "Dic esse lucem veram", meaning "say that I am the true light", with D=500, I=1, C=100, L=50, V=5, X=10, giving the sum 666. That constitutes in fact the opposite of the formula which is reproduced on the cross of Saint Benoit: "Crux sancta sit mihi lux, non draco sit mihi dux", meaning "that the Holy Cross be my light, and the Dragon will not be my chief.
H. Gunkel proposes to read "tehom qadmonijjah", the ancient chaos, with Hebraic letters, numbering: 400+5+6+40 plus 100+4+40+6+50+10+5 = 666.
According to the gematria of Abenesra, in the name of Jehovah, yod = 10, he = 5, waw = 6; the sum of the two first letters is 15, and the square gives 225; the sum of the first three letters is 21, and the square gives 441; So: 225 + 441 = 666.
The word apostate - meaning to abandon his religion or leaving his religious order without authorization - written in Greek, apostaths, gives as numerical value 666. In the Greek, the double letter composed of the Sigma and Tau has 6 as value: 1+80+70+6+1+300+8+200 = 666.
Ubertin De Casale, commentator rebellious and heretic of the Revelation (Apocalypse) in the 14th century, signaled in his book "Arbor vitae crucifixae", Venice, 1485, that the two Beasts of the Apocalypse were the popes Boniface VIII and Benoit XI: Benediktoz, 2 + 5 + 50 + 5 + 4 + 10 + 20 + 300 + 70 + 200 = 666.
Note the proposal of David Berman (in his book Mercury of France, 1918, p. 190) that it must incite us to skepticism: 666 means Jesus Nazarene written in Hebraic letters: Ysw Nçry.
By using the following alphanumeric code: Z=6, Y=12, X=18, ... A=156, and by applying it to the word Internet, that gives 108+78+42+132+54+78+132+42 = 666.
By using the following alphanumeric code: A=6, B=12, C=18, ... Z=156, and by applying it to the name of the French cardinal Lustiger, that gives 72+126+114+120+54+42+30+108 = 666.
The numerical value of the Pope John-Paul II, YVHNN PVLVS ShNI, gives 666 by using the gematria in 'N': 10+6+8+50+50=124, 80+6+30+6+60=182 and 300+50+10=360. So 124+182+360 = 666.
The first name and last name of Saddam Hussein, written in Hebrew, gives each 666. Saddam is written Samekh, Aleph, Daleth, Aleph, Mem: 60+1+4+1+600 = 666. Hussein is written He, Waw, Shin, Shin, He, Nun. By considering the final Nun in ordinary classification, we obtain: 5+6+300+300+5+50 = 666.
By using the gematria Z=6, Y=12, X=18, ... we discover that the dates (written in French) "DEUX MARS = 666 = TROIS MARS" (two march = 666 = three march). And by using the gematria A=6, B=12, C=18, ... we find also that the dates (written in French) SEPT MARS = 666 = ONZE MARS (seven march = 666 = eleven march).
By using the ASCII table, we find a small interesting curiosity by pairing numbers 6 and 9: 69 gives 111, 6699 gives 222, and so forth until having six numbers each, 666666999999, giving 666.
By using as correspondence table A=1, B=2, ..., J=10, K=20, L=30, ..., S=100, T=200, ..., Z=800, we find that the French word "Antechrist" (Antichrist) gives 666 and that "Vatican" gives 664. If we add 2 for Vatican II, it gives 666.
By using the ASCII table, we find that "sphinx" = 666 = "DELAI LAMA".
By using as correspondence table A=1, B=6, C=12..., we find that the French verd "Controler" (to control) and J.D. Rockefeller give both 666.
By using as correspondence table A=6, B=12, C=18..., we find that the words "mensonges" (lie), "catholique" (catholic), "US of America", "Sanctuaire" (sanctuary), exorcisme (exorcism), "moi moi moi" ("me me me") and "John Knox" give all 666. John Knox is considered as the father of the Presbyterian Church.
By using as correspondence table Z=6, Y=12, X=18..., we find that the words "papale" (papal), "Dow Jones", Kennedy, and Batman give all 666.
The number 666 is used 4 times in the Bible: 3 times in the OT and once in the NT. On the other hand, there is a contradiction from one reference to another concerning the number of sons of Adonikam.
