I ahve been persecuted for all of my life. I once got spat on by a old lady cos I made her stand on the tube. We have to stop this searching for madog stuff and his minions of headless souls in the underworld. They are in a cage behinf platinum lazers, guarded by bearskin soldiers and gerkers.
Can you tell me when the end of days is ? I have looked at my local library, but they are closing next month and now i am worried that it will be over sooner rather than later. Or, i could build a bunker. I got lots of tinned food and rice, but water is a problem.
RE: 666 and THE BEAST
by None - 6/21/16 4:18 PM
When the end comes, you will clearly know... Not this guess who's right bull :)
3 Comments for 666 and THE BEAST
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666 and THE BEAST
by Barry Eastly - 4/24/11 2:47 AM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 666 and THE BEAST
by Elvis Preslie - 4/24/11 6:19 AMRE: 666 and THE BEAST
by None - 6/21/16 4:18 PMRead all 117 comments »
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