83 is the age for Aaron when he and Moses first confronted Pharaoh before the 10 plagues of God's judgment came upon Egypt, Ex 7:7. This story is prophetic for when the two witnesses will begin to speak against the antichrist in the first year of the tribulation before the judgments take place on unbelieving mankind.
So why did the Lord bother to mention the ages of Moses age of 80 and Aaron's age of 83 in this story. It seems a little strange that the Lord would bother to mention their ages in this part of the story. And we know the Lord does not put meaningless details in his Word.
I will try to make this as brief as I can. There are several stories in the Bible that point out it will be approximately 2,000 years from the resurrection to the beginning of the tribulation. So 2,000 years from 30 to 33 A.D. is 2030 to 2033 for the possible beginning of the tribulation. This prophetic pattern is repeated in several stories in the scriptures.
Now the birth of Israel in 1948 was a major end time sign for one generation that will not pass away before the events of the tribulation are fulfilled, Mat 24:32-34. And when you add 83 years to 1948 you get 2031. This I believe is what the Lord is revealing with Aaron's age of 83. The two witnesses will begin to speak against the antichrist at 83 years from 1948.
The next important prophetic number is when Sarah gave birth to Isaac at 90, 1 year after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This number is also interesting. Sarah is a picture for the end time nation of Israel (the wife of God) at the age of 90 years from 1948 that will give birth to the promised son by faith. In other words a remnant in Israel will believe in Jesus and be born again when the end time nation is 90 years old in 2038.
To confirm this Jesus spoke to Nicodemus in the dark, and he did not understand how to be born again. Nicodemus represents the leadership of Israel at the time of Jesus ministry that did not understand how to be born again.
Then Jesus went to the Samaritan woman and she believed in him as the Messiah. Jesus stayed with the Samaritans for two days, or prophetically a 2,000 year gospel to the Gentiles. A Samaritan is half Jew half Gentile, they are symbolic for the Gentiles who will be grafted into the Israel through faith. The wild olive branch grafted into the olive tree.
Next Jesus returns to Galilee and he heals and officials son in the 7th hour who is at the point of death. This represents Israel in the 7th year of the tribulation who will be at the point of death surrounded by their enemies when they will believe in Jesus and be saved from death.
After this Jesus heals a man at the pool of Bethesda who was crippled. The man was 38 years of age.
So what the Lord has here is a numerical prophetic puzzle revealed through 4 stories in the book of John.
As I said the 2 days with the Samaritans represents a 2,000 year gospel to the Gentiles. And when you put all the numbers together you get (2days) or 2,000 years (7th hour) 38. This represents the year 2038 when Israel will be in the 7th year of the tribulation when by faith they will be miraculously healed, born-again and saved from the point of death by Jesus.
It is quite hidden but Psalm 83 is when the Arab nations make a covenant to destroy Israel in the beginning of the tribulation. And in Psalm 90 the Lord sweeps men away in death as a watch in the night which is prophetic language for the darkness of the tribulation.
So 83 years from 1948 is the beginning of the tribulation in 2031 and 2038 is the end of the tribulation. There are many hidden prophetic stories that seem to confirm this time frame in the scriptures.
This came to me through revelation and scriptures that were in my waking thoughts in the morning over a period of time.
The Lord reveals the mysteries hidden in his Word when he wants and to whom he wants. And he reveals his mysteries to his body of believers to build up his body of saints. Time will tell if this time frame is true. The Lord will not reveal the day or hour of his return but he can let us know when it is near.
For example,
Israel was told they would be afflicted 400 years in Egypt, fulfilled.
Israel was told they would be taken captive 70 years in Babylon, fulfilled.
Israel was told it would be 483 years to the coming of the Messiah from the decree of Cyrus, fulfilled.
Joseph was imprisoned for two whole years (2000 years) after the cup-bearer was released from prison after 3 days (the resurrection). When Joseph was let out of prison there was 7 years of harvest (of saints) and 7 years of famine (tribulation) followed by Joseph becoming ruler of all Egypt (the world) under the authority of Pharaoh (the Father). This is one picture for a 2,000 year period from the resurrection to the 7 years of tribulation. And I strongly believe this also will be fulfilled.
Would like to hear more of what you have written about here. Do you have a website or more posts somewhere?
RE: 83 and 38
by Debra - 2/27/18 6:19 PM
I meant to say this was for the person named Greg:
Would like to hear more of what you have written about here. Do you have a website or more posts somewhere?
RE: 83 and 38
by Anonymous - 6/21/18 5:28 AM
Joseph rose to power before the abundance and famine didn't he?
There are 83 non radioactive elements btw.
RE:83 and 38
by Greg Isaacson - 11/13/19 12:32 AM
I have a few posts on fivedoves website. One is called "The 4 Blood moons in 2032 and 2033 and the Prophetic Years for the tribulation."
If you do a search on Duck Duck Go or Bing it will show up on the first search page. I would give you my email address but this site does not allow it. You can ask John Tng at fivedoves and he should give you my email address. There is an incredible amount of scriptural evidence that points to 2031 to 2038 for the Tribulation years.
The post "The 4 Blood moons" I mentioned is long and not well written, but it will give you a good idea of the scriptural evidence. Some evidence is quite plain to see while other evidence is deeply hidden and Holy Spirit revealed. Hope to talk with you in the future.
Greg Isaacson
RE: 83 and 38
by Steve B - 9/27/20 5:16 PM
I would often sign papers at work with my initials, S.B.
Often, someone would ask who is 83?
When I signed up for my gmail account, my name was already taken so I was assigned a gmail account which contained the number 83
In the year 2038 I will 83 years old!
I’ll be ready!!!
RE:83 and 38
by Kevin - 9/29/20 12:29 PM
My Bday is 3 14 83. And someone just told me I was abraham in the Spirit...
RE: 83 and 38
by Lorraine - 4/22/23 6:03 PM
This is amazing , I was just outside and saw the number 83 plain as day in a cloud , which made me want to know what the number means , God stops clocks ( and I’ll look for the verse , I’ll know it when I see it as I’m either wondering or praying about something . Or when I lay down to pray I’ll see neon colored numbers , the last one was 32 1/2 weeks on March the 2nd . But I know my 83 was for Palms 83 because of the trouble the Jews are having in Israel.
8 Comments for 83 and 38
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83 and 38
by Greg - 8/19/16 9:57 PM7 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: 83 and 38
by Anonymous - 2/27/18 6:18 PMRE: 83 and 38
by Debra - 2/27/18 6:19 PMRE: 83 and 38
by Anonymous - 6/21/18 5:28 AMRE:83 and 38
by Greg Isaacson - 11/13/19 12:32 AMRE: 83 and 38
by Steve B - 9/27/20 5:16 PMRE:83 and 38
by Kevin - 9/29/20 12:29 PMRE: 83 and 38
by Lorraine - 4/22/23 6:03 PMRead all 68 comments »
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