Hello all.
I also have a great concern regarding the number 777. The one thing that comes to mind is since the number of the beast is 666 which refers to THE antichrist,that means this particular person will be sent by Satan himself. Where as the numbers 777 also could refer to the Archangels. Particular one Archangel who will be sent down by God & the Queen Mary to do battle with this antichrist. I had seen a few vision about this. One of the Archangels was sent down , no more wings, he was stripped of his wings and all his gifts, He will be on earth rejected by all same as his `lord was on earth a mere man. But has been empowered by God to battle with the antichrist, who will very powerful & rich on earth , The archangel will not be so well off, as this is the plan of God. In another vision i had seen the Seven Lamps of God, Then i saw only 6 of the Archs' standing before the Throne of God , one was missing in the middle, This angel i believe is none other than St Gabriel the archangel. You see if the antichrist if already here, then the Archangel Gabriel is also already here. there is a particular date that im trying to figure out .(27-07-1976) to me this means that the 2nd arch out of the seven has been chosen(St Michael being the first) 07 confirming the Archs & out the Seven ,now only 6 remain in Heaven waiting for things to occur. This particular date referes to someone also .Now this is what i believe, but i could be wrong, but what if i'm right ??? if anyone has any views about this i'd like to hear about it.
Please post more of your visions... You have peaked my interest....
RE: 777
by 777 - 10/20/09 9:34 AM
I am born on 27.7,72 i have three sevens plus i am born at 2.23 which adds up to seven.. so in fact i have 4 sevens can you give me any theorys on that,,,much appreciatedn as its bothered me all my life...
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 10/21/09 11:20 AM
God's love is not an illusion of feathers and halos... ... it's a warm coat or bowl of soup. No one man or woman is more inmportant than another, especialy not more inmportant than a child. People need to realize that they're already important... ...God needs us all without it being a revalation.
RE: 777
by Michael - 3/27/10 3:19 AM
My name is Michael.
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 3/31/10 3:16 AM
we are all back on earth!!!!!!
RE: 777
by I am - 5/04/10 7:44 AM
Dear Sir,
This is a brief summery of research conducted from 2007-2010.
Inspired by GOD? You decide. I am, but a messenger.
I hope in the end you are correct, and make nothing from this, but remember God will judge each and everyone what they did and what they did not do. Think carefully and make a wise decision for you hold in your palm the fate of the world.
The people that have been given the power by the masses to help preserve peace and stability upon world are in the influence of the few who control the fiancés of the world, and its in the private sphere that the danger lies.
Money, and wealth, = the ultimate power over all.
To you I am but a nobody with little or no influence at all, but the information I give is priceless, and of the greatest importance.
In all the different religions of the world have been waiting, and looking for the one to come.
We know from all scriptures in the three main religions of the world who are to come, but there is one, and who is named directly, and ever one will listen to. From him coming we will know who all the other false ones are.
At this point in mans history we know many of the main national governments are preparing for the year 2012, and this is true fact.
The Occults are preparing for 2012 and this is a sure sign that the power elite are ready for this as well as the major religions.
After years of research Information has been found to match 100 % prophecy, but no one is willing to follow up or even question the information. This is beyond belief, or simply the way it has to be.
We’ the searchers only had to wait until the right person to fit signs, symbols, numbers, and ancestry, he would in turn be looking for answers also and would become known, when the time was right.
This incredible fact is known by as we understand by one National Government on earth who has detailed facts and knowledge about this person.
Ill make this brief as possible.
If Michael is the one to come, he then is the key to the end times and it is within the birth names, birth dates, that exactly match to the 666 number, and the date of 21/12/2012 these are signs, symbols, and the numbers do not lie, nor does the link to ancestry that makes him who he is, a 100% match, which no man can not denied that has not been given to him, and most of all he will know also.
Out of nearly 7 billion people on earth There can, and there is only one who fits so perfectly yet the leaders of religions do not know, and the underlings of these Leaders decide the fate of the world, and not pass this information on for a true investigation to be conducted.
There are no arguments, only facts to be seen.
The reason why would “God” known by the (Christens), “Elohim ” known by the (Hebrews) and which occurs 2,570 times in the OT. Remember the number 57 for it will be an important number, it’s now the Hebrew year of 5770,and “Allha” known by the Moslems. Why would the LORD Send his Archangel?
The answer is both logical and profound, Who would of the true faith from all three religions listen to and understand he is here to prepare the way for the LORD coming and much more.
Any one can claim, but the true one has the proof from birth of being chosen. You have the right to dismiss this, to turn your back, but its GOD final messenger, may you make the right choice this time.
We can see God’s greatest gift to any angel is to be born human, to become a son of man, and a son to GOD, and every single person can see the pure logic, and acknowledged the gift of life in the flesh.
