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by alex - 7/22/15 9:05 PM
I would say I have an interesting relationship with the number 117 and I think this is the best place to maybe discover and share what this number means to me and perhaps to all of you. This is my story...

My whole life has revolved around this number. I have many examples of this number being relevant in my life but the most solid ones are that I was born 7 pounds 11 ounces, last 3 digits of my driver license are 117, favorite video game character (HALO) IS #117, MY BIRTHDAY adds up to 117, and on. It is obvious that this would be my favorite number. Now, up until this year, this number didn't hold much significance besides that it was a common number that popped up on a weekly basis, and that it was my favorite number.

So at the beginning of this year, 2013, I was a hardcore atheist, very scientific, and did not believe too much into spirituality, besides having a strong appreciation for the beauty of nature and its mysteriousness. Little did I know I was on my way to a spiritual crash course. Fast forward a few months and I quit my job to do something I enjoy. Shortly afterward I bestowed upon some very life changing information. I came across some crop circle video on YouTube that made a very strong case that these crop circles are real communications from beyond our planet. This then lead me to more videos discovering the truths of ancient civilizations, sacred geometry, the universe, spirituality, etc. These revelations SHOCKED me and left me with an open mind due that my old beliefs had been shattered by a little bit of truth. Truths that are just NOW being rediscovered that have been kept hidden for thousands of years.

This is where it gets interesting. After beginning my search down the rabbit hole, I happen to have been fortunate enough to come across some DMT. For those that don’t know, DMT is known as one of the most powerful psychedelic compounds and is often described as a total loss of connection to external reality and experiences of encountering indescribable spirits/aliens are common. DMT is also found in almost every living organism, and is released from your brain when you’re born, when you die, and slightly when you’re dreaming. Within about a week’s time I had 3 separate DMT experiences, each of which were very different, yet each just as breathtaking and life changing as the last. But the last trip I remember clear as day. It started with the normal visual trip like the rest but I was more excited than scared this time around so I was able to completely let go. At some point there is a pressure in my head, then a warming sensation on the back of my neck, and BOOM! I’m gone! I left my body and was no longer physical, but more of a source of energy/light. Suddenly I am in a realm that is glowing pure orange/red energy and before me is a majestic, beautiful, breath-taking Phoenix shaped perfectly within a sphere that was exploding with bursts of electricity and energy. This Phoenix had the tips of its wings touching a single point together, holding what I felt as my soul while I was simultaneously experiencing this from a second perspective outside the sphere. The most beautiful part of the experience was in that moment, I had a complete feeling of gratitude, love, joy, happiness, perfection, ecstasy, and purpose towards all things, especially toward the phoenix who I felt was responsible for this amazing experience.

This is where it all comes together. Since that DMT experience, life has not been the same. I am most certainly convinced that there is a link between spirituality and the number 117. Ever since that day, I started daily meditation and 117 began showing up more and more. It seemed as if the number was getting more aggressive the more I learned; showing up more often in even more bizarre circumstances. It is so frequent that it has been MULTIPLE times a day EVERYDAY for the past few MONTHS. It even started affecting the people I am closest to, and began showing up in their lives as I shared my new found wisdom with them. It is so frequent that It is really hard to believe that there IS’NT something out there (or within) making this number appear. I believe, not because I must or ought to, but because it would be ignorant to disregard these miracles sent from the universe as mere coincidence. I feel as if the chances of seeing this number, this often, in the ways I do, are equivalent to me hitting the lottery while being struck by lightning. I personally think it is what we would call angels to be responsible for such miracles. Could the phoenix have been an angel touching my soul?

I discovered that is 117 is a universal symbol that represents an ENLIGHTENMENT of TRUTH and SPIRITUALITY. This cannot be more evident than the fact that we are now in the Age of Aquarius which is representative of such changes in humanity. Examples of symbolism:
•117 Symbolism:
o 11 is a master number related to the sign of Aquarius and represents raising spiritual awareness and transformation
o 7 is the perfect number, representing heaven
o 1 represents a new beginning and infinite possibilities
•Symbolic architectures featuring 117, with 11 being below 7, representing humanity’s ACSENSION to PERFECTION in this time of TRANSFORMATION
o Statue of Liberty: stands on 11 pointed star wearing a 7 pointed crown
o Pyramid of Giza: ratio of length and height 11:7
•Element 117 completed periodic table, and expanded boundaries of the material world (beginning/end)
•7x8x9x10x11=7920 diameter of earth in miles (beginning/end)
•117 carp scales on dragon; dragon and phoenix are same mythical creature
o Dragons represent truth and the phoenix represents a new time or rebirth
•Code of 9 (everything/nothing)
o 1+1+7=9
o 11+7=18 1+8=9
o 1+17=18 1+8=9
o 71+1=72 7+2=9
•Psalm 117
o Smallest psalm in exact middle of largest Bible (beginning/ middle/ end)
•The number 117 is used 1 time in the Bible.
•The number 20 is used 117 times in the Bible.
•The word Sabbath is used 117 times in the OT.
•1-1-7 emergency number in Philippines

Decide the TRUTH for yourself!
From Asleep, to Awake, be Aware, to Activate!

3 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 117...

by Anonymous - 2/09/22 11:02 AM
how is your life now?

RE: 117...

by Anonymous - 12/29/24 10:21 AM
Oh love love love
117 is my entire life I get all that you are saying plus more

RE: 117...

by Anonymous - 1/02/25 8:53 PM
Making hotel reservations online for motel 6 in LA from camp Verde AZ when I clicked the confirmation key a news window popped up showing a 5.5 Earthquake in LA. I called it the Judge Judie quake because she got under her desk during filming. Room 117 on the bottom floor was my room directly across the driveway from oil pipelines. There was a jeep Cherokee parked in a space at an angle overlapping the stripes on both sides. It never moved until our last night. We had a Pug named Bubba who looked at me and barked, I immediately knew something ain't right outside. Walking out of room 117 the car that replaced the jeep was a hatchback type, the owner was backed in with hatchback open working out of the back of it. He closed up the part where the spare is when walked up and fave him my card. -TorchOfGod card. He had a rechargeable battery in his hand, the type in a telephone handset. I immediately thought of explosives, the battery is last component. A west coast 9/11 blowing up the petroleum pipelines across the driveway was the target. I took Bubbab across the driveway and sat on the pipelines so I could keep an eye out between our vehicles. At that time his partner signals abort from an up stairs room, then came down with some luggage, the both hopped in the car and left. I called the police bomb squad and reported it, but was taken to a over night hold at the hospital. Inn morning I found myself in a room with 6 Dr's. I asked all of them if they heard of the Phoenix Lights and they all said no. 17 years earlier I prayed to God to make nuclear weapons obsolete while burning 7 cu ft of magnesium shavings Phoenix South Mountain Lookout. Poured 3 big cups of cuddled rain water on the burning magnesium and only ashes were left. 7 firetrucks came up and 911 call center was flooded with calls. 1980 20 years later 2 insiders told David Wilcock that all the warheads in USA & USSR were made radioactively inert, and the misses wouldn't even fly a straight trajectory anymore. That was 1990 no nukes since. Same time in a Oregon dry lake bed a crop circle showed up. Tip of iceberg since I opened door of #Rev3_7 on #Road777 a crop circle #AncientKey777 john17_21 @Instagram

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