Properties of the number 9






Last modification: December 19, 1998

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682 Comments for Number 9 Symbolism, 9 Meaning and Numerology

Comment on Number 9 Symbolism, 9 Meaning and Numerology

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September = 9

by Amy - 2/11/18 7:37 PM
I'm researching a criminal case about a little girl who was murdered in the early morning hours of 9/15/93. Everything about the case screams sacrifice, but I can't find anything significant about this date. Can anyone decipher the significance of this date? Thank you.

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RE:September = 9

by Naomi Howard - 4/25/22 6:18 PM
Ezra 9, Numbers 11 Psalms 93. The verses for person.

RE:September = 9

by Naomi Howard - 4/25/22 6:19 PM
Psalm 9:12

RE:September = 9

by Naomi Howard - 4/25/22 6:20 PM
Psalm 9, Psalm 11, Psalm 93 Truth is in the numbers.

RE: September = 9

by Anonymous - 4/05/23 2:37 PM
I see the Tesla 3-6-9 in that date [in reverse, that is.]
9/6/3 [the digital root]

RE: September = 9

by Anonymous - 5/19/23 7:46 PM
27=999 or 666 upside down

RE: September = 9

by Anonymous - 6/28/24 2:49 AM
Location of event?

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Nov 18 1999

by Karolina - 3/08/20 12:21 AM
I was born November {11} 18, 1999 the number 9 is very important to me, I never really knew why but I’ve always seen that number everywhere ever since I was small. I never imagined it had so many different significant meanings though. It is all very interesting. Today is March 9, 2020 and it is a full moon, very beautiful

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RE: Nov 18 1999

by Anonymous - 6/28/24 2:48 AM
Keep learning it is relevant in feeling aware.

The number nine is indivisible

by Chris Kokkinakos - 11/14/22 12:24 AM
It's fascinating that the number 9 * 9 in any multiple of 9 will become nine! Absolutely fascinating this number is mind-boggling and intriguing

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Tara - I am sent to you

by 117 - 11/02/22 10:49 PM
Tara, I am the one sent to you for guidance. I am the one who holds that which cannot be held. I have caused much grief and joy. I have shown much mercy but given merciless judgement on the one given to it. I have been sent to you as a god made child in all humility with a lowly heart. I am that I am, but I shall surely heed your words as I have been instructed.. if you will reach out to me. My email is geminii117

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sooo... help?

by zoe - 1/11/10 7:25 AM
i had a horrible dream the other night.. which i dont care to share the details, but when it started, a woman tattoo'd a white 9 on my upper forehead.... meaning???

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RE: sooo... help?

by Helix - 1/24/10 12:20 PM
You must not fear this women of the number 9 please if you can share the details of this fream with me i have answers.

RE: sooo... help?

by Anonymous - 3/03/10 11:32 AM
You can change the world, it is the most beautiful melody, I am sure Tara knows, from Paul

RE: sooo... help?

by Anonymous - 11/02/22 10:24 PM
Tara.. I am the one sent to you for guidance. I am the one that has caused you and many much grief. I have been told I need you so I now seek you in humility. please consider reaching out to me at geminii117

Forgive me. The blood is on my hands and I only am to blame.. I am given choices that are impossible, yet maybe you can show me different.

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Sign of the beast.....666

by PalaeoParky - 5/14/14 12:51 PM
6+6+6 = 18

1 + 8 = 9

The "devil" merely represents our lower consciousness or carnal mind.

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RE:Sign of the beast.....666

by Anonymous - 9/02/21 5:03 PM
That may be true, however, when people perceive a significance to numbers, it may be significant to you to know what it means to them.

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Adding to the list of 9

by Love - 1/28/20 6:17 PM
In the Edgar Cayce readings/work, there is a fair amount of focus given to a past, pre history Egyptian cycle that Edgar's guidance stated was one of the most momentous periods/cycles that the world has ever known.