The end times are important as it were to rap things up that God makes sure all who read has wisdom with understanding will be able to know who he is, and know he stands for all.
Lets see what we are to see plainly without no hiding at all, that anyone can see these incredible pieces of evidence. Once people know, their faith will finally be rewarded to know truth, and positive proof we are the last generation as GOD fulfils his promises, but by the one he has sent.
His name is Michael Phillip Kivinen.
Examen the three names.
Michael “He who is like GOD” the Hebrew meaning.
Phillip “lover of horses” the English meaning.
Kivinen “ Stone” the Finnish meaning.
His Intal’s are MPK which can mean Michael Priest and King.
7 letters in each name means “completion” the triple 777, meanings in all the scriptures and the 7s added together equal 21days relating to Daniel and the 2 and the 1equal 3 the trinity of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Date of his birth was the 16/07/1957
Aaron brother of Mosses was born in the year 1597 same year numbers a link to he who like Mosses is come.
Again we see the three numbers 7 used in his birth date.
16/07/1957 to the year 21/12/2010 is exactly 55 years, 5 months, and 5 days equals 666 months to the very day.
Here is the information needed to completely to know we have the right person.
He is Jewish by his father and his Mother’s ancestry.
His father was a Cohan of the tribe of Levi.
His father was a dowser and could find water.
His Mother was of Irish Jewish decent of the tribe of Dan to the Duggan’s.
There is a lot more to his fathers background that would frighten them into believing, something of destiny is involved here.
He is circumcised. He also has a very unusual place on his chest left side where at if the area of the spleen blow the heart region, its as if a spear was thrust into and concaving the area, medical has commented on this as appearing when he was young as well as the large scar of a cross on top of his left foot as if a crucifixion nail was long ago pieced the foot.
He is a Computer Engineer, a Virtual Reality Scientist, and training in Security operations and licensed in the weapons field, and yes he has 5 years military training from the age of 13 to 18. Very unusual at that age in the country he was born in, for only the elite children were given this training.
This is only the tip of the iceberg as of government recorded incidents that defies the imagination.
Employers read his resume and so now no one will hire him as with the knowledge that he has accumulated. His dilemma leads him to the discovery of facts that relate to him so closely to prophecy, to find answers as to why obstacles are placed in his way, and that his life is directed by a higher force.
There is a reason, but he is not in control. We find now many answers to many questions that have been placed to interpreting prophecy, and now we find the key that can start the end times to begin. God in his infinite wisdom gives man a chance to change, and turn back to him for guidance, and if we do not see the last chance to redeem our selves then we know God will one way or another do his will, and keep his promises, but each step away will only bring even greater disaster to every single person for not one will escape, both GOD, and his son has repeatedly stated this fact to all his anointed to make all to know. We are all brothers every single human being under GOD, ALLAH, ELOHIM.
If truly this is God handy work he is letting us know, and now is the time to chose, Jesus was sent, and was crucified as a lamb, then shall we also crucify the one who comes in the fathers name, but this time Its Prince Michael, Priest of the God most high, commander of GODS army, and not as a lamb, for the father has said to his son sit at my right hand while I make the nations your footstool.
God knows the future and he knows how to defeat anyone or any nation or power no matter what they do, that’s why its imposable to have correct interpretations.
Its broad information that God gave so you’ll only know the signs of the end times.
The antichrist can not be revealed until he claims to be GOD in a newly built third temple, and then the whole world will know who he is.
The false prophet is not known either, and neither the two witnesses until they start preaching.
God only needs to setup a right chess branch to be recognised by all three main religions to build the third temple, to send Michael to stand, and the true believers believe him, then the time of troubles begin, Michael is the key, and the beginning of the end of this age.
Lets look at the possibilities, and the true facts and miracles:
1. If Iran creates a nuclear weapon the US will attack end of an the rest of Arab nations will not stop it.
2. Who ever recognises Michael will have on there side GOD.
3. Reality is that Israel is no threat to anyone. GOD has promises to fulfil and anyone with any sense would understand that GOD will deal with them, but Israel will remain.
4. Arabs, Jews and Christens are brothers, and only Michael can bring them together if only the truly wise have understanding.
5. The Antichrist, Satan and the False Prophet are the enemy to Muslim, Hebrews and Christens.
6. Michael is here and against the Antichrist, Satan and the False Prophet.
7. Its up to Jews, Christens, and Muslims to work together against the common enemy, and Michael is here to bring that about.
You who believe in the one father named GOD, ALLAH, ELOHIM the three are one and the same, let no one deceive you otherwise.
Luke 20: 42-43
David himself declares in the Book of Psalms:
" 'The LORD said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."
How else is GOD going to do it? Become wise, seek to understand, and become unblinded, and see for the truth shall be revealed.
