Hi all. It's great to see so many people experiencing this.
I, too, have seen 555s EVERY day for the past 20 years. Really! It started out from many different sources--receiving $5.55 in change, on clocks & signs, license plates, etc. Then it mostly came via license plates--I'd never seek for it, but would always just happen to turn my head at the exact moment necessary to be able to see it--or a car would be right in front of me with a 555 plate--or I'd be on a back-road bike ride and the only car to pass me the whole time had a 555 plate, etc., etc., etc. Way beyond coincidence, and seriously, every day for 20 years!
For the first seven years, I knew it was something significant, knew 5 was associated with Grace, but just thought that when the Lord was ready to reveal to me the meaning, He would in His timing. On January 15, 1997 (that's the 15th: 5+5+5), I saw 7 different cars with 555 plates--definitely more than the usual for one day. That night I went to a church service and the first thing the pastor said was, "Tonight I am just going to share FIVE scriptures with you. The first one is John 15:5..." (FIFTEEN....FIVE....). At that moment, the Holy Spirit fell on me very strongly and stayed with me into the evening when I went home. At home, I had a visitation from the Lord and He spoke very clearly to me. What was said included word-for-word all the Scriptures that Strongtower here quoted, and then some.
From that time on He has still been revealing more and more to me, which I am writing in a book. It is not done yet, and definitely more than I can share on a board like this, but I would be happy to share it now (no charge) with those who are sincerely seeking about this--especially Strongtower--we need to connect!!
i have been seeing 555 everywhere for about a year now it is everywhere i notice it everywhere and i no it means something and i need to know what it means
RE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 12/16/10 11:24 PM
Hi mate. Interesting story. I am interested to hear more. is that ok? God bless
RE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 1/03/11 10:03 PM
I first started seeing 555 about 2 years ago everywhere I looked. It troubled me at first but now it is a great comfort to me, knowing that I am connected in a very close and positive way...
RE: 555 Answers
by Danielle - 5/10/11 9:26 PM
It would exhaust me to even begin to recount my experiences with 555, and others like 1111 222. I finally get that it relates to end times. I would love to read your book.
RE: 555 Answers
by Kammi - 8/25/11 11:46 AM
I would be interestin in hearing your story from the Lord, on the other hand my husband has been seeing 9:11 for the past 10 or so years, do u know anything of this, you may contact me at my e-mail klh.ajb08. I would love to hear more!!
RE: 555 Answers
by natalia - 11/07/11 5:56 PM
i would like to read it please.my email is nataliatothova God bless
RE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 7/05/12 12:00 AM
I'm intrested in whats being revealed to you
RE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 8/25/12 1:33 PM
What I read now is very curious to me, 555 is following everywhere in my life for years, addresses, signs, plate numbers and many other situations.
If you can share it will be appreciated sylvainpoirier99
Thank you and blessings
RE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 10/27/12 1:34 PM
I see 555 too I even walked through streets of 555 it's wierd I would like to read your book
RE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 1/14/13 12:10 PM
RE:555 Answers
by Anonymous - 10/11/13 8:20 AM
I am the 5th child and was born on the 5th December and the planet most associated with me is Jupiter which is the 5th planet. I get alot of 5s and I get alot of the number 20 like God is saying "Wait, I have a task for you, but wait."
RE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 12/08/13 10:45 AM
Have you finished your book?
RE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 1/21/14 3:18 PM
i have experienced for some years now i look at the clock at 5:55 and then something bad happens or i get bad news about something. I have tried to overlook it thinking its just coincidence but this is constantly happening. i would appreciate a response from a Godly person with insight. i am lost as to the meaning and it happens only associated with something bad. most recently i looked at the time it sohappened tobe at 5:55 then the very same night my husband was in a car accident then last night again the same time on the clock and i recieved some troubling news today. my husband thinks im being silly but i have to trust the negative discernment i feel with this number in sequences of three. any help is appreciated.
RE: 555 Answers
by GG - 11/30/14 8:53 PM
Have you finished you book? I'm interested!
RE: 555 Answers
by Stanley Jonathan Guyer - 3/28/22 6:01 AM
I am seeing numbers all the time now Amen! I am that chosen one of God I am just who I say that I am and nothing more than that Amen! Jesus Christ told me that this reality was all from my consciousness and this is the best time of all of the realities that are all happening at the same time and that the realities are all coming together to the end of all things Amen! I am the I am in the scriptures written within the Word of God Almighty Amen and that I use to be Lucifer or satan but I know absolutely that Barack Obama is the Antichrist of this World and he is going to be the scapegoat for me Amen! I am just telling you all what Jesus Christ revealed to me Amen! I am and has always been here for you all Amen! I actually found this hard to even believe but I know absolutely that Jesus Christ is truth Amen! I am going to be able to go back home to heaven with Christ Jesus Amen! My name means A field of Stone Yahweh has given a guide Amen! You can’t make this stuff up Amen! I was born on the day of atonement Amen! In 1962 all of these numbers speak of Christ Jesus and they are all the numbers in my birthday how crazy is that Amen!
I am telling you all about this so it will Glorify Jesus Christ as I know absolutely that I am Him but I am not Him in the flesh Amen! I am just following orders because I am the ultimate Soldier of all Soldiers and I am just waiting upon the Lord to come back and take us all back home to heaven Amen! This is the next big event that we will all see and experience together as a shared consciousness and understanding of what we are all going through right now Amen! I am here working for you all Amen and I am only following orders that Jesus Christ has given me to follow as Jesus Christ told me that I am some secret weapon for Him lol like God needs anything that I have God can absolutely do this thing without me and I know absolutely that Jesus Christ (((is))) Amen!
Jesus Christ is letting me come along to enjoy the ride Jesus Christ said to me Amen! Sandy Armstrong and Jonathan Kleck are other prophets like me Amen working on the plan of plans for all of mankind Amen! If you have information available for me then I suggest that you give me all that information you have Amen! The time is up on the 1st of April lol how cool is that Jesus Christ does have a sense of humor Amen! I am on Facebook page under my full name Stanley Jonathan Guyer nothing happens that is not supposed to happen Amen! Gods plan is perfect and Jesus Christ has always been perfect and that is the only reason that I am here now speaking to you all Amen! My phone number is 580-919-9474 call or don’t call Jesus Christ says nothing will change a thing Amen! Have a blessed day Amen! I will see you all across the waters of life Amen!
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555 Answers
by Debz - 12/01/10 8:20 PM16 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 555 Answers
by Barbara - 12/10/10 11:53 PMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 12/16/10 11:24 PMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 1/03/11 10:03 PMRE: 555 Answers
by Danielle - 5/10/11 9:26 PMRE: 555 Answers
by Kammi - 8/25/11 11:46 AMRE: 555 Answers
by natalia - 11/07/11 5:56 PMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 7/05/12 12:00 AMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 8/25/12 1:33 PMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 10/27/12 1:34 PMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 1/14/13 12:10 PMRE:555 Answers
by Anonymous - 10/11/13 8:20 AMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 12/08/13 10:45 AMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 1/21/14 3:18 PMRE: 555 Answers
by GG - 11/30/14 8:53 PMRE: 555 Answers
by Stanley Jonathan Guyer - 3/28/22 6:01 AMRE: 555 Answers
by Anonymous - 2/02/25 4:25 PMRead all 304 comments »
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