Properties of the number 666







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162 Comments for Number 666 Symbolism, 666 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 666 Symbolism, 666 Meaning and Numerology

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666 English Gematria

by John - 4/16/10 7:10 AM
A=06 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 G=42 H=48 I=54 J=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W=138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156

Digital ID Chip=666

Bio Implant=666

E-Identity = 666

Mark of Beast=666

Satan's RFID = 666

RFID Body Tag = 666

RFID Scanner = 666

Image of Satan=666

Satanic Mark=666

Satan Cult = 666

Satanic magick = 666

Satan's Seal = 666

Zodiac Wheel = 666 Wiccan pagans = 666

Papal State = 666 Vatican Hill=666 Fatima Miracle=666

Islamic Lies = 666 Sharia Laws=666






Mondex Chip=666



Receive a mark=666

Sheol Devil=666

End Time Alien=666 (Aliens are really fallen angels)

Gray Aliens=666


... more...

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RE:666 English Gematria

by The Gnostic - 2/20/19 2:01 PM
You forget a big one in the list. It's Demonic = 666. It says it all.

RE: 666 English Gematria

by Anonymous - 3/17/19 1:13 AM
Y'all don't have a clue !!!

RE: 666 English Gematria

by Anonymous - 5/25/19 11:30 PM
Don't you fine it strange that any gematria can not add up the ANTICHRIST as 666

RE: 666 English Gematria

by Oh - 5/25/19 11:57 PM
Antichrist antichrists does not add up to 666> i Jesus=666
JESUS=74×9=666 Rev 22 v 16 look

RE:666 English Gematria

by Anonymous - 3/10/22 2:16 PM
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RE:666 English Gematria

by Alan - 5/12/23 2:02 PM
YHWH Beast = 666

The name Yahweh was introduced to Christianity by the Pope in 1966 with printing of The Jerusalem Bible.

Prior to that, Bibles used the Name Jehovah (Hebrew YeHoVaH).

Ask God “In front of Your Throne Almighty God, do I need to repent for using the name Yahweh?”

Then ask God “In Front of Your Throne Almighty God, do I have a spirit of Baal?”

Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!

RE: 666 English Gematria

by Physis - 1/30/25 5:16 PM
Adolf Hitler = 666
Elon Musk = 666

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how will born again servive 666 tracks

by Kimeze - 11/02/20 7:56 AM
devil has powers

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by cms72 - 6/05/20 3:00 AM
(1x10) + (2x300) + (3x4) + (4x1) + (5x8) = 666

(1x50) + (2x5) + (3x90) + (4x9) + (5x60) = 666

(1×9) + (2×7) + (3×50) + (4×1) + (5×3) + (6×9) + (7×60) = 666

1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E, 6=F, 7=G, 8=H, 9=I,
10=J, 20=K, 30=L, 40=M, 50=N, 60=O, 70=P, 80=Q, 90=R,
100=S, 200=T, 300=U, 400=V, 500=W, 600=X, 700=Y, 800=Z

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D to the bloody A

by Anonymous - 9/19/11 4:43 AM
i have no idea why so many people think 666 or 6 is such a bad number!!!???....john d rockefelers net worth is 666 billion, king solomon recived 666 gold bars yearly as gifts, the carbon atom that makes up all living things on earth has "6" electrons surrounding the proton/neutron...its just mans number...

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RE: D to the bloody A

by Alyce - 3/01/20 5:08 PM
Sixth was name of serpent in garden who caused man to sin. 666 is in the bible . It is number of the beast. If you take his number you go to hell when u die . That is why

spelling mistake

by brother in christ....+++ - 1/12/12 1:22 PM
thats should've spelt may

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RE: spelling mistake

by Alyce - 3/01/20 4:52 PM
Mary magdalene is not a female christ. Jesus is christ. Dont put anyone else in his spot

I love jesus

by Alyce - 3/01/20 4:25 PM
I hear them say worship the beast all the time and it sounds like there are people in my attic. Sometimes they have the voices of my relatives. I think facebook has something to do with it and the eye of horus. They never stop talking they have been talking to me for years now. They showed me that virtual reality games are part of the plan. I saw my nephews head cut off and he made a radio tower...I heard dont go into the game. 2 yes later he got ran over by a guy named mario

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I might be the antichrist

by Ian - 11/14/14 8:50 PM
my birth day was August 31 of 1985. August is the only month that has six letters in it. Also the 31st was on a Saturday which is related to the planet Saturn and is the sixth day of the week. My sign of the zodiac is Virgo which is the sixth sign of the zodiac. also the number 8 sideways is a satanic symbol. Also take 31 and reverse the number you will get 13 which is a satanic symbol. I have also been possessed on a number of occasions by a very powerful demon after playing on a Ouija board and they told me to worship Satan. I remember that this horrible odor followed me around the house. When I was laying in bed they began to control my hands than all of a sudden I began to perform enochian, that's what they called it. It was very scary because they used hand symbols to control the possession. when my finger was pointed at my belly I felt pressure on my belly and than it felt like fire rising through my abdomen. I am dead serious. My mom doesn't believe me because she thought that it was a dream that I... more...

