Properties of the number 777







Last modification: December 19, 1998

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1040 Comments for Number 777 Symbolism, 777 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 777 Symbolism, 777 Meaning and Numerology

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by Oba - 1/26/25 12:10 AM

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by Anonymous - 11/14/24 12:03 PM
777 --> 7 + 7 + 7 = 3 X 7 = 21.
Notice: Though 7+7+7=21, the number of 7's are 3. Hence, multiplication of digits of 37 (21), which is multiplied by 37 to get 777.

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My Name, *777*

by Matthew.Michael.Jackson - 5/01/15 5:41 AM
My name is Matthew Michael Jackson. 777. Was brought up Roman Catholic, but never was confirmed. Don't feel religious, at all. With that being said, I've always been curious about Numerology as well as numbers in General. I was born 11/13. I see 11:13 at least once (sometimes 2x) a day.

I could have been dead literally 3+ times. I always saved myself. Feel very lucky. I almost died on 12-12-12.

Please someone who knows more, what am I here for? I feel I have to be here for a reason, despite my lack of spirituality. I have no children (yet) and have never been married.

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RE:My Name, *777*

by Llewellyn Walters - 6/08/21 7:21 PM

RE:My Name, *777*

by Anthony Leonard mugnano - 4/03/22 1:53 PM
My name is 777 born 09-10-88 I have a very strong need to learn all I can of religion though I do not claim to be a religious person when I go places where it is said to be haunted or people claim to have see angels both myself and the witnesses experience nothing until I leave I find this to be strange I've only had one experience when I was much younger more insight would be very helpful.

RE: My Name, *777*

by 77.04.07 - 4/10/24 2:53 AM
We all have certain individual purposes on earth as well as 1 purpose we all share and that is to serve God and tell people about Jesus.
Jesus hates religion, Jesus loves Relationships. Turn towards Jesus and you will find your unique reason and purpose. Their is no other way to get your answer except for this...Turn towards God and work on having an intimate relationship with Him. May God bless You and enjoy finding your answers In Him!

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Numerical meaning of my birthday 7/21/77

by S.S - 12/04/23 4:08 PM
Is there any significance to this? I feel there are. There is one other personal factor concerning my birth. Thank you

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777 and 616

by MANEESH AKA PERFORMANCE ARTIST Bodhisattva Maitreya - 10/10/22 5:03 PM
So to keep this short, i was born 9 1 1978 @6:16pm and in astro my sun moon and mercury ( the usual order in getting ones birth chart done ) is 777

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RE: 777 and 616

by Anonymous - 11/26/23 6:10 PM
I haven't had anything worked out as relevant as yours, but I was born 9 27 1978 @12:06am, or rather at 00:06

777 so

by Anonymous - 3/10/22 7:52 AM
I was born on 7th at 7:47am. Sometimes I think I get these streaks of good luck and bad. I do feel like I have a bit of discernment with things. In December of 2019 when I heard about the outbreak of the virus I had this deep knowing of what was going to come. No one believed me at first, everyone thought I was too paranoid. Also, I’ve had a lot of dreams come to past; like short periods of actually memories of an event in my life that later comes. Like years before I even think about the event or situation. I’ve seen my boyfriend and his family, and also the places we go in the future. I believe that God gave me this gift and i don’t think it’s anything like I can predict the next huge event but within my life I’ve seen it. I thank God for the three 7s in my birthday because they make me feel like I was planned and I am protected. I see white baby feathers everywhere I go and in my backyard… which we have only black birds in our tree. They are still amazing to see nest up there. Anyways I wanted to share with my fellow 777 people lol. Have an amazing day!!

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birth date and name

by Lynette Michele Dickson - 2/12/22 1:44 PM
born 7 th month last day 1958 7777 meaning ?