The End, or The Beginning?
GOD has placed the decision in your hands. Like Pilate you can wash your hands of this, and we will know on who’s side you are on, or one who does not believe in GOD.
What does the world believe in, and what and who are they waiting for:
Properties of the number 777
• This number joins together the principles of the man, 700, the cosmic plans, 70, and their image in the Archetype, 7, according to R. Allendy. It is the universal organization, 7 + 7 + 7 = 21, the general evolution.
• Represent the celestial perfection, 7, on the 3 plans of the manifestation: matter, astral (mental or soul) and spirit.
• It is the number of the sacred work of the sons of God for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on the Earth, mainly for the period of the seventh millennium after Adam where it is written that Satan will be chained for thousand years.
• In esotericism, 777 means that virgin spirits (those to which God gave the life with the mission to rise towards the Creator, until to absorb themselves again in Him) will know 777 incarnations during seven revolutions that the wave of life accomplishes around the seven globes of the seven world periods. The symbolism of this number is therefore the ascension of the soul through the physical body.
• According to the tradition of Himalayan masters, 777 is the number of the celestial man and symbolizes the transmutation which takes place at the time where the man becomes conscious of the necessity to cover the path of initiation, and that he perceives, even of an elementary manner, that the goal is in God.
• The purity - does not father and is not fathered.
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 5/26/10 4:12 AM
I was born 10-24-1962 at the exact moment mankind first truly came face to face with it's own destruction, the cuban missle crises. I was conceived february 5, 1962, as predicted by many, only disguised in conception and not birth. I have been given the information for the coming of the age of aquarius over the past 7 years. The time is nearing. My name, conception date, birth date and other numbers all equal 7's. The information will be revealed soon.
RE: 777
by ARCHANGEL - 6/23/10 10:22 AM
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 6/29/10 2:46 AM
I was born on the 07/07/97, just thought I would say.
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 7/06/10 7:20 AM
My name is Alyssa, my best friend died on 7-7-07 i recently looked into the signfigance of his death date and it traces back to hebrew and his name being hebrew can you tell me what this means.
by kyflow - 6/29/11 4:50 PM
naci.25-07-1969--7-7-7.me recupere deun choque en la cadera muy grave.el 10.10.10.pido la bendicion ami abuela.y ahora puedo activar la glandula pineal.agradeciendo a mi padre celestial.en el nonbre de mi hermano jesucristo y por el poder del espititu santo todo es posible.el numero de mi casa es 3040--7---naci alas 0700 mi tel celular tiene tres 7.todos aquellos que sientan lo mismo no teman .esto recien empieza.comming soon.
by frankie - 7/17/11 6:16 PM
i have a painting wth messengers riding through the desert nite on camels it is dated 7-7-7 Wasana wht could this mean? i also believe there is a higher power wth me due to sum psychic abilities.. any suggestions?
RE: 777
by oracle9574349 - 8/10/11 10:49 AM
It's me Gabriel the ark angle. Search oracle9574349
RE: 777
by Geraldine 76 - 8/13/11 6:34 PM
My Birthday is 20-07-76... 7 days before this date you mention. What you say is very interesting. I saw a vision when I was younger for a number of years of a beautiful spirit. I was frightened then but I believe this spirit was someone very special. The spirit was made of the brightest light I have ever seen. The first time I saw the spirit or angel was when I was around 4 years old and the spirit always visited me on Christmas Eve. My own Mother didn't believe me despite being a Catholic and told me it was my imagination. It always happened around 7pm and I would hear someone knock on the letter box downstairs then run hurriedly upstairs. The Spirit would just look at me from the doorway. I remember there was something small in one of it's hands... and the spirit put it through the gap in the door where the hinges are. Possibly a Crucifix looking back but hard to remember exactly now. The Angel was the size of a child and dressed in a long dress with a high collar. I had a Spiritual reading recently and was told there was a sheep around me in wolves clothing and then she kept seeing the devil!! Do we have a date for this anti-christ person??
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 3/04/12 3:05 PM
The last Angel came to earth in 1962. Find the date and the time.
by haydon - 3/08/12 7:47 PM
its the year of the red bull it ends on december 21 2012
by Dearly Loved Shining Bright - 4/08/12 3:03 PM
The tables are turned in favor of the people.
