I have the same problem with others, the number 19 has been appearing to me every once in a while....whenever I check the time there's always 19, cashier no. In a store, day, page number, street, song countdown.....everywhere. I'm actually confused with it, I don't know if it has a meaning and if I should do something related to it. Please help.....thanks!!
jan 9.. 1/9/12 will be a magor attack on cali... get guns bows n arrows and be ready to problaim christ is risen
RE: 19 everywhere
by Anonymous - 1/08/19 9:06 AM
Crazy California fires 11/09/2018
RE: 19 everywhere
by Anonymous - 5/27/22 11:41 AM
Constantly for me. My entire adult life. Always shows up on receipts and during time to make payments .. 9:19 always.
RE: 19 everywhere
by Terri klinke - 9/24/24 8:51 PM
I also have experienced this my whole life !!! Felt like I was the only one!!
RE:19 everywhere
by Terri klinke - 9/24/24 8:54 PM
I experience the intensity of this number repeatedly every single day!! I can wake up in the middle of the night and it’s always 19 minutes after the hour!! I feel like it’s demanding my attention!!
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19 everywhere
by Mar - 8/07/11 1:54 AM5 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 19 everywhere
by Anonymous - 10/27/11 11:19 AMRE: 19 everywhere
by Anonymous - 1/08/19 9:06 AMRE: 19 everywhere
by Anonymous - 5/27/22 11:41 AMRE: 19 everywhere
by Terri klinke - 9/24/24 8:51 PMRE:19 everywhere
by Terri klinke - 9/24/24 8:54 PMRead all 152 comments »
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