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by Rachael - 7/21/16 6:07 PM
Well I finally got enough courage to look into researching if anyone else has had this happen to them and ran into this site.I read some other things but most were in regards to numerology, terro etc.Being a Christain I really dont want to mess with things like that. Anyhow my experience of seeing the numbers on a clock 1:23pm 11:23,12:23 etc, who knows how many times I saw this numbers before I finally realized it and more than realizing the actual #s it was the uneasy feeling that came with it, kind of like dread.I began to get so worried because it happened so many times that I knew It had to mean something but what?? I told my husband what I was experiening and my mom because honestly I had NO idea what to do or why it was happening everyday for almost a year and it was causing anxiety. Well a year and a half or so after i began seeing the 123s, in 2001 my little brother who was 14 years old at the time died in a car accident. When we went to the mortuary my mom yelled at me to look at his death certificate and there it was again but backwards his estimate time of death was at 3:21am. After that day It stopped I was not really seeing the #s anymore and if I did I did not have the feeling I had prior. So I assumed it was a warning, which to this day bothers me to think that I somehow could have done something and my brother would still be here. Today I finally decided to look into what these #s 123 could mean because in the last few months im seeing them again all the time.Reading many things today about this topic I realized maybe it had less to do with my brother passing but more of a warning to choice I was making.Looking back I was definitely at a major cross road in my life at that time I saw the numbers and I went through a tough road after my brothers accident of losing faith in God and myself and went through years of addiction and homelessness and most of all time lost with my beautiful children. I may be wrong but its intersting that today I find myself in a major crossroad. I am 38 and I finally got clean 9 years ago and a just got a Degree in Social work to help others. I feel like i am going through major life transitions AGAIN. I am of course not 100% sure about this theory but it sure beats the other one! I do find it comforting that others see the 123s and nothing bad happens So maybe it is about taking things a step at a time and making better choices for your life. I sure wish I could get the answer to this in a black and white form because it sure would relieve alot of anxiety about why its happening again.

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RE: 123's

by Anonymous - 8/30/16 2:50 PM
Im also a Christian , and ok ha e been experiencing rhwse numbers also. My daughter also said she has a friend that is exoeriwncing rhese numbers also, and her friend is a Christian. I think it mught have something ro so qirh Gid!

RE: 123's

by Anonymous - 2/23/19 6:22 PM
I think it means that you are drifting away from God and he wants you to follow him in everything you do. Including the choices your make.


by David - 3/11/19 2:26 PM
I had a similar experience long ago... i woke up at 1:23 AM, three different times, within a short span of time... That nhmber appears 3 times in the Bible... It simply means to guide you to focus on living a good life...


by Giamo - 7/23/19 6:54 PM
Happens to me all the time, especially recently. See 1:23 and 12:34 consistently, often multiple times a day. I work nights so I really do see these numbers QUITE frequently as I’m usually awake at both the a.m. and p.m. times. It’s not just clocks though, I see these two combinations of numbers everywhere. Not completely satisfied with the explanations I’ve found regarding ‘angel numbers ‘ etc... I feel like there’s got to be more to it?


by Lisa - 8/30/21 1:54 PM
Curious to know if perhaps all the people who see 123 are apart of the 144,000..

RE: 123's

by Anonymous - 6/25/22 7:17 PM
I also have the 123 angel/ protector along with 351 direct line with RH neg bloodline of god and 738 which 738 is dimensions on the cross of Jesus Christ each point is like 6x 123 & so on. I am at a point in life , this time, that we need a higher purpose! Wife, mother, grandmother achieved but you feel there is more, more to learn, to do. We have protesters eager and waiting for the precise time to help us through the process. It will be hard, most things worth it are. It’s an amazing time in history to be alive and you were chosen to witness this biblical time in history. I lost my baby brother to lung cancer and it devastated me. It was his soul contract. His choice, and I think of him needing to be that computer warrior now bc we are in a cyber information war. All outlets are ok all can be used for good or evil. I can recommend you go on telegram to Tarot by Janine, a longtime truther, Ismael Perez will tell you about you and where we come from and our souls. May you find love and peace.

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