David (the king without a crown)
by dan - 6/11/12 7:17 PM
you are very close.
by heather danelle zearley - 6/23/12 7:59 PM
how about this if you look at my birth name and count the letters in each name seperately you will see that each name has 7 letters which gives you 777 and my birthday is 123 what do you think is the significance of this i have been wondering for years
by Michael C Cook - 7/07/12 9:02 PM
I see this number all the time and 666... I was an ordained minister and last year something pulled me away into the occult and I was put into jail for 10 months because something bad happened.. Now I'm out of jail and here its back again I had a ouija board and it said I was Satan himself (EA/ENKI) I have a brother )half brother Enlil (Baal) Beelezebub and I'm married to a girl named Virginia and shes claiming to be "Lilith". One of the 5 wives of Satan. No one beieves me or anything.. I actually have powers and can use them... My eyes light up and flicker white... I can heal.. I already healed my aunt of cancer spread throughout her body and my mothers friend. If I was pretending to be some evil being wouldn't I be dead? And wouldn't my wife too? I call these so called "demons" my name and they do my bidding... What is happening to me?
RE: 777
by David - 7/10/12 2:49 PM
I was born on the 15/07/77 and I have always feel like I have an important path and am always looking answers regarding the world and feel we are coming up to something very significant and life changing for all mankind.
by jamsine - 11/11/12 4:28 PM
my name has seven letters and i was born on the 7 month nad born on 7:07
by tc1themessenger - 5/06/13 11:22 AM
I was born on 4/27/1977 my name also has 7 letters. My wife was born on 7/10/1977.. I feel that God is reaching out to his children for the time is close.. We must Love, Pray, Repent and Forgive #lprf
Re: 777
by Vision Warrior 777 - 6/17/13 10:23 PM
Yahweh.......Praise Jesus!!!!!!!
Re: 777
by Valerie - 8/11/13 10:54 AM
I would like anyone who has had visions to respond. I have had a vision from the sky. I was shown a face with sores, a demon face with the mickey mouse emblem, a man sitting at a desk and across from him a demon face. I was at a friends house, abd completley went into some sort of trance. I started saying that my friend's brother who is a pedohile would do something really bad, i started calling my friends who were in front of me by their full names, i said for them to call 911, i wanted them to call his mother and warn her, i then fell out of the trance and as my friend wiped my face and prayed. I then felt fear around them. I immediatley ran out of their home and got on the first bus home. I felt groggy for a day or so. Within the next days i saw the visions in the sky, while it thundered and rained. When i saw the visions i felt like someone hit me in the gut. Then, i said if this is really you GOD, you lightning 3 times. And it did....i feel that it,was GOD wbo showed me these things. But, am not sure since i know satan exists. The next thing that happened to me was that my daughter said, mommy your phone is ringing. I said no its not..then i took my smartphone out of my pocket, and on the dialpad it said...**7**7**7**7. My daughter saw the same thing. My phone locks, so how could these numbers be perfectly on my dialpad? I feel insane, i pray to GOD that iam not. Also, months before, i found a small silver cross on the bathroom sink in an art museum. I then took it with me and always keep it in my wallet. What does this all mean? Is it GOD or Satan playing with my mind? Any replies would be appreciated. I sfumbled across this site by searchinv 7 7 7 7. Any light or comments would be much appreciated.
Re: 777
by Anthony Charles Cornell - 8/15/13 5:20 PM
this is to heather anthony 7 charles 7 cornell 7 and im a libra that is the 7th zodiac sign i was also born on the day that my grandparents got married and on my dads birth day oct 16 idk if theres any meaning to this at all but ive always thought this was weird
by shane o'brien - 8/28/13 10:41 PM
my birthday is 27.04.77 and we are all slaves we have been give false control we are all free in the same way a beast is free in a nature reserve, we must all do what we are told, we are directed and dont even see and if we show compliance we are rewarded with drugs like sugar, caffine,and stuff we think is essential and can\'t do without. we are all good little sheep are we not...
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/10/13 9:20 AM
I believe you need to just stop the panic and think. Lilith was not a wife of satan she was Adams first wife who would not comply with Adam or Gods rules so she either left or was kicked out of the garden. She then turned into a demon more to the story but I think I made my point. Also I believe you should either go to a pastor, or a councler because you need a rock to stand on right now. You need a stable base in order to move ahead in your life.
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 12/19/13 1:15 PM
I have the phone number 777777 and a birth mark 7 on my arm with a wing over it
by Anonymous - 2/07/14 7:25 AM
I was born on 777 I'm confused and I need help, things are happening to me that are really hard to explain
Split a piece of wood (atom), the kingdom is indeed within you and it is outside you. Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.
Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is. Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death. Blows her breath on you all :)
by Anonymous - 6/17/14 5:13 PM
mary is not a queen of heaven at all there is no god besides me god is alone
RE: 777
by Michel - 7/02/14 3:33 PM
The one on earth has real faith and it will be enough....
by Kenneth David Akin - 7/21/14 11:14 AM
I am the one and only Micheal the First created son of God im here on earth Iam not the 2nd coming im 1.5 coming when I die that is when the 2nd coming will be.
by Jay - 8/14/14 11:00 PM
When my mother was pregnant with me they told her I wasn't going to be born right, that there wasn't no hope for me but my mother still had me! I came out early on 7/7/97 they say I'm a miracle baby but sometimes I feel there's more to it?
by jerry - 11/13/14 11:42 AM
Verry interesting
by jerry - 11/30/14 9:42 PM
my birthday is 7-6-76 and my zodiac sign is cancer the two 6's spinning 69, my birthday is bicentennial like 1776-1976 200 years of freedom, 76-76, also my symbol is the yin yang which means balance and my numbers are balncd,
by Anonymous - 2/22/15 10:34 PM
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 3/02/15 10:05 PM
I was born on 7-7-1997 thats why im confuse my number signed
by Michael - 3/22/15 9:27 PM
op had the right idea. It is Michael, however, who does battle with Satan's spawn not Gabriel (although Gabriel just may have incarnated, too.) The archangel Michael risks it all, including perdition by taking the role of a sinner. He won't even know who he is.
by Anonymous - 4/12/15 7:36 PM
I was named 777
by Anonymous - 6/24/15 3:24 PM
My birthday is 6/7/77, I have been having dreams and visions. I don't know what for sure what is going to happen, but I'd encourage everyone to get out their bibles. Anyone else who is seeing things about what's to come, please contact me.
by Nomad33x - 8/30/15 7:22 PM
I love rhis forum its full of people who seek the truth of spiritual things. I agree and know now that Angels have been made into flesh to do Gods work. Do any of love what God has done for you? I am a sinner and truely deserving of death. It is because of this that I have come to know the power of Jesus Christ. One who is forgiven of much loves much. I know what he has done for me. I have even been taught what love is thru the spirit and not my mind. We should learn by the spirit....I will share my experience. Man was created on the sixth day. there are 66 books inbthe current bible. man plus the bible equals 666. Thus the creation of religious minds. Paul said let us learn by the spirit. This is one of the greatest truths I can tell anyone.
I was born 11/11/1980 2011 was quit a year watching all the events happening on the 11th of each month and heard the shofar blow audibly on the feast days. 555 as I know it is the faith in jesus Christ and what he has done for us. 444 the rising of the beasts. 333 The son the father and his spirit. 222 I have not come to any knowledge concerning this 111 the beginning. 11 has a duelality one being Yahwehs judgement/confusion The other faith/belief in Adoni God. Search the scriptures youll find it to be true. 11 also has 2 Gods in it. 1 being Yahweh and the other well....we know who that is.
I will also share two dreams I had from 3 to 10 years repeatedly. One was me in armor standing on a cliff with a dragon in front of me. behind me was a woman and the dragon was blowing fire on me but the sheild was saving us.
second dream was an ark in very rough vast sea and the sky was black. I was in the ark. We are in the end times and we need to focus on Jesus Yashua more then ever. pray fast and deal with your past and your inner struggles. Praying won't just makes years of learned behavior ddisappear. Love God with all your heart and all your mind. He will purify you not always the way we want but the way we need to be. I love all of you very much through the love of our father. Glory and honor to the one who is was and is to come amen.
by jason - 1/06/16 11:29 PM
this is an incredibly ridiculous post against many biblical precedents standards and proofs...u cannot spell and u are deluded...to him that preaches another gospel of God...maranatha let him be accursed...people do not be fooled..there is no basis for all this in scripture and torah jews muslims and christians are one to an incorrect image of God and can stand against the antichrist...you fool...thats why there is martyrs...u are a nut
by jason - 1/06/16 11:30 PM
how can those worshipping different images of God be one????haha
by niC0ras - 1/08/16 2:29 PM
The Best of all years to All of YOU and still to Thou, jason, who - I think - seams to be one of the just ; we are not to judge, just to Run along G°D+'s ownonly single Law and obey to the unfathomable common WILL ! Sceptics without dogma - for every dreamed-off system may function in its own right somewhat astonishingly correct.
777 to me is somewhat the X in Our Yule ; the "time" of so-called sOl invictus (the earth-sun KephrA as sun in the-womb-of-earthmother ; midnight) !?
Ever Holy Night to hisS son (the OhNE), to every single littlechrist to you and the mAn & the Rose ...
I won't lie to you by saying aloud "... it's all about FISH !?"
Wells, it's not, the truth is no worth for the WORD.
Good eternal night (the sun's Not really gone - you knew, my child.
'Nuff said this Freyaday, the eighth and last and final day of creation after relaXationsdaY.
Welcome, Täuflinge, you judgemental TwiNs, on this,our youngest DAY.