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My porpouse

by William Charles dempsey - 12/18/21 1:39 PM
I'm wondering what is my purpose and what is the meaning behind it my name is 777 and I was born at 1:10pm July 18th 1990 mixed Sun and Moon

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im the one whos seen the angel

by kristian - 1/28/14 3:27 PM
I was born on the 21 of July 1978 three 7s-21 July the seventh month and 7 in 1978 I write this message for you people for Jesus is near god is near the kingdom is near I'm here to do work and it will begin soon this is not a joke I was given the gift to write you this message take heed for the time is near I'm not a nut just a man given authority to pass this message

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RE: im the one whos seen the angel

by Anonymous - 4/17/21 11:32 PM
Yes I agree 7-7-74 my birthday born 1024 am=7there more to but the man point is we are now in the end of times believe me or not my heart and the lord no!I have dreamed of the end I have dreamed of Jesus as well !please stay away from the vac cine I truly believe it will change your dna and soon if you don’t have it you won’t be able to buy or sell!I am no better then no one but I do trust in my lord he said to have wisdom in these times the Bible speaks of these days people are already being persicuted and killed for the lord they are trying to bring in a new world order people will be lovers of theyselfs and so on there is so much deception and evil !have faith and no who your lord is is for God is love the devil is her to kill lie and destroy !I do believe there is a bond between the 777 people and the lord meny of us have dreamed of the lord or felt him within us !this world is a dark play we are being played like puppets bye the elites and illuminate!they get richer and the poor get poorer!population control and artificial intelligence is there agenda !look up agenda 21 chem trails we are being poisoned in are foods water and so much more please read your bibles !and ask for decernment!May we keep are faith and stand for the lord !

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by Pasco - 10/02/19 5:49 PM
My Birthday is 3-7-77. I'm born in the Philippines My surname is Pasco which means Christmas in English.

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RE: 777

by Th. - 4/15/21 9:36 AM
I was born the third of July of 1977 as you


by archangel - 12/12/08 7:38 AM
Hello all.
I also have a great concern regarding the number 777. The one thing that comes to mind is since the number of the beast is 666 which refers to THE antichrist,that means this particular person will be sent by Satan himself. Where as the numbers 777 also could refer to the Archangels. Particular one Archangel who will be sent down by God & the Queen Mary to do battle with this antichrist. I had seen a few vision about this. One of the Archangels was sent down , no more wings, he was stripped of his wings and all his gifts, He will be on earth rejected by all same as his `lord was on earth a mere man. But has been empowered by God to battle with the antichrist, who will very powerful & rich on earth , The archangel will not be so well off, as this is the plan of God. In another vision i had seen the Seven Lamps of God, Then i saw only 6 of the Archs' standing before the Throne of God , one was missing in the middle, This angel i believe is none other than St Gabriel the archangel. You see if the... more...

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RE: 777

by Anonymous - 5/30/17 8:51 PM
Lil David 1-6-1989 if you think I'm needed in anyway or feel close to me or feel I might be of some type of help idk if I can change anything but like to think I could be of service to some or all call me plz... thank you and I bless you all 😉


by Michael Sherwin - 1/14/18 9:55 PM
So many people claiming to be the incarnation of Michael the great prince. I'm not claiming that I am. But I do have a lifetime of clues that all indicate that I am. I just think it is all very strange and I wonder how the clues could be so consistent. Anyway, recently I was caught up in the Sept 23rd, 2017 sign of the woman and its connection to Michael TGP. Really believing that some higher power is trying to convince me that I am Michael TGP I decided to check Stellarium on my birthdate to see if there is a possible connection between my birthdate and the sign of the woman on Sept 23rd, 2017. My birthdate was 7/27/1957. And when I looked in Stellarium, 7/27/1957 was obviously the birth sign of Michael TGP. You will just have to look in Stellarium if you want to see for yourself!

RE: 777;1111

by DARRELL JOE AMOS 777 - 2/04/18 12:07 AM
Im darrell joe amos i have the zeal of God, a zeal of God is what 777 means if u ask him u shall recieve...See..Through ...Im one my brothers welcome to the end of are time i think im the one to fullfill the word by beaten satan and ,maken Jesus Christ path back straight to fullfill the word profiteable


by Anonymous - 7/08/18 8:54 PM
I am an Aquarius, Life Path 11, Soul Urge 22. A few months ago the 777 appeared in my mind when meditating, and appeared as if it was written in flame. Please contact me through: nacmonk


by Anonymous - 1/14/19 2:03 PM
I am Christopher, my cousin is Michael we were born in February of 1975 a few days apart from each other. I have 777 in the palm of my rite hand I'm not sure about Michael. I have visions as well. They are not pleasant. I believe I will be sent back or stay here for one purpose. To wage war.i am a protector of men and a son of GOD. Thanks, here's a pic.