Apparently Edgar's Spirit, in the form of a Soul who incarnated with the name of Ra Ta then around this 10 500 B.C. time period, played a critical/central role in that cycle as a spiritual teacher and holistic healer type. Anyways, he became a leader/facilitator in that life as the high priest, and corrupt forces/elements did not like all the changes he was enacting, so they set him up in a Machiavellian like scheme/plot, which he ended up falling for.

He was banished from Egypt for 9 years by the Pharaoh. Originally permanently, but as Egypt came to be in dire straits, many called for his return due to his unusual psychic/intuitive abilities and skills at harmonious leadership. When he came back, aged and decrepit by all the stress he had been through, he went through almost a 7 year... more...

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Death and the number 9

by James king - 12/21/19 2:08 PM
My mother passed away on her 60th birthday. Feb. 9th 2016. Exactly 9 months before my 36th birthday Nov 9th. Add the year together equals 9. Add 3 +6 of my number of years equals 9. Lots of nines. Is there any meaning or even superstition about this

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All is 9

by Anonymous - 8/07/18 12:12 AM

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RE: All is 9

by Anonymous - 9/27/19 9:43 AM

9 is everything to me

by Dong Gu Lim - 8/26/19 6:39 AM
I was born 09/10/1991. My full name is 9 letters long... What could this mean?

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Number of prayers

by Andrea - 6/30/19 7:23 PM
Nine were the number of days Enos prayed in the book of Mormon

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Significance of 9

by Tiern - 2/02/19 9:09 PM
There are 9 " principles " or " laws" listed as a sort of commandments so to speak listed in the Satanic bible

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by zsolt - 8/19/18 5:12 AM
123=6 / 543=3 | 6:123-456-789 | 123-456-789 | 123-456-789
456=6 / 219=3 | 3:543-219-876 | 219-876-543 | 876-543-219
789=6 / 876=3 | """ """ """ | """ """ """ | """ """ """
""" """ 666 666 666 | 333 333 333 | 999 999 999
369 639

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RE: repair

by Isaac - 11/24/18 10:01 PM
I dont know what all your numbers mean, i wish you could explain it. It looks rational, and eye opening

Phenomenal the no.9 I•AM born August 27th

by Aswad - 10/21/18 5:00 AM
The 9 is me I represent it 2 the fullest n um thinkful of its essences. I•AM

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Phenomenal the no.9

by Aswad - 10/21/18 4:56 AM
The 9 is me I represent it 2 the fullest n um thinkful of its essences. I•AM

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147-258-369 ; 123-456-789 - the magnificence of 369

by Sarkany Zsolt - 8/19/18 5:01 AM
ex:123=6 / 543=3 | 6: 123-456-789 | 123-456-789 | 123-456-789
456=6 / 219=3 | 3: 543-219-876 | 219-876-543 | 876-543-219
789=6 / 876=3 | """ """ """ | """ """ """ | """ """ """
""" """ | 666 666 666 | 333 333 333 | 999 999 999
369 639 | | |
| | | _____________________________________________________________________


123/543 159/516 186/579 114/552 222/444 339/336 《 258/417 》
456/219 483/273 429/246 447/228 555/111 663/993 《 582/174 》
789/876 726/849 753/813 771/885 888/777 996/669 《 825/741 》



126/549 153/513 189/576 117/558 225/441 333/333 《 369/396 》
459/216 486/279 423/243 441/225 558/117 666/999 《 693/963 》
783/873 729/846 756/819 774/882 882/774 999/666 《 936/639... more...

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by KathyEtollie - 8/15/18 2:00 AM
Nine, nine, nine nine nine
(Nye nye nye nye nye)

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My Biblical Testament Head of a King

by Robert D. Walsh - 7/16/18 12:03 PM
My antique head of a Biblical Testament King has NINE pairs of the image of the tablets of the Ten Commandments carved in to the band of his crown.