Ann. CXI ('til april and it's fool)
Theyarehere for us - three Angels of Death ... hail & heal & halo
For 22 years of darkness lighted only the clouded PrincE DUNKEL (dunkal = 4+6+20+1+30 = 61 = LA = 0)
by Sevengirlchild - 5/02/16 3:53 PM
Born 7-27-76....atheist female
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 7/01/16 9:31 AM
I am one of the archangels. I have 3 Beautiful physical symbols each a Divine-7. There actually the real 777.
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 8/15/16 2:56 PM
What if a person is born whit 777 in his birth date .
What does this mean
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 10/02/16 1:29 PM
I am not sure.
by JASON JOCQUE - 10/26/16 2:45 AM
the triple sevens (777) numerically symbolize Yahweh, the Father of Yeshua the Messiah. He is the pinnacle of perfection,
by 777 I AM - 11/04/16 1:27 AM
"Where as the numbers 777 also could refer to the Archangels. Particular one Archangel who will be sent down by God & the Queen Mary to do battle with this antichrist. I had seen a few vision about this. One of the Archangels was sent down , no more wings, he was stripped of his wings and all his gifts, He will be on earth rejected by all same as his `lord was on earth a mere man. But has been empowered by God to battle with the antichrist, who will very powerful & rich on earth"
The original author of this article most likely had his vision of ME.
I was stripped of all my power for 9 months... I now have it back... I am a musician...
Maybe I can shed some light on your situation... You'll all see me soon, I will be a jack of trades, multiple crafts...
I WILL FLATTEN HE who thinks he will bring this world to its knees.
It has already started.
I have already faced him numerous times. I know who he is, he is an imposter.
by 777 I AM - 11/04/16 1:32 AM
Don't believe the lies... The one who is here to fight the anti-christ... He himself will be VERY WEALTHY... VERY POWERFUL...
HOW do you think a man with NOTHING and no respect in this Evil world could possibly fight something or someone so strong?
All your bible stories are wrong, if you are monotheistic, you are already heading down the wrong path.
WE ARE multi-dimensional beings by nature.
I need not say more.
Be warned.
by 777 I AM - 11/04/16 1:35 AM
and the modern holy trinity... Don't put your energy there...
The original holy trinity of the world... They were africans.
777 is fortuatous and signals change.
.egnahc slangis DNA suotautrof si 777
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/22/16 8:31 PM
If this is true and its the 2nd angel maybe 5-2-71 which has 2 7s and a 2 in the middle meaning second from the divine?
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/30/16 10:13 PM
My dear friend it was I you dreamt of. I am glad to know god touches you and it gives me strength to know before I appear
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/30/16 10:58 PM
You are not me...and do not lie for I am living now and searching the world for their concerns..
Lie again and I will have your soul erased of the book of life
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/30/16 11:00 PM
It means you are special to me...its isn't a bad sign or a good one but void all in all and symbolizes the spiritual and true nature of god itself
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 1/24/17 4:30 PM
You know, if I were to be this satanic extraterrestrial force, infiltrating and ruling the planets seeded by our true god, I probably would have totally edited the bible, in favour of me, thousands of years ago. Its a A vs B scenario (A can't excist without B), good vs bad, red vs blue. 777 is 666. Fooled. There is a war going on since the beginning of consciousness, it has no known end. The between black and white, grey movement tried but got annihilated many years ago. At the end the "bad" always shows up in a civilization, and rules. The bad guys will use their image to show these wonders.
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 1/29/17 12:28 AM
August 7th 1975 is the correct birthdate of the incarnated Archangel Michael....the lion of judah
by Anonymous - 1/29/17 4:01 AM
DOB 6-5-1988 , 6+5+1+9+8+8= 37 , 3•7= 21
by Michael - 2/07/17 3:23 AM
I am Michael I am from the tribe of Reuben and I need help I have been elected # 41208 in the angelic order out of 144000 God has given me plans I've seen Jesus in person and in dreams multiple times I have authority and power easily through the Holy Spirit I've had dreams of me killing the devil and a vision of me and Angels fighting and casting him down I've also had many confirmations through other Christians in the faith and many symbolic things I'd pray for not tell anybody and people would see it I know your not supposed to test God but it's crazy lol but nothing is impossible I've also had prophetic word that I will be a commander of armies I have kept my encouraging words prophetic letters from other people as proof . I can even pray with anyone God chooses to reveal and he will show you . Idk much about it yet but I know I am Michael and it is in soul and was sent by God to coordinate some stuff I've been planning for years implementation is my problem I have to do the footwork the tribes are here
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 2/16/17 7:00 AM
I live in Arkansas Helena West Helena,Named Darrell Joe Amos Born, Nov fourth ,1998. Today so happened to be a very entertaining morning for me with 777 as another part of my everyday life seeing it every other time I turn around. Yes today is For somebody u got that right maybe it's me seeing it's 3-16-17 today As crazzy as I sound I just realized it after I read your comments about another or sec archangel!!!-!!!!#777 is The Mark Of Jesus Christ Amen