by Christopher Neal Hardy - 1/14/19 2:12 PM
I am Christopher, my cousin is Michael we were born in February of 1975 a few days apart from each other. I have 777 in the palm of my rite hand I'm not sure about Michael. I have visions as well. They are not pleasant. I believe I will be sent back or stay here for one purpose. To wage war.i am a protector of men and a son of GOD. Thanks, here's a pic.i also am aquarius but I'm a cusp baby sometimes a Pisces.

RE: 777

by Anonymous - 12/04/19 9:28 PM
Maybe you need some Prozac!


by Michael Phillip Kivinen - 3/21/20 1:58 AM
Your all in the last generation it started in 1957 all those born from then on are the last generations you mock you scorn you understand not GOD and his commands of GOD but you all be dealt with on the DAY of Judgement separated those that are GODS children and those who followed Satan and did not know at least we will not have to put up with any you Satan loving Evil whores in the end once for all eternity tested you are all and most have failed and will give up the HOLY Ghost and to roast and no longer boast being the most unto yourselves most of you already the walking dead and don't even know it, and ignorance was your master with no wisdom no logic no understanding sad indeed to be lost without hope and without GOD when you stumble and fall rich in evil poor in spirit forevermore, none like Daniel none like David but GOD will settle the score for all. MPK


by Anonimo - 5/30/20 6:53 AM
Yo nací 01/05/1977 en el 2004 tuve una embolia pulmonar estuve 40 minutos muertos tuve una experiencia y volví hace un año empecé a tener sueños visiones y enseñanzas todos los días veo 777

RE: 777

by Matthew - 3/27/21 2:53 PM
My bridegroom second law is mike the archangel.. The stairway on right side of orion rigle area made versions of mike, sometimes his bones come near me but I know the companions a-z most of them. Mile flew to earth in 2015. Everyone knows he fought everyone including the woman.. He wrote songs of Solomon to his love Matthew the first witness of revelations chapter 11.

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born 777

by Naomi Palmer - 8/31/17 3:13 PM
Born 7 11 73. weight 7lbs, 7 ounces. Head circ 21"

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RE: born 777

by Anonymous - 3/22/21 12:27 AM
Hello Naomi, I never thought in a million years that I would see someone who was born just like me. I just wrote a Christian Memoir book about my life growing up from birth as a 777 baby. I was born in the 7th month weighed 7 pounds & 7ozs (July 18th 1964) My book is very powerful you will not be able to put it down. The number 7 follows me wherever I go, my book is so unbelievable that even millions of Christians will not believe the testimony that God has favored and picked me as a chosen one to experience what I have been through. My life was filled with Supernatural Blessings, Miracles, and Mysteries, that only God could have done. I have spoken to Angels, I was teleported from the highway in a blizzard Snow Storm,I don't want to say to much more, you will just have to read the book. my book is filled with story, after story, after story. I am 56 years old, and growing as a filthy rich kid, the Lord had my life planned like no other human being on Earth. Hopefully my book will be out this year or the beginning of next year. They will be making a hollywood big screen motion picture movie about my life story. Stay tuned, and God Bless: Eddie

a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by Leslie G. Mathis - 9/03/12 12:44 PM
am searching for this meaning of 777 on me

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RE: a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by B.C.,i:III-7 - 11/26/12 6:20 PM
My lifes meaning had always been the 777.. feel free to contact me. It is time, and I have answers.

