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8 Number

by Young Spiritualist - 11/21/18 11:04 AM
When I was younger before something bad would happen I would see the number 8, A guy died and there was a large number 8 on the ground of his driveway he died right in front of me after being hit by a semi-truck... He was brain dead. I remember the strong feeling I had that day and I verbalized that someone was going to die there.

I don't think it's the number 8 because I'm being giving all of these advantageous opportunities and this number along with 1111 keeps making it's self known.

I always say 1111 is just a time that i guess my bodily clock likess to pay attention to when my sister was younger she and her friends would count down backward from repeating digits in time like 1:11, 2:22 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 etc and they would make a wish when they noticed 11:11 after counting down backwards from 11. 8 is the symbol of opportunity and in my opinion the infinitesimal universe but it represents the coming together of two separate powers. You can either put stock into seeing these numbers or not. Normally I feel something or an image would come to mind. You should reflect on where you are, what were your doing. Try not to make a connection because if one symbol doesn't make sense then whatever you feel is being communicated will be in a different way.

If a higher power or loved one is trying to communicate with someone then in like the many ways we have communicate with each other they too will use another avenue.

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