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 2/16/17 8:33 AM
777 is not 666 ,(do u think Letter A Is Letter B) !!!!OK then make ur mind up on what ur thinking cuss it's not! #777 Is a way of letting people see God showing them signs and wonders today,and yet to come in the Final days before the Sixth and seventh Trumpet,And the Seventh Trump is kinna like a Fullfillen number for Jesus Christ to come Back even having all Odds against him, including the devel at the sixth trumpet,God Threw Jesus Christ Will Over Power instantly as he may very pls
by Angel 77 - 5/08/17 12:55 PM
My birthday is 7/77 ..Ive been gifted my whole life and know the true meaning if sacrifice and love..my birth name equals 17 letters and Ive been protected from death twice..I am just now waking up to the thought ..I feel enlightenment and use my 3 rd eye..my birth 7/28/77 7*4=28 7*11=77..I was born 4 minutes after midnight
.I see 11:11 all the time and have appliances turn off an on when around..444,222,555,77,17 and 7 are codes I receive ..I'm masculine and feminine all my life working positions that normal "woman" they say wouldn't.Ive always been the outcast of everything ,and I gave up everything to start over ..This yr is 40 yrs in the making and I feel blessed ..I want to help others with my healing hands ..oh ya I got that too 😇..to believe or not believe that's the ??? Live,laugh and Love!!!
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 5/30/17 8:51 PM
Lil David 1-6-1989 if you think I'm needed in anyway or feel close to me or feel I might be of some type of help idk if I can change anything but like to think I could be of service to some or all call me plz... thank you and I bless you all 😉
by Michael Sherwin - 1/14/18 9:55 PM
So many people claiming to be the incarnation of Michael the great prince. I'm not claiming that I am. But I do have a lifetime of clues that all indicate that I am. I just think it is all very strange and I wonder how the clues could be so consistent. Anyway, recently I was caught up in the Sept 23rd, 2017 sign of the woman and its connection to Michael TGP. Really believing that some higher power is trying to convince me that I am Michael TGP I decided to check Stellarium on my birthdate to see if there is a possible connection between my birthdate and the sign of the woman on Sept 23rd, 2017. My birthdate was 7/27/1957. And when I looked in Stellarium, 7/27/1957 was obviously the birth sign of Michael TGP. You will just have to look in Stellarium if you want to see for yourself!
RE: 777;1111
by DARRELL JOE AMOS 777 - 2/04/18 12:07 AM
Im darrell joe amos i have the zeal of God, a zeal of God is what 777 means if u ask him u shall recieve...See..Through ...Im one my brothers welcome to the end of are time i think im the one to fullfill the word by beaten satan and ,maken Jesus Christ path back straight to fullfill the word profiteable
by Anonymous - 7/08/18 8:54 PM
I am an Aquarius, Life Path 11, Soul Urge 22. A few months ago the 777 appeared in my mind when meditating, and appeared as if it was written in flame. Please contact me through: nacmonk
by Anonymous - 1/14/19 2:03 PM
I am Christopher, my cousin is Michael we were born in February of 1975 a few days apart from each other. I have 777 in the palm of my rite hand I'm not sure about Michael. I have visions as well. They are not pleasant. I believe I will be sent back or stay here for one purpose. To wage war.i am a protector of men and a son of GOD. Thanks, here's a pic.
by Christopher Neal Hardy - 1/14/19 2:12 PM
I am Christopher, my cousin is Michael we were born in February of 1975 a few days apart from each other. I have 777 in the palm of my rite hand I'm not sure about Michael. I have visions as well. They are not pleasant. I believe I will be sent back or stay here for one purpose. To wage war.i am a protector of men and a son of GOD. Thanks, here's a pic.i also am aquarius but I'm a cusp baby sometimes a Pisces.
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 12/04/19 9:28 PM
Maybe you need some Prozac!
by Michael Phillip Kivinen - 3/21/20 1:58 AM
Your all in the last generation it started in 1957 all those born from then on are the last generations you mock you scorn you understand not GOD and his commands of GOD but you all be dealt with on the DAY of Judgement separated those that are GODS children and those who followed Satan and did not know at least we will not have to put up with any you Satan loving Evil whores in the end once for all eternity tested you are all and most have failed and will give up the HOLY Ghost and to roast and no longer boast being the most unto yourselves most of you already the walking dead and don't even know it, and ignorance was your master with no wisdom no logic no understanding sad indeed to be lost without hope and without GOD when you stumble and fall rich in evil poor in spirit forevermore, none like Daniel none like David but GOD will settle the score for all. MPK
My bridegroom second law is mike the archangel.. The stairway on right side of orion rigle area made versions of mike, sometimes his bones come near me but I know the companions a-z most of them. Mile flew to earth in 2015. Everyone knows he fought everyone including the woman.. He wrote songs of Solomon to his love Matthew the first witness of revelations chapter 11.