RE: a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by Anonymous - 2/18/21 11:52 AM
My name is dawn rene whaley 4+4+6=21 777 !I was born 7-7-1974 777 also the year I was born 1+9+7+4=21 777 I was also born on Sunday at 10.24 am 1+0+2+4=7 I have two children my son was born on the 21 same day as his father !and my first niece also my fathers full name adds up to 14 letters !there is more I just can’t think of it now I have always loved the lord and I believe he gave his only begotten son for are sins!he has been there when I had no one else !im not perfect I am a sinner but I do have a conscience and I’try to be a good kind hearted person most of the time people take my kindness for weekness I have also have had dreams of Jesus and him showing me things also I have had dreams of what seemed to be the end of times !im no better then no one but I do believe 7 has a meaning to a lot of peoples life’s and god is a big part of it

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Birthday numbers

by Juan - 8/25/20 7:30 AM
I was born in July 7 1972
I have 3 7ns on my Birthday
I am 48 now divorce 2 times
I am broke living in Los angeles sense like I am always
Doing for others bat forgetting about my self ????

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by Zen - 8/13/20 6:05 AM
My birthdate is 7/16/1987= 7+7+7. What does that mean?

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Tammuz 17 Rapture

by Bruce Kessler - 6/17/20 9:43 AM
Send me your E mail address I will send you my teaching on the rapture on Tammuz 17 on 7/7/20 to match your 777 numerology

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by Kevin - 5/15/20 6:19 AM
Michael James Staudinger

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by Nik - 3/29/20 7:36 PM
I walked by the Bible heard 777! I am on the right path I know that it’s such a blessing to finally be me!

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777 and me

by Elizabeth - 1/21/19 11:34 PM
I was born on 7/7/1942....1942 breaks down to the numbers of my birthdate are 777. Next year I wil be 77 on 7th of 7th. What is the relevance of this on my life?

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RE: 777 and me

by steven James Enriquez - 3/25/20 11:01 AM
hello? im july 16 1996
how are you?

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im july 16 1996

by steven James Enriquez - 3/25/20 10:55 AM
i am 777, love, light, and length to your lifes during this time we live .

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What does this mean for me?

by Kimberly Cree - 8/12/19 8:42 PM
In my social security number the number 777 appears consecutively. What does this mean?

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RE:What does this mean for me?

by niC0ras - 2/14/20 12:16 AM
.hell 0.

There is not too much to be found on the net upon 777.
i have experienced this curious number over many years numerologically of my own, and its purpose still keeps revealing to me.

To illustrate, what i mean, i will give you a few examples of what i found. My gematria [art of transcribing words into numbers] is based on the ancient hebrew alphabet.

• SON = 7+70+700 = 777

• SUReTh [spirit of SOL]
= 60+6+200+400 = 666
• NeKIAL [intelligence of SOL]
= 50+20+10+1+30 = 111
666+111 = 777

• MICHAeL [who is alike god]
= 40+10+20+5+1+30 = 106
• RAPhAeL [healing of god]
= 200+1+80+1+30 = 312
• ShaTaN [pursuer, accuser]
= 300+9+50 = 359
106+312+359 = 777

• AUR ADUM [red light]
= 1+6+200 + 1+4+6+40 = 258
• AUR TzaCh [white light]
= 1+6+200 ÷ 90+8 = 305
• RUaCh [spirit]
= 200+6+8 = 214
258+305+214 = 777

• ALoHIM [creator(s), god]
= 1+30+5+10+40 = 86
• HaSheMIM [the heavens]
= 5+300+40+10+40 = 395
• HaAReTz [the earth]
= 5+1+200+90 = 296
86+395+296 = 777
This last one are the three "things" in creation as given in genesis 1. 1. :
"in the beginning GOD created THE HEAVENS and THE EARTH"


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by Anonymous - 2/10/20 8:28 AM
I was born 07.07.1987. Almost everyday i see 13:37 on the clock. What does it mean?

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My credit rating went to 777 day later an irritating odd £5 in counting money ended up £555

by Danny - 1/25/20 9:09 AM
Is this combination of interest???

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by Tiny Sidebottom - 1/14/20 7:13 AM
My birthday is 2/17/1977 I have three sevens in my birthday and they all add up to 7 .. I have had a spiritual awakening well going through one
. so your thoights on this ..i feel like god is tryong to tell me somethimg .mi also have akwats felt a connecyiom to god

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by Kristian Acoba Ramos - 1/08/20 11:37 AM
Hi My Birthday is Dec 3 97 all is 777 i have a dream from last couple of months that appears like black three digits appearing white 777 like calendar it feels like i have a task like a clerk and someone shouted in a happy woman voice saying Amen!

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