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by caterina - 8/02/10 8:02 AM
Hi, I'm not sure if any of you are still out there but I was born 25/02/1969, which means I am a 25 day number and a 52 birth path number - plus 1969 reduces to the number 25 - can you throw some light for me on the significance of these numbers? - I would so appreciate it...

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RE: 52

by Anonymous - 8/12/10 3:24 AM
25 often means forgiveness of sins or just forgiveness^^

52 could be a warning

its very hard to bring light in these two numbers when they appear together cause the possible meanings are many...

i dont know if this will help but these two in couple are a good sighn as much as i know:)

but this depends on you because everyone is diffrent so such things does never have the same meaning...

but dont bother yourself to much with it...you have a free will as long as you want to be free
dont let some numbers get controul over your life
the result of something like that is paranoia

RE: 52

by Anonymous - 1/14/13 11:45 PM
Yes, we all have free will and all have choices. It is better to eat a lion and have eternal life than it is to be eaten by a lion and find death. A paraphrase from the Gospel of Thomas, the doubting twin. Tobias Ison Thomas. Look for my coming star this year.

RE: 52

by Anonymous - 1/14/13 11:56 PM
Wait and then come and then go. But most of all HAVE FUN! Toby

RE: 52

by Anonymous - 2/13/18 9:07 PM
My birthday is 7-25-52.2+5=7 and 5+2=7. So I always thought that was awesome that I was 7,7,7, also 7+7+7=21, 2+1=3, Trinity. 7 means completion. I was last of 6 kids. God is so good. This Super bowl 52, I went food shopping for game, and my bill was $52.79.There's 3,52's. Again, 5+2=7, and 7+9=16, 1+6=7. I added $20. cash back, $72.79, and next day paid phone bill, and it was $72.79. 7+2=9, 7+9=16, (1+6=7),9+16=25, 2+5=7. He's always used numbers with me. Been pressing in to find out what He's trying to tell me.

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