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My nunbers

by hambone - 6/25/18 8:06 PM
I was born 11-17-62 =90 1962=18 or 9+9 my full name is 18 letters= 9+9 My last address was 1999 I was born at 11:25 = 9 in Scotland would be 6:25 or 13 here in the US so whatever I like nine three and six they are not evil it is the intention behind something that makes it evil or good. Numbers are tools to be used for good or bad kinda like fire or a hammer. I,m 55 and I just found this I must say it would have been useful early in my life but it may have pulled me to the dark side. Which it can do, don't be deceived these numbers are powerful

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add it up

by Anonymous - 6/25/18 7:40 PM
Add the numbers and it is 27 which is three times nine

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Meaning of 9?

by Chante - 6/10/18 2:26 AM
Hi my Life path number is Three and I was born 6 of September 1995' = 3-6-9? My twin Brother died at birth for me to survive.

Yesterday and the day before I had eagle and Thunder signs of synchronicity and today 99999 - 44 - 22 -1010? Research shows regarding Aztecs symbolism resonates between nines and the eagle and thunder of Zeus etc? Any advice?

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birth on January 9

by Josef - 4/26/18 7:19 PM
the Number has so much to say bot, what would you say for people who are born on the 9th, or on the 9th of January 1977? thank you

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The Number 9

by Rick - 10/03/10 8:35 AM
Take the alphabet A=9 B=18 C=27 D=36 ETC.... Just keep adding 9 to each letter. Take each letter of your first name find the number add them all up and divide it by 9. Same with your middle name and then your last name. Creepy Hah....Add up But Don't divide them (you can but you'll see what I'm getting at) Jesus, Cross, Jewish, Lucifer, Gospel, Messiah, Muhammad, English, London, Satans, and Fruit.....Now what do you think???????? Possible accident????? Pretty exact science. What do you think? Are there more?? Now using this numbering system, Evil, Tree, Sex, Blood, and Son all equal 432. Strange????? Hades and Hell equal 333 together 666. God and Allah are 234. Z is also 234. I would like to know what you think about this.

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RE:The Number 9

by T - 2/06/18 6:04 PM
One more thing, your website title.. "riding the beast"
is that I reference to something like "bull riding"
its always puzzled me why grown men chose to try to ride a bull, the damn bull seems smarter than the men. now place a woman upon the bull and maybe she would get to ride a while. never try to go against the laws of nature, youll end up with something that has no soul , cloning ?? ok yet you cant create the very essence of a human, the very thing that satan is hoping to gain, that is the ultimate game now isn't it. who gets your soul.
that tells me that a persons soul is very very valuable, in numbers what number would you calculate it to be worth.. a number is not a dollar amount a number is just something used to keep the order of people places and things . if a person is deemed number 1 and another number 9 is one less valuable than the other, or are numbers then just something invented by man himself to give a greater value to one person, place or thing than he gives another. motivation? the... more...

RE:The Number 9

by Anonymous - 4/25/18 1:43 AM
When you read revelation #9 makes sense...only if you believed in the bible right? Or is this the end of times?

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Seeing 9’s in Everything I Do! Lol

by Andrea - 1/20/18 6:38 PM
As I commented on another’s post, I’m seeing 9’s in Everything I do! I’m very blessed with a Gift from God , and it’s been “Given to Give “!!!!! Period, and never worked for myself. Lol! The past 9 months my life has been totally turned upside down, broke down, remolded, with the Faith of God! Like there was a shake down. Lol!
I’ve never been married, no children, own my own (by a thread )by Gods Mercy, I’ve been blessed for the past 17 years this month to of surrender my free will! Which is a 9 , I’ve been celibate the same amount of time as well. Lol. Yep! Another 9 Always wake up at 3:33am, like clockwork, my grocery bill exactly $45, lol.
I’ve always put Everyone before myself for the past 22 years, which is also my life path number. The humility in my life since my accident on 11.16 , my car totaled, I got the ticket 180. fine, which is a 9. My insurance company, lol another story. It’s all happening for a... more...

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RE: Seeing 9’s in Everything I Do! Lol

by Sky - 4/12/18 11:43 PM
Your answer is coming. For now just embrace Love.

April 9, 1999

by April Marie - 2/27/18 4:57 AM
What do you think

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