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by Ambrose - 6/22/19 10:10 AM
Everyone calm down. The people in the Bible were never walking around on earth.
The number 666 is a solar number and is connected with the circle and it’s six-fold geometry In the Old Testament the weight of gold king Solomon would receive was 666 talons. Gold is related to the sun in alchemical thought and the name sol-om-on is a combination of the 3 ancient names for the sun sol(Latin)om(Hindi)on(Egyptian)for sun. Also the vowel O is symmetrically places through out the word 3 times. O is the 15th letter in the English alphabet, O O O 1+5=6 1+5=6 1+5=6 666 the number of sun. Also 666 is the number of the sun squared and it has 12 factors just as the sun has 12 signs of the zodiac and sol-om-on is the king of the 12 tribes of Israel.
- [ ] The name Solomon by way of Greek gematria equates to 1260. The number 1260 was an ancient Jewish calculation used to measure solar years consisting of 360 natural days. “A time” is a cycle of 360 degrees “times” is two cycles or 720 degrees and a “half time” is 180 degrees. Adding these together we get 1260 degrees. 1260 was also a measurement used by Ptolemy to calculate the mean distance of the sun. There is much more regarding these numbers that have to with ecliptic cycles but it would be a book worth of typing.
- [ ] Revelations 13:18
- [ ] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six. So we are told to compute the number of the beast and that it is the number of a man and his number relates to the sun. We don’t need to calculate the numbers 666 since it is openly given so there is another number that needs to be calculated and that number is in the final key phrase of revelations 13. “AND HIS NUMBER IS 666” by way of Greek gematria the value of the words in that phrase add up to 2,368 and that is the number of (Jesus Christ) the son of god is the sun of god. This is not a mistranslation.

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