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39 everywhere

by Geoff - 9/12/12 9:24 AM
About 10 years ago, when I was in high school, I saw the number 39 everywhere, I mean everywhere... There's absolutely no way it was a coincidence, or something I was creating in my own mind. I saw 39 so many times, in so many places, that it was just insane. I even started pointing it out to a friend every time I saw it, and he started to believe me, and was freaked out by it as well. This went on for a quite a few years, maybe 4 or 5. One day it just stopped without me realizing. Now I haven't seen 39 in about 10 years, but still to this day I wonder what it was all about. I felt like it was seriously a message from the universe, but I had no way to translate it. I don't believe in any human written religion, or superstitions. So, it can't be blamed on an obsession, or fascination with anything of that sort. Now I'm not sure if I fulfilled the message, or didn't catch the drift and it passed me by. The fact that a bunch of other people see it as well kind of shocks me.. This has to mean something. I wonder what we all have in common, if anything? I was born in March, it started when I was 13 or 14 years old, no religious connections, I have a mathematical mind, from USA.. There has to be some kind of link. Let me know if anyone sees a connection. Thanks

26 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 39 everywhere

by Ethan Gilliam - 9/14/12 9:34 PM
i find your situation interesting because i am 15 and i used to see 39 everywhere as well. it started when i was around 12-13 and stopped almost instantaneously when i met a girl that i like, but you can read my thread for that story. anyways, i think there might be a connection between your age and the occurrence of the number 39. like you i have looked in every place i possibly could for a reason or some kind of hidden message related to current or pass events in my life, unfortunately I've only been able to dig up all that you are a lucky person or you have a bright future crap. so maybe there is a connection and i have yet to figure it out. its been roughly 1 year since the occurrences stopped but i have a feeling i haven't seen the last of them. i hope i helped or at least gave you something to go off of, and if you find anything let me know cause its driving me insane.

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 2/12/13 10:48 PM
I see the number 1039 everywhere. I mean I see 9:39,10:39,11:39,etc it bothers me. everytime it happens I'm either stressed or depressed. Now this had been happening for at least 10 years. I'm really confused by it. Can anyone help me.. Haha thanks

RE:39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 10/29/13 3:57 PM
I see several connections here and I see the number 39 everywhere! I was born April second, my astrological sign is Aries, I have a mathematical mind, USA, started when I was 13 and still to this day hasn't stopped, & I go to church and believe in God

RE: 39 everywhere

by andreea - 12/14/13 11:06 PM
Hi, I just read that you were born on 2nd of April...I was born on the 2nd of June..We are both ruled by number 2

RE:39 everywhere

by Peyton Hoover - 1/25/15 2:53 PM
I continuously see the number 39 everywhere, and I have for years. I am 16 years old, born on February 13th (A dividend of 39), and I see 39 in the Time, Temperature, Battery Percent, Money, and any place where numbers can be found. I have also discovered that my Girlfriend's favorite number is 39!!!

RE:39 everywhere

by Peyton Hoover - 1/25/15 2:55 PM
Just as I posted my last comment, I noticed that there is a button that says "Read all 93 Comments"

What's the mirror of 93??? 39!!!

RE:39 everywhere

by ramiro perez - 4/17/15 11:04 AM
I'm always seeing the numbers 5, 17 and 22. I was born on 2/17/68. My oldest daughter was born on 2/22/88 and my other daughter is born on 4/17/98, i only have two children. As u can see 5+17=22. Also 2x17=34x2=68 the year of my birth 68 divide by 4=17 my daughters BD(4/17), ok now the 39 the LORD keeps pointing to Joseph (GEN 37) Joseph had a dream of greatness at the age 17 but was hated by his own brothers that he was tossed in a pit and then sold to slavery under the Grace of GOD(5), 22 yrs later his dream came true. Thus making him 39 yrs of age. So again 5=grace 17=overcomer/complete victory 22=the end as in endtimes as for the 39 which the Lord sent to me this past birhtday He sent me three 39's at exactly 1700 hours which is 5pm again 17+5=22 3 represents the Holy Trinity and 9 represents judgement/Gods wrath so my opinion is that the Lord has something store for all of u who see the 39 so accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior n u will find your answer God Bless each of you

