I have been aware of seeing the number 47 increasingly over the last 2 years or so. Prior to this, I kept seeing the number 36 (and still do). This year is very significant. I have my 47th birthday this year, and I am moving in with my parents due to selling my house. They live at number 47. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I sense that 47 is a good number and nothing to fear.
It’s a synchronicity term coined by Carl Jung. Look up chief cornerstone by Jordan maxwell on YouTube. If you already know what I’m referring to be well. Keep raising your frequency :)
RE: 47
by Larry Grecu - 2/27/23 2:22 PM
James, in December 2021, I went to make a purchase at a pet store near me. The clerk said to me, “That will be $36.36. My ears perked up for sure. After research, the Lord told me that 2022 would be the Year of the Antichrist. It did not mean he would appear but that I should study what the Bible says about him. I’ve obeyed, and it’s been amazing. BTW, add each number from 1-36 and guess what number you will end up with? 666! Hope you are blessed by this.
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by James - 2/13/23 2:51 AM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 47
by Anonymous - 2/16/23 11:48 AMRE: 47
by Larry Grecu - 2/27/23 2:22 PMRead all 719 comments »
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