79 Comments for 777
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by archangel - 12/12/08 7:38 AM78 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 777
by Anonymous - 1/22/09 3:25 AMRE: 777
by 777 - 10/20/09 9:34 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 10/21/09 11:20 AMRE: 777
by Michael - 3/27/10 3:19 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 3/31/10 3:16 AMRE: 777
by I am - 5/04/10 7:44 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 5/26/10 4:12 AMRE: 777
by ARCHANGEL - 6/23/10 10:22 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 6/29/10 2:46 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 7/06/10 7:20 AMRE:777
by kyflow - 6/29/11 4:50 PMRE:777
by frankie - 7/17/11 6:16 PMRE: 777
by oracle9574349 - 8/10/11 10:49 AMRE: 777
by Geraldine 76 - 8/13/11 6:34 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 3/04/12 3:05 PMRE:777
by haydon - 3/08/12 7:47 PMRE:777
by Dearly Loved Shining Bright - 4/08/12 3:03 PM7777
by dan - 6/11/12 7:17 PMRE:777
by heather danelle zearley - 6/23/12 7:59 PMRE:777
by Michael C Cook - 7/07/12 9:02 PMRE: 777
by David - 7/10/12 2:49 PMRE:777
by jamsine - 11/11/12 4:28 PMRe:777
by tc1themessenger - 5/06/13 11:22 AMRe: 777
by Vision Warrior 777 - 6/17/13 10:23 PMRe: 777
by Valerie - 8/11/13 10:54 AMRe: 777
by Anthony Charles Cornell - 8/15/13 5:20 PMRe:777
by shane o'brien - 8/28/13 10:41 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/10/13 9:20 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 12/19/13 1:15 PMRE:777
by Anonymous - 2/07/14 7:25 AMRE:777
by Peace be with you - 3/22/14 6:35 PMRE:777
by Peace be with you. - 3/22/14 6:45 PMRE:777
by Peace be with you. - 3/22/14 6:49 PMRE:777
by Anonymous - 6/17/14 5:13 PMRE: 777
by Michel - 7/02/14 3:33 PMRE:777
by Kenneth David Akin - 7/21/14 11:14 AMRE:777
by Jay - 8/14/14 11:00 PMRE:777
by jerry - 11/13/14 11:42 AMRE:777
by jerry - 11/30/14 9:42 PMRE:777
by Anonymous - 2/22/15 10:34 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 3/02/15 10:05 PMRE:777
by Michael - 3/22/15 9:27 PMRE:777
by Anonymous - 4/12/15 7:36 PMRE:777
by Anonymous - 6/24/15 3:24 PMRE:777
by Nomad33x - 8/30/15 7:22 PMRE:777
by jason - 1/06/16 11:29 PMRE:777
by jason - 1/06/16 11:30 PMRE:777
by niC0ras - 1/08/16 2:29 PMRE:777
by Sevengirlchild - 5/02/16 3:53 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 7/01/16 9:31 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 8/15/16 2:56 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 10/02/16 1:29 PMRE:777
by JASON JOCQUE - 10/26/16 2:45 AMRE:777
by 777 I AM - 11/04/16 1:27 AMRE:777
by 777 I AM - 11/04/16 1:32 AMRE:777
by 777 I AM - 11/04/16 1:35 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/04/16 2:21 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/22/16 8:31 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/30/16 10:13 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/30/16 10:58 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 11/30/16 11:00 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 1/24/17 4:30 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 1/29/17 12:28 AMRE:777
by Anonymous - 1/29/17 4:01 AMRE:777
by Michael - 2/07/17 3:23 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 2/16/17 7:00 AMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 2/16/17 8:33 AMRE:777
by Angel 77 - 5/08/17 12:55 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 5/30/17 8:51 PMRE:777
by Michael Sherwin - 1/14/18 9:55 PMRE: 777;1111
by DARRELL JOE AMOS 777 - 2/04/18 12:07 AMRE:777
by Anonymous - 7/08/18 8:54 PMRE:777
by Anonymous - 1/14/19 2:03 PMRE:777
by Christopher Neal Hardy - 1/14/19 2:12 PMRE: 777
by Anonymous - 12/04/19 9:28 PMRE:777
by Michael Phillip Kivinen - 3/21/20 1:58 AMRE:777
by Anonimo - 5/30/20 6:53 AMRE: 777
by Matthew - 3/27/21 2:53 PMRead all 1040 comments »
Comment on 777