I have seen and still see the number 107 cars licenses, hotel #s etc frequently when I see this number 107, i start seeing it more frequently and usually I end up getting some money. I was told that 107 adds up to a single digit 8 which is supposed to be a money number
I see the same . I seem to see those 3 numbers in any configuration in an uncanny frequency .
I an trying to document this on a Facebook page I call "107 Anomaly".
Please add ant experiences you my encounter there and then together we can all try and solve this mystery
RE: 107
by Anonymous - 2/08/12 11:18 PM
I also have seen this number my whole life. My address growing up, my address when I got married...daughter's kindergarten bus # etc. it's the time on the clock when I check. It is very strange. Also, I've learned not to mention it to people because of the way they look at me!
by Iceman107 - 9/13/15 9:36 AM
The number 107 has haunted me my entire life, I am 56.
I hadn't actually become aware of it until some time in my 20's. It had probably occurred before that but I wasn't receptive or observant enough to 'catch on' until then.
On the average I'd say it occurs at least twice a week...and sometimes as much as 2-4 times a day!
There is no rhyme or reason as far as I can ascertain. It's not a 'play the lottery' kind of thing.
The earliest recollection is that the very house directly across the street from my house was the address of 107. My address was 110. There was no 108, thus 107 being directly across from my house. Not sure why the numeric addresses were screwed up. But like I said, I never realized 107 was involved in my life that early on until I connected the dots in my 20's or even 30's!
It will show up in every situation. Numbers on buses, Nascars (I hate Nascar), statistics in the news, apartment numbers on TV shows, etc...everything and ANYTHING!
While it is a bit maddening at times, I've tried to embrace it and even chuckle now when it pops up!
I don't know why God is taunting me with this but he does like to put people through tests for some reason that only he finds funny! lol
So as I said I embrace it and even use it with passwords and the like or usernames, etc...
I've tried to find a qualified numerologist in my area...to no avail.
The one interesting (though not likely relevant) thing associated with 107 is that the lady who lived at the 107 address directly across the street from my family home would occasionally do a strip tease. I was only around 8 years old at the time and may have been doing it for my dad's benefit for some reason I don't know. Of course mom was aware of it and not too happy as you might imagine. lol. I remember one particular episode (because the folks wouldn't allow me to be exposed to more than that) where she was right behind her screen door on a summer's day and seductively stripped down to her girdle and bra before I was told to close the curtains She was a fetching lady in her early-mid 30's and whether or not she had a husband or if he knew of her performances I don't know. But that is the ONLY thing of real interest as the number 107 has played in my life.
So if anyone can shed some light on this number and why it continues to haunt me through my life I would be most appreciative.
by Iceman107 - 9/13/15 9:43 AM
Wow! I can't believe others have the same experience with this number that I do!
Contact me if you can shed some light or maybe we can form a club. lol
by bigbill - 10/18/16 8:38 AM
my boot camp # was 107 sister company was 108. this # has followed me all my life im now 79 also the #17 has been coming into the picture of late????????
RE: 107
by Jones - 11/05/16 12:58 PM
It is the 28th prime number. 28 is often associated with wealth.
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by jeff - 5/25/11 8:12 PM6 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 107
by Farpoint107 - 8/21/11 9:05 AMRE: 107
by Anonymous - 2/08/12 11:18 PMRE:107
by Iceman107 - 9/13/15 9:36 AMRE:107
by Iceman107 - 9/13/15 9:43 AMRE:107
by bigbill - 10/18/16 8:38 AMRE: 107
by Jones - 11/05/16 12:58 PMRead all 46 comments »
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