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RE: I might be the antichrist

by Anonymous - 3/01/20 4:21 PM
I went to dunkin donuts recently. My order # was 666. Also my food stamp card had 666 in a row on it. I hear voices in the attic. When it first started they spoke backwards

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by good insight - 1/12/20 12:18 AM
666= world of shadow or illuion (depth-width-height)
created by world of triple darkness 999

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Jesus = 666

by Nintaka Tuyo - 9/26/19 10:50 AM
If we simply number alphabet 1 to 26, then we use the name jesus, we get 10,5,19,21,19 = 74. When we then multiply by 9, we get 666.

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Prince Harry of Wales

by Nibzeh - 8/01/16 6:09 AM
It's Harry if yall didn't noticed:

Harry Mountbatten Windsor = 666 (Hebrew Gematria)
Harry Spencer = 666 (Hebrew Gematria)
Prince Henry Albert David = 666 (Hebrew Gematria)
Prince Charles of Wales = 666 (Numerical Standard Gematria)

Harry A David = 666 (English Gematria)
Henry A David = 666 (English Gematria)
King Harry = 666 (English Gematria)
King Henry = 666 (English Gematria)

Henry Charles Albert David = 234 (+Mirror) = 666 (Simple Gematria)
Henry Mountbatten = 432 (+Mirror) = 666 (Hebrew Gematria)
Prince Harry = 135 (+Mirror) = 666 (Simple Gematria)

Harry = 216 (6x6x6) (Hebrew Gematria)
Prince Harry of Wales = 216 (6x6x6) (Simple Gematria)

King Henry Charles Albert D Spencer Mountbatten W. of Wales the Ninth = 666 (Simple Gematria)

Prince Henry Albert David Mountbatten, the Beast of Revelation = 666

And thats not even allt the numbers that connects him.. here's more:

“Antichrist” = 1841
“Harry Spencer” = 1841 (Both in Greek Isopsephy)

Revelation... more...

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RE:Prince Harry of Wales

by Dean Homewood - 9/15/19 1:19 AM
I believe this man Prince Harry is Satan the man without a face. The Jesus Christ antichrist that all Christians churches praise specially the Catholic Churches.

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by Oh - 5/25/19 11:50 PM
Anti Christ or anarchists does not equal 666 in any gematria don't you think that's telling us something????

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RE: 666

by Anonymous - 5/25/19 11:51 PM
Antichrists does not add up to 666


by brother in christ....+++ - 2/01/12 12:11 PM
666 is still one of gods sacred numbers. going back to what i've said previously ....when you see this number its our HEAVENLY CREATOR getting you to think about something or warning you about something

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RE: 666

by Oh - 5/25/19 12:34 AM
1 Peter 3 v 4 but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible=666 simple English ordinal wake up people!!!!

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by 666 - 3/07/19 8:16 PM
It means the devil everyone

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RE: 666

by Anonymous - 5/06/19 5:05 PM
Then what are going to do with this 1 Tim 3 v 15 which is the church of the living God , the pillar and ground of the truth =666 a1b2c3 etc.


by Anonymous - 4/25/16 3:43 AM
Recep Erdogan = 111 in standard gematria, 666 in English gematria.
Recep = 47, Tayyip = 96, Erdogan = 64
The number of his name is therefore: 479664

4+7+9+6+6+4 = 36 (666)
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is 18 letters (6+6+6)

Satan’s gematria is in Hebrew 359 (Shin (300), Tet (9), Nun (50))
In English: 330
In Jewish: 232
In Standard gematria: 55

Since the Beast is empowered by Satan we multiply The Beast number with Satan’s, which the bible tells us is 666. 359 is Satan’s original number since it is in Hebrew.

359x666 = 23 90 94 (2+3+9+0+9+4 = 27)
23+90+94 = 207
Recep Tayyip Erdogans full standard gematria is 207.

479664 x 330 = 158289120
1+5+8+2+8+9+1+2+0 = 36, the same as the number of his name.

479664 x 232 = 111282048 (111 = Recep Erdogan in standard gem.)
1+1+1+2+8+2+0+4+8 = 27 (999; coming back to this)

479664 x 55 = 26381520
2+6+3+8+1+5+2+0 = 27

27+27 = 54: (Nachash (Serpent) in standard gem and the year of his birth.
27 is 999; 999+999 = 1998
1998 / 3 (names) = 666

The number of his... more...

