I am in a very gloomy situation and in a humble and weary state in life. I often happen to see number 39 whenever I feel irrational fear or threat for my life. I have this terrible sensation that a demon or some kind of villain is to come and do something horrible to me whenever 39 comes in sight (though there really is no such villain) I noticed either way that my birth date is 30.09, ( 30+9=39) i know not if it will help for interpretation. Please help me amen
Well I think thatvyour trippin no one is out to get you. I see it all the bad when something bad or good happens to me by the way look at the time you posted this comment. Thats what I see everyday...
RE: 39 misfortune or threat??
by Anonymous - 10/13/17 11:14 AM
Yes!! I also feel like that.. It's causes bad luck for me and of course a thread also..when I do not do my works properly.
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39 misfortune or threat??
by Sinoiz Grim - 12/27/16 7:39 AM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 39 misfortune or threat??
by Anonymous - 4/26/17 10:51 PMRE: 39 misfortune or threat??
by Anonymous - 10/13/17 11:14 AMRead all 173 comments »
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