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52 and 25

by vicki - 3/04/18 2:43 AM
I can tell you what I have found out about 52 and 25, it comes from facts and the WORD OF GOD KING JAMES AV 1611 The Authorized Version The one and only Bible on the market today that DOES NOT have a copy right law on it.That means you can take that dime store bible and copy it, print it, sell it, give it away do whatever you want with it. The Word of God is not bound. 2 Tim 2;9 God does not want our money.
There are 52 weeks in a year, 52 cards in a deck and if add up all the face numeral cards they add up to 365 there are 365 days in a year. there is going to be 52 states in the united States, there are 52 le tters in the English alphabet 26 upper case 26 lower case, there are 52 stars in the American flag.
On the Lords note in the AV 1611 King James Bible in NEH 6:15 The WALL was FINISHED ON SEPT 25 in 52 DAYS. which is the Lords Birthday. Scripture with Scripture. Scripture interprets Scripture.The last thing Jesus Christ said on the cross was IT IS FINISHED. Dan 9:25 which is in numbers for mos 9 for Sept and 25 for the day Dan 9;25 says where Christ will be born. Ish 60 :18 calls Jesus Christ The WALL. Jesus Christ is our Salvation and he is our PRAISE Notice the capital S and P.

If you take we celebrate Christmas on Dec 25 you back up 9 months from that that would be Sept 25 thats really when Christ birthday is not
when the corrupt Roman Catholic church celebrates Marys immaculate conception and brother thats who they worship Mary.

If you are interested in what else the KING JAMES Bible has to say about 52 and 25 you can email me

4 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: 52 and 25

by Anonymous - 10/14/18 10:10 AM
Mary's birthday is December Jesus birthday is September.

RE: 52 and 25

by Anonymous - 1/22/19 4:14 PM
Amazing ! Thank you so much for posting that.

RE:52 and 25

by Samuel - 6/27/20 10:35 PM
I want to know more about 25 and 52. I am seeing these two numbers a lot lately.

RE: 52 and 25

by Anonymous - 2/08/21 7:20 AM
that was very deep and I am very intrigued. I would love to know more

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