10 Comments for 1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

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1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

by Anonymous - 2/21/11 5:16 PM
I had a near fatal bike crash on 2/11/2000. Past few years I have been seeing this number on clocks, cell phones, either that or 9:11, like every day, hating it because they both reminds me of impending doom. Lately, though, I've been seeing a lot of 11:11, a few 7:11, 10:11. On 1/4/11, I was reading through Ephesians, the 1st chapter. I memorized a particular verse for no apparent reason, wrote it down, and threw it on the table beside me, where the sunlight shone on it. I later realized it was Ephesians 1:11!! and here it was the beginning of'11, 2011! A definite epiphany for me. But what do I know? nothing. I'm still trying to figure out what it all means

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RE: 1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

by Barbs - 2/21/11 5:53 PM
Think people, what do we all have in common with these number? 9:11 ohhh thats rite we all know its from God so we ALL are looking for answers. What does God most want ohh yeh for people to seek him. So a fact here is that we are ALL seeking him. But how cool is it that God is using clocks, tv, and internet to show simple numbers to wake us up to him lol i bet it would have made things so much easier in biblical times if God could use tec to get his message accross lol

RE: 1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

by Anonymous - 2/23/11 1:39 AM
The three 1's (111) represent THE UNITY OF GOD. The words BE LIGHT is 7/11. The 9/11 incident is also 7/11 because September means 7. The number 2/11 is 2x11 is 22 the number of paths on the Tree Of Life. The numbers 11:11 is the time in which the 4th world age sets and the fifth world age begins. All of this is about the CREATORS TIME. There is only one source of all these numbers is God.
One must learn numbers from a spiritual perspective not just the physical aspect of numbers.


MY ANSWER from God

by Barbs - 2/28/11 4:16 PM
as you all know i have been suffering with the 911 which is realy just"11" because 9+1+1=2. God led me to do the following:-
1997 =8 26
1998 =9 27
1999 =10 aka 1 28
?????????? ?????? ”Where did “29” go!! and where did “1” go”???
2000 =2 2
2001 =3 3
Answer perhaps is that 29 is 11 who is also a 1 and a 2 in disguise. 10 is also 1 therefore 11 contains all three numbers within its entire self! Is this what God meant when he referred to himself as One but 3 different aspects of One?

29 or is it 11 pretending to be 29??. 29 divided by 2 = 14.5 rite so looking at it divided looks like this:-
Notice the ‘1’s vertically are 11 and my 10s end up being a 2s who are also the roman numeralII?
sheesh!! Im pondering .

I have never taken maths so im sorry to all those who are smart but all this came from God inspiring me to look at it as a number who seems to be able to hold everything together yet sometimes be invisable unless you look for it or him. i truly feel that 11 is the missing part or our number system and its Gods number for how he make everything run. 1,II,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1 0 see how when i remove 0 and turn 2 into a roman numberal i have 11:11 starting at 9/1I who is 11 and also 10 becuase we know that even tho 0 represents 10 it is not 10 becuase 0 is not a number only 1 is. lol im confused.


by Barbs - 2/28/11 4:58 PM
Now look again
2 9 1 2
II 9 1 II 9+1is 10 (remember 0 is not a number) so the answer is below

11 is the bridge that connects 10 back to 1. look at what I have just said there without the 0!.

In my opinion 9 is the end but 11 is that starting again at 1 when we look at it like this 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1 it looks (yes its 911) effortless and flowing through naturally as if 0 who represents “Nothing” has always been “Something”! 11 is the begging of something that never ends but flows thro each phase as part of a natural cycle.

RE: 1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

by Anonymous - 3/01/11 12:26 AM
11 is light as in L/3/i/9/g/7/h/8/t/2 adds to 29/11. 11 is the symbolism of God's light which is in every number/sacred light code.

11x1=11 right through to 9x11=99 and 99+11 is 110/11. 0 symbolically represents God so 110 would BE God's Light.


RE:1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

by Karen - 4/21/12 11:27 PM
Its happening to me too... unless its happening to you you dont understand.

RE: 1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

by 123 - 7/28/12 6:26 PM

RE: 1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

by Cassandra - 6/09/20 11:03 PM
If you began seeing 11 after a nearly fatal accident, it is a very strong sign that you survived because you have an important higher purpose.

I know it's 9 years later to reply to you but hopefully others who had this experience will see this. ????

RE:1:11, 2:11, 9:11, 11:11

by Anonymous - 10/17/23 3:06 PM
Just my thoughts because to me many many have it so wrong .. find the light that shines in you keep it safe and love it from within you will begin to glow

We are all beacons lost waiting to be found not by THE ONE because we are ONE

When you read who's voice do you hear
We make our own reality and once upon a time that reality for everyone was love and light with this, we as ONE achieved many things

Look to ancient times where nothing legible written down how we ponder these amazing things now with all our technology we still can't quite fathom it out

Our power tricked into worship of external false idols whom know by doing so we reap what we sew

I can't change the world on my own ? But if its true that we all go back to ONE because we are one . Maybe that's why we are always told one man/person can't change the world

One voice one mind one vibration with the fullest intention is all it takes

But wouldn't it be great if we all went deep inside to find Our Light

Nothing is greater than one . You want to use the word God fine but 1st understand once we were all God's under one sun , now we are mere sons under one God

This might sound bonkers but I've never been happier since the day I died

Have you ever noticed the most broken of people are the kindest and shine the brightest

Perhaps a reason a lama will spend many weeks in retreat in almost pitch black

In the true darkness and vastness that's between the two temples of your mind and beyond can only really find your light
Still your beating heart calm the kaos of life's white noise and tune into the Oneness of your duality and become one with the universe Be At One

Just my thoughts ONE love Sisters and Brothers

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