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by Anonymous - 5/11/15 3:32 PM
My family has a history of being descendents of witches. We possess many different gifts among several of us, such as being able to have some connection with paranormal. When some of us get together, negative things happen...the energies that we possess, strengthen which it usually causes negative. My bday is 6/16, my mother was expected to have me on 6/6, as the doctor estimated, although she seen a medicine man who told her that I was be expected on 6/16, which here I am.y mother had a hard time with me throughout my childhood, I was awful but so strong willed. I am loving and caring, I'm great at many things, I don't have to study to get good grades. I went to church and loved being there when I was younger, although I don't have much time now, I still would like to go to church more often. I do believe and know that Jesus is my savior and God has my soul in the end but I have always said I was able to be either good or evil. I have known what I am capable of, although I choose good but I know that there is another side of me. I have recently in my 27 years of life been face to face with the Devil or so I assume since September last year (2014). I do believe that he or they have always been around me and my family forever, possibly among my family before I. Now it is showing itself to me in many ways. My mother has been seeing 6:16 every morning for about as long as I have been seeing what I believe to be the Devil. My mom can sense things and will be right about the questions she asks to see if my responses are accurate. I have in the past dreamt about my friend's little brother, which I thought was weird! In my dream I fell off a picket type fence and then all of a sudden there was my friend's little brother, glowing white and put his hand out to help me back up. The next day, my friend's little brother was killed in a car accident. Also, I usually just know things, I can't explain how I know but I just know. The prices may not all come together at that minute but it does eventually. I have good sense of people and just know what is truthful or the actually reason for the way they are or things to do. I can feel connections with some people and usually people have a attraction to me and the need to know or be around me. Some people may not like me at first, usually always in the end they end up loving me, should I choose to allow that. I am the leader, most people follow what I do and trust me. I wouldn't steer anyone in the wrong direction, I have very good knowledge and able to give rational reasoning to situations or advise. I know I am not evil at heart or the core but I know that I am capable though. I feel that with the recent events of facing the evil (Devil), that it is fearful of me and would have to be under my command, I didn't realize this until recently....although my presence makes it stronger and it makes me stronger and the urge to weaken it, which I could feel my strength and love for God and Jesus our savior. So maybe I am both good and evil. I feel that I am a healer to those in hard times and help bring good unto them, making the evil that is upon them weak where it has no choice but to go and find another prey. I hear, but I don't know what exactly it is. I haven't necessarily seen a ghost but I have seen a spirit this past winter on a couple occasions. My daughter can see spirits, they come to her then they go away for awhile and then when they start coming back she tells me they are back again. They know she can see them! My daughter was born on 12/17 the birthday of my great grandmother who had passed away, which she had possessed some gift. My grandmother daughter of my great grandmother wanted me to name my child after my great because it was also her bday too. My child wasn't due until closer to Christmas. I actually went into labor with her and my water broke at 8 am on 12/16 but did not deliver her until 12/17. My grandma believed in reincarnation too. I have had nightmares about loosing my daughter and one was where I was out in the middle of some creepy lake at dusk time in attempt to find my child because she had drowned, who I called out for in my dream was my great grandmother. I always call out not only for Jesus but my great grandmother....which we weren't that close, I feel. I also witnessed my grandmother die along side the interstate, it was 12/21, my husband birthday and the day I was going to take my nursing boards. We were going to go to Fargo, myself, my mom, and my grandmother. I remember looking at my grandma smiling as she came out of the gas station and then not too long, I was giving her CPR. My grandma was nervous with the road conditions and I was worried about getting to my boards, I didn't have money to pay for it again. I got upset and called for my husband to get going and come get me to bring me the rest of the way. My grandma kept saying I'm going to die, my mother and I said no you're going to be fine.....well, my grandma was right. Do I feel at times that I had caused that and with the strong energies of the three of us...idk. But usually when three of strong energy family members get together, bad things happen. My mother is capable of figuring out and has premonitions, which come and go. My mom usually always can sense that something is not right with me and from talking can describe the things I have seen. I don't know, I am a strong believer of spirits, God, Jesus, that the Devil creeps along between and upon weak individuals, I do believe in good and bad. So maybe the Beasts number is really 616, but as it does deceives, lies, and hides so fooling it to be 666....hmmm idk. Just thoughts and experiences.

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RE: 616

by Kimi - 6/19/15 1:42 PM
Happy Belated Birthday. I'm also 6/16. I see it EVERYWHERE. Every time I look at a clock, it's 6:16 or I'll randomly wake up at 6:16 a.m. I mean 16 is super lucky for me as well, but initially I thought it was just creepy how many times I saw it.

RE: 616

by Chaz - 8/18/15 3:35 PM
I am also 616 bday and have been seeing it everywhere for years , as a matter of fact I just got dimensions on a job today and u guessed it it's 616 sq ft, I also c it on clocks , receipts , license plates, addresses n jobs, I work with a lot of numbers in work and it's always there, I also know things b 4 they happen sometimes, and if someone I haven't seen in a long time, always within a couple weeks I run into them , all this devil talk freaks me out, I consider myself a decent , caring , generous person . Although my past involves a lot of drugs, jails n prison, all over 20 yrs ago, can't figure out what this all means


by Anonymous - 9/01/15 12:32 PM
The same thing is happening to me and have for some time now and yes my birthday is the same as everyone else. I've asked God if it means anything but, I haven't heard anything yet. I don't think it means anything, but it's still weird though. Jesus is my savior and has touch my life since I was a kid and I hope every one here get's to know Him and try Him for yourself. Good day folks.

RE: 616

by wendy - 10/16/16 4:26 AM
witches are facets of the divine personality. If you have the gifts you speak of it is because you or a past self stole them from the creator and the creator is here now to take them back.Witches are not good

RE: 616

by Anonymous - 9/15/17 4:38 PM
Ditto, I also have a unique personality and look at things in ways most people don't. By birthday is 6/16 and I've been seeing that number more than a lot this past year and I was born on father's day. My personality could have gone either way, good or bad. And I know or rather, feel things. I weighted 6 pounds 6 oz at birth and was born at 630 in the evening. I choose a good life, to be a good person no matter what my numbers say

RE: 616

by Anonymous - 9/15/17 4:42 PM
Ditto, I also have a unique personality and look at things in ways most people don't. By birthday is 6/16 and I've been seeing that number more than a lot this past year and I was born on father's day. My personality could have gone either way, good or bad. And I know or rather, feel things. I weighted 6 pounds 6 oz at birth and was born at 630 in the evening. I choose a good life, to be a good person no matter what my numbers say. And Wendy,we choose who we are and who we want to be, period, really......

RE: 616

by Anonymous - 4/13/20 6:29 AM
Same bday same sights same intuitions same dark visions I try very hard to stay close to god as my family comes from Europe my number is 616 and the fact I sense seconds before things happen....all very weird

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