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 6/18/15 9:06 PM
Means you are 😊 me and I am 😊 you we are 😊 GOD one GOD

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 6/18/15 9:10 PM
This means you are 😊 special and GOD and JUSUS loves you we are 😊 all one in GOD

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 6/18/15 9:22 PM
One with GOD if you relly think about numbers they can teach you

RE:39 everywhere

by a friend - 1/21/16 4:53 AM
Anytime you have an experience like this it generally refers to destiny or astrological forces (the power of star configurations) affecting your life at that time.

Believe it or not its extremely scientific. There is nothing spiritual that isn't science. This is one of the basic but great truths that our civilization on Earth is in denial of. In the future this will change!

Today pits religion against science. Both have glaring flaws in today's time - this is another discussion.

Generally its going to refer to events or people that are/were important to you during or right after the period that you see this number pattern strongly.

I'm going to tell you something, but you will have to prove it to yourself;

There is no such thing as coincidence. Someday people will realize this. The key is not to so over or under emphasize any occurance in your life that you drive yourself nuts! :)

Life on earth is DESIGNED to have ups and downs to maintain the balance of reality here. It is not a coincidence that everything here lives and dies; exists and then seems not to exist.

As far as 39 is concerned, its an extreme number. It can be taken in a good/evil context, but also in the sense of 'important' or 'memorable'. Its rarely referring to an ordinary event.

I would suggest that you think about what was going on in your life when this happened or right after and this will shed some light on things. The reason it stopped is harder for me to say, I would be guessing. It could be that you gave up trying to figure it out or that it was stressing you out too much etc.

Or... more likely - it could mean that the time to learn/do whatever it was referring to is over. In this case all you could do is try to understand what did happen rather than what will - at least for now.

RE:39 everywhere

by ankit sharma .. - 4/20/16 1:52 PM
When i ws. In class 8ttth. For tht tym i nnotisd. Tht 39 iis a numbr which i faund evvry where

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 10/03/16 4:24 PM
I see it as well

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 10/15/16 11:02 PM
At age 13 you saw 3 x 13 = 39
Meaning: 3 trinity
12 encompasses apostles
12 months
39 the harmony or conclusion of it all
39 means Amen! Meaning it will be done,

You wrote this post 12 years ago.
You said 10 years meaning 13.
You are 36 around this age. In 3 years you will find out what Amen ment

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 6/18/17 5:17 AM
I have to ask are you in Colorado?

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 8/30/17 10:05 PM
I have the same thing I keep seeing 39 for more than 6 months and I'm scarry

RE:39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 11/06/19 8:45 AM
If there is someone still seeing 39 please help me. My dob is September 29 and I started seeing 39 in July 2019 and I am still seeing it everywhere I go. Phone battery , time , line number , count of comments, people, I see it everywhere. My life is changing very badly. I had resigned from my job and left in August and have not found any job yet. And I am going mad.

RE:39 everywhere

by Marat - 11/27/19 5:11 PM
I see 39 for about 10 years already, literally everywhere. After 10 years of research and thoughts , I came to conclusion that it’s not a message from universe or anything else, it’s just a very comfortable number of our universe, and every physical or chemical law in this life is working under this number. Would be glad if someone can clarify it for me. Does it make any sense?

RE:39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 1/03/20 8:03 PM
I am 16 years old and have been seeing the number 39 EVERYWHERE for about a month now much so much more the past week. I have been having alternate days of being too happy that I can’t sleep (for no reason) and the next day I would feel empty and irritable. I feel like these drastic mood swings and seeing the number 39 everywhere are linked somehow. My DOB is the 13th of December. My brothers is the 13th of January and my other brothers is the 13th of February. 13 is a dividend of 39 so there must be some relation here. I also noticed that many comments mentioned having a mathematical mind and I too have a very mathematical mind. However I still don’t understand and it’s getting really frustrating.