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RE: Erdogan?

by Anonymous - 5/06/19 4:50 PM
But who destroyed or overcome 666 us Christian by faith in Jesus Christ he is a man

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RE: 666

by Oh - 5/06/19 3:49 PM
Jesus became sin 666 how do you think he overcame it and got the victory over him that had power over death Satan> Jesus was made a curse=66 for us The strength of sin is the law 1 cor 15 v 56 read

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by Oh - 3/17/19 1:11 AM
Rev 22 I Jesus=83=wisdom=83 in English ordinal
Here is=6 letters
Wisdom=6 "
Let him=6 "

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by Oh - 11/29/18 8:06 AM
Jesus our imperfection =261 the word of reconciliation 261 six is imperfection Jesus became >sin =42 4+2=6 but did not sin That we might be made the righteousness of God in him (Jesus)

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RE: 666

by Anonymous - 1/24/19 2:12 PM
Rev 22 v 16 I Jesus
JESUS=74 9x74=666


by world earth planet - 11/14/16 4:46 AM
either way don't worship the devil ???

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RE: opinon

by Anonymous - 11/29/18 9:07 AM
Jesus is a man

ISIS, Daesh

by Caracicatriz - 5/10/16 9:45 AM
JESUS = 74 and consists of 5 letters.

74 / 5 = 14.8 or 148

JESUS referred to himself as the MORNINGSTAR.

Morningstar = 148 in simple gematria.

JESUS = 444 in english gematria.

444 / 5 = 88.8; 888 being the number of Jesus in Greek Isopsephy.

LUCIFER is 74 also and 444.

ISIS: The group is also known as DAESH (داعش‎ dāʿish, IPA: [ˈdaːʕiʃ]), which is an acronym derived from its Arabic name ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām ("Islamic State in Iraq and Syria"

Daesh in Jewish Gematria Equals: 108
Daesh in English Gematria Equals: 222
Daesh in Simple Gematria Equals: 37

Daesh is 5 letters:

108 / 5 = 21.6 or 216 (6 x 6 x 6)

222 (Antichrist-chapter) / 5 = 44.4 or 444 = LUCIFER

37 / 5 = 7.4 or 74 = LUCIFER


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RE: ISIS, Daesh

by Anonymous - 11/29/18 9:02 AM
Yep jesus74 defeated lucifer74 the word Lucifer can be changed to lucifer's but Jesus is the same jesus'

English Gematria

by Anonymous - 4/16/10 7:12 AM
To learn more about English Gematria and 666 go to the google search engine and use the following keywords:

"Point Prophetic" or "666 calculator" or "666calculator channel You tube"

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RE:English Gematria

by John - 8/28/17 4:28 PM
My last name comes up with the fitst 3 numbers of my ss#. Is there significance to that. I wonder?

RE:English Gematria

by Oh - 11/29/18 8:57 AM
English=74 break down eng=26=God Lish=48=Son

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by Anonymous - 11/29/18 8:31 AM
Try figuring up things using simple English ordinal then it will make sense

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by Jess - 4/26/18 1:53 PM
Me too my friend got the curse of 666 and I might have too stop the curse but I don’t know how!so that’s what brung me here

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RE: 666

by Anonymous - 11/29/18 8:19 AM
Jesus was made a curse=66 for you and us to take away our sin now we are blessed=66

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Why they relate with Bible????. The word computer gives that number, and all peoples are using it. How peoples protect themselves???.

by Anonymous - 4/17/18 12:37 PM
It is already written in the Bible. At the end times such dirty spirit will rise. But the only True, Powerful, Holy and King of Kings is Jesus Christ, the son of God!!!!. He was died for all humankind just to clean them from their sins. But he broke the yolk of death and raised. He is a bread of life and the way of life. All things under the sun will be passed. But He is Alpha and Omega.

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RE: Why they relate with Bible????. The word computer gives that number, and all peoples are using it. How peoples protect themselves???.

by Anonymous - 11/29/18 8:15 AM
That's right he became sin to take away our> sin =42 4+2=6 and abolished death for us Galatians 3 v 13 the 216th ( 6 x 6 x 6 ) Comment and my name = 666

by David Allender 666 - 10/14/18 3:22 PM
Thanks for the ultimate proof that 666 is adored by leaders around the globe while they brainwash everyone else to think its evil! For the ultimate proof about this and how 666 is the number of the long awaited end times king, the Al-Mahdi, come on over to the Goyim Gazette issue #119.

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by Emmanuel amaoh - 9/15/18 9:46 AM

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