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83 and symbolism

by will not leave my name to allow fanatics to attack me - 10/27/20 3:22 PM
I am guessing none of you believe in evolution and ignore the fact that evolution can be seen and has clear evidence.
And yet you actually believe and take the name of God when you go to war against another nation ,both nations thinking God is on their side helping your side to kill and maim and destroy.I remember the songs we sang in Sunday school,"Onward Christian Soldiers" marching as to war,like the Crusaders bringing their faith to others by conquering them and slaughtering them.It just seems strange that people can believe in an all powerful god but can't see how evolution works.Many years ago when I was young and learned about science and evolution I asked my pastor,"Where did God come from?. He said to me that one day all would be answered to me.In other words he had no answer.Don't get me wrong I believe that the belief in God is a good thing for many,and it helps people to not be so vicious and hurt others but at the same time it is used for evil just as much.Without the masses not having any religious belief many would see no reason not to kill and do evil deeds.It's a shame that people need to have religious false beliefs to instill fear in them to keep them from doing evil things to others that they would not want done to themselves but if it works it's OK.In reality it is a form of control,propaganda and it is used for good and bad.

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RE: 83 and symbolism

by Hail Satan - 11/11/20 8:55 PM
The author of sin and evil is the person who commits it. Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is a true one.

It is known that God is self existing and self sustaining. A being outside of creation thus outside of time and space.

Do not base your experience of God based on religious figures around you. Religion is corrupted by men. Go to scriptures to understand God. Then you will clearly see right from wrong doctrine.

But it appears to me that the love of God is not with you. So let me impart it to you if I am able.

Salvation is simple. Confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God rose him from the dead and you will have eternal life.

In fact it is possible that one can still do evil deeds daily and enter the kingdom of God. But many are not ready for such a teaching.

How so many people twist this and go beyond it clearly is not for the sake of God.

RE: 83 and symbolism

by Anonymous - 3/26/21 8:47 PM
I'm sorry u feel that way...God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is awesome and I'm sorry u don't know that

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