RE: 39 everywhere

by Marsz - 12/11/20 11:20 PM
???? did you find out what Amen meant to you ?

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 6/11/21 10:05 AM
I seen it and my hair down is telling me to tell you

RE:39 everywhere

by Hector Emmanuel Gutierrez - 9/01/22 9:09 PM
I'm 39 now and I've been seeing 39 everywhere first time I looked it up Google said it meant unclean in the Bible and in Japanese text if meant hi so I would think that God is saying hi unclean to me so I would try to notice that to be not called unclean I would have to change things in my life like you know certain things that made me unclean to change them and to be clean and I got sick really bad I had a fever and I started hallucinating I noticed that everything when I walked down the street was really dirty at places some places and somethings would clean like really clean that they mixed and what I got out of my hallucination was that we're on a path right now and there's going to be a split in the path like a fork in the road one is clean and one is unclean that we have to make a choice and it has to be made soon because it's going to split and if you're unclean your going to the unclean side that's what I got out of my hallucination that the road is coming to a split soon and I have to choose cuz it's not going to mix anymore the clean and unclean there not going to mix anymore like they do now so every time I see the number 39 it's like a helpful reminder to strive to be clean and not to be called unclean anymore cuz clean is the god Side and unclean is the dark path so if I want to go with God I have to stay clean but now I don't know what it really means because 39 comes up being a lot of things now in the Bible and I can't find it meaning unclean anymore it was just the first time I looked it up in Google said the Bible meant unclean I'm still not really sure what it all means but I'm trying hard to get clean in every way when I see the number 39 and and it comforts me knowing God is trying to remind me to stay clean by calling me unclean and remind me that the path is going to split right now I'm considered unclean so I got to hurry and change that as best that I can cuz I want to be with God and I see the number 22 and 33 to I still don't know what it all means so if anybody who knows more any info in theories or whatnot let me know thank you for your time reading this

RE: 39 everywhere

by Anonymous - 9/08/22 12:04 PM
The queen died today and the adding of the date 9/8/22 is 39. Just putting that out there

RE: 39 everywhere

by Angel - 11/19/23 4:19 PM
Hi, I too have recently seen this number in a vision. Remember to always be positive and not to let negative thought infiltrate your mind especially when you have such encounters. The Holy Spirit will reveal what the number means in your life IN JESUS NAME. [just believe and have faith in HIM]

God speaks in codes to us either to assure us or warn us or instruct us. So out of curiosity I researched on this particular number.

Fun Fact the old testament has 39 books. It also signifies the time between conception and birth of a baby.

In a rainbow, the color Indigo stood out and the blue-like color represents intuition and mystery. Indigo also represents royalty, riches and majesty
It is associated with Fine linen worn by Priests as robes/garment.

Exodus 39:1-7 God instructs Moses to make a special garment for Aaron, the high priest made with blue, purple and red wool [indigo]
Numbers 15:38-39 The Lord instructs the people of Israel through Moses to make tassels for corners of their garments made of Blue thread. [Indigo]

It may mean that God is continuously reminding you to be the Priest and King he ordained us to be.

John 14:15
[if you love me, then you keep my commandments.]
Jesus has commanded us to preach the gospel to this World.[Matt 28:19]

I pray the Love of God locates you wherever you are and heal, revive and restored you. May see his hand in your life and be a man that seeks after his heart. He loves you more than you can ever imagine. May he cancel FEAR out of your life and provide you a Spirit of love, sound mind and power.

I pray this helps you. Love you.

RE:39 everywhere

by Alberto - 4/15/24 5:54 AM
I saw 39 in a vision before I woke up today.Trying to find out what this could mean.What possibly God wants to reveal to me

RE: 39 everywhere

by Sevonne Alossi - 3/29/25 7:57 PM
What day is your birthday in March?

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