In the OT, the sum of the occurrences of the numbers equal or higher to the greatest number written in its cardinal form, 480 (1 K 6,1), and lower or equal to the greatest number of the OT, "ten thousand times ten thousand" that is to say 100000000 (Dn 7,10), gives as a result of 666. And the sum of the occurrences of all numbers of the Bible equal or higher than 601 gives 666-1.
In the NRSV, the word "water" occurs 666 times. The water is the image of the baptism which purifies the original fault. The word "Law" occurs 666-1 times in the Bible of Jerusalem.
Last modification: December 19, 1998
162 Comments for Number 666 Symbolism, 666 Meaning and Numerology
Comment on Number 666 Symbolism, 666 Meaning and Numerology
666 English Gematria
by John - 4/16/10 7:10 AMLatest of 24 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:666 English Gematria
by The Gnostic - 2/20/19 2:01 PMRE: 666 English Gematria
by Anonymous - 3/17/19 1:13 AMRE: 666 English Gematria
by Anonymous - 5/25/19 11:30 PMRE: 666 English Gematria
by Oh - 5/25/19 11:57 PMRE:666 English Gematria
by Anonymous - 3/10/22 2:16 PMRE:666 English Gematria
by Alan - 5/12/23 2:02 PMRE: 666 English Gematria
by Physis - 1/30/25 5:16 PMRead 17 more replies
how will born again servive 666 tracks
by Kimeze - 11/02/20 7:56 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
by cms72 - 6/05/20 3:00 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
D to the bloody A
by Anonymous - 9/19/11 4:43 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: D to the bloody A
by Alyce - 3/01/20 5:08 PMspelling mistake
by brother in christ....+++ - 1/12/12 1:22 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: spelling mistake
by Alyce - 3/01/20 4:52 PMI love jesus
by Alyce - 3/01/20 4:25 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
I might be the antichrist
by Ian - 11/14/14 8:50 PMLatest of 4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: I might be the antichrist
by Anonymous - 3/01/20 4:21 PMRead 3 more replies
by good insight - 1/12/20 12:18 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Jesus = 666
by Nintaka Tuyo - 9/26/19 10:50 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
Prince Harry of Wales
by Nibzeh - 8/01/16 6:09 AMLatest of 3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:Prince Harry of Wales
by Dean Homewood - 9/15/19 1:19 AMRead 2 more replies
by Oh - 5/25/19 11:50 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 666
by Anonymous - 5/25/19 11:51 PM666
by brother in christ....+++ - 2/01/12 12:11 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 666
by Oh - 5/25/19 12:34 AMRead 1 more reply
by 666 - 3/07/19 8:16 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 666
by Anonymous - 5/06/19 5:05 PMErdogan?
by Anonymous - 4/25/16 3:43 AMLatest of 4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Erdogan?
by Anonymous - 5/06/19 4:50 PMRead 3 more replies
RE: 666
by Oh - 5/06/19 3:49 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
by Oh - 3/17/19 1:11 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
by Oh - 11/29/18 8:06 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: 666
by Anonymous - 1/24/19 2:12 PMopinon
by world earth planet - 11/14/16 4:46 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: opinon
by Anonymous - 11/29/18 9:07 AMISIS, Daesh
by Caracicatriz - 5/10/16 9:45 AM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: ISIS, Daesh
by Anonymous - 11/29/18 9:02 AMEnglish Gematria
by Anonymous - 4/16/10 7:12 AMLatest of 6 Replies: Post a Reply
RE:English Gematria
by John - 8/28/17 4:28 PMRE:English Gematria
by Oh - 11/29/18 8:57 AMRead 4 more replies
by Anonymous - 11/29/18 8:31 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
by Jess - 4/26/18 1:53 PMLatest of 2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 666
by Anonymous - 11/29/18 8:19 AMRead 1 more reply
Why they relate with Bible????. The word computer gives that number, and all peoples are using it. How peoples protect themselves???.
by Anonymous - 4/17/18 12:37 PM1 Reply: Post a Reply
RE: Why they relate with Bible????. The word computer gives that number, and all peoples are using it. How peoples protect themselves???.
by Anonymous - 11/29/18 8:15 the 216th ( 6 x 6 x 6 ) Comment and my name = 666
by David Allender 666 - 10/14/18 3:22 PMNo Replies Post a Reply
by Emmanuel amaoh - 9/15/18 9:46 AMNo Replies Post a Reply