3 Comments for 666

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by brother in christ....+++ - 2/01/12 12:11 PM
666 is still one of gods sacred numbers. going back to what i've said previously ....when you see this number its our HEAVENLY CREATOR getting you to think about something or warning you about something

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RE: 666

by Anonymous - 3/10/12 5:39 AM
The gematria associations to 666 are ambiguous, but one can find many that point to God. Using the new gematria calculator at this same website and the first method called "English gematria" which uses Greek-Hebrew style values A=1 to Z=800, you can verify that each of the following have a letter sum of 666: "True God", "Intelligent God", "God's love", "Christ's blood", "Kingdom of Christ", "The Messiah kingdom", and "God's gematria riddle".

RE: 666

by Oh - 5/25/19 12:34 AM
1 Peter 3 v 4 but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible=666 simple English ordinal wake up people!!!!

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