I, returned to this world as DALE-ANDREWS DESEAN DAVIS. DALE – Valley, lush, green, lively. ANDREWS – Manly, strong, proud, government authority. DASEAN – By/ near the river, river person/ people, fisherman. DAVIS – Land, Star or Shield of DAVID or MerKaBa/ Jew-EL/ Trinity. Evanston, Illinois is the name of the land from which my mother hails! That is "A City of an Event Written/ Scripted/ Risen In Stone". Her titled name, DEANNA - God, GODDESS, devine, fertility & childbirth, of hunting, & the moon. MARIE - Mary, sea of bitterness/ sorrow, rebellion, wished-for child, & mistress or lady of the sea. DAVIS - Land, Star or Shield of DAVID or MerKaBa/ Jew-EL/ Trinity. Today, the title I vibe with most often is OLADAYO-NEGASI ANNUNAKI EL and again, my closest of friends call me Dayo.
I, AM, a fallen STAR/ SUN/ angle of light, prophet, a returned G.O.D., I AM logistic, a trend setter, an alchemist, a sign of the times analyzer, a musician & music itself, a magician, a foolish child, a rebel, a KING and a QUEEN, as EYE AM my MAthor’s SON, so much more! This is all no big deal, SIRIUSLY. I, have a lifetime of music industry experience, including and not limited to a radio show, "#TheLionsDenRadioShowWithDJApedemakRose" which will be going into its second season soon. The first, was broadcast live and from 89.3 WNUR FM Evanston-Chicago.
EYE returned after a STAR went SUPERNOVA, via a PORT-ALL/ WORM (W)HOLE/ BLACK HOLE.
Now, in America, both my mother and my first wife carry the names “Mary†and A-Mary-Ka (Mary’s KA or SOL or SUN) is the land I chose to return to. To be more specific, I hail from Evanston, Illinois, which is “a city of an EVEnt written in STONe. This city is just north of Chicago (She-Ka-Go = SHE = HER, KA = SOL/ SUN or SON/ LIGHT, GO = SET FREE/ RELEASED/ I.E. MAthors FREE SON or FREEMASON). Chicago, is the “CITY OF ‘HER’ BROAD SHOULDERS†and Evanston, resting just to the north is then a “TEMPLE CITY, CHURCH, LIGHT HOUSEâ€. I, look to respectfully share a portion of my work with the. In each gifted current moment, I AM wrapped in a current-sea of divine payment. I, AM the great work and therefor always working and profiting the same. As such, all, that I see, is a PROFIT-SEA. I, sent M'EYE "ION's" on a "QUEST", looked within for the QUESTION's & ANSWER's and M'EYE A.I. found the keys to life itself. My reflection, I thank the for putting in the work and living up to thine own divine prophecy!
“What Is Money?â€
Money, is CURRENcy, based off the river CURRENT, see? SEEDS are directed by and deposited into the riverBANK. The human body is made 50% – 78% water and 93% STARDUST . This is in part why money flows through the hands of most the same as water. SPEND TIME chasing money and later likely find self in a position requiring the SPENDing of money in hopes of increasing TIME. Self, is the money and without basic knowledge of self, one is likely to SPEND a lifetime chasing wealth. When, in fact, “health is wealthâ€. That which one PAYS attention to/ shows INTEREST in will pay the back and with INTEREST. Value each CURRENT moment, while open to CHANGE and one will always be receiving CHANGE and again, with INTEREST.
Again, I know myself to be a SO(U)L/ SUN/ STAR, only WIThIN a body/ vessel/ ship, which is therefore a CAVE and returned via the deepest & D'ARKest of BLACK (W)HOLES/ NARROW PATHS. EYE put mEYE SOL/ CELLF up for SALE/ CELL, to CELLF and will always be SO(U)LD, EVE-N in the deepest & D'ARKest or highest & brightest CELLAR. All, that EYE have done is SAIL mEYE SO(U)L/ SUN/ STARDUST along the CURRENT$/ WAVE$ of that which I AM. CHRIST means CROWN, NOAH means REST and still waters run deep. EVE-n in silent, restful stillness in coils EYE rose up mEYE ARK/ ARCH. Each side of my back represents FEMININE & MASCULINE energy and I have the D.N.A. of all animals. Upon activation of this D.N.A. EYE, have then placed all animals onto mEYE restfil (Noah) arch and ride the RED SEA (BLOOD) that parts for EYE, to mEYE tempEL.
I, AM, contacting the today in regards to the reparations I hear Evanston is paying to "black" Evanstonians. I, have earned this payment and I, will further state to the how in this following correspondence.
"Drug", has it's origins as being an older word/ term/ title for the pineal gland/ melanin/ the brain. A "drug", is not a "drug", unless it speeds up, slows down or destroys the pineal gland/ melanin/ the brain. I, was diagnosed as having "mental illness" as a child. Being born into the 80's, I returned to this land during a time that a war was being raged on/ against "drugs"/ the pineal gland/ melanin/ the brain. This war, was/ is a war, being raged against I. I, was placed on "drugs". As a child, I, noticed right away that something was not right with how I felt/ functioned soon after.
Continuing, "money", is currency or "CURRENT of the SEA". Money, is deposited into a bank, the same as a "RIVER BANK", directing the flow of the "CURRENT SEA". The body, is said to be mainly comprised of WAT(T)ER. Blood, is thinker than WAT(T)ER. My blodline has already put in the work in building this nation and was not paid. Again, "money", is CURRENT or ENERGY. SO(U)L, is true self and this body, only a representative made in (H)OUR image. SOL-AR ENERGY, has risen within I, riding the blood, to the pineal gland/ melanin/ the brain/ crown. The SUN above, gives off SOL-AR ENERGY. As above, so below and as within, so without! My SO(U)L/ true self, has walked upon the WAT(T)ER within.
My "CURRENT-SEA" within, has risen/ flows and as such, the "CURRENCY" without is to do the same!
AMERICA, is "Mary's Ka". The word "Ka", means "SO(U)L" and "SOL", is SUN/ SON. Mary's SON, is hear to collect and just as prophesied! A PROFIT, WILL ALWAYS PROPHET! CHICAGO, is "SHE-KA-GO", or "HER SO(U)L/ SUN/ SON FREE" or "FREE HER SO(U)L/ SUN/ SON". This, makes I, a self initiated "FREEMASON" or "MA's FREE SON". As well, CHICAGO, is said to be "THE CITY OF BROAD SHOULDERS" and a BROAD, is another word for woman or her. To the north of CHICAGO, is EVANSTON. To the north of shoulders is the head or TEMPLE or LIGHTHOUSE/ CHURCH.
My mothers bloodline is named/ titled both Davis & Priester. Davis, meaning the STAR/ SUN/ SHIELD/ SWORD of David or Heart/ MerKaBa (MER, has to do with WAT(T)ER. Ka, again is SO(U)L and Ba, has to do with the BODY) and I, AM, not Jewish, rather a JEW-EL!. As well, Priester, is german and meaning PRIEST. This, is all in my blood and what I do, when I work for an actual living, knowing no slavery!
The lost tribe, has returned.
I, AM, both David & Goliath and why would I fight myself when I just dance instead! I, AM, music itself! That slingshot, only represents my word/ stone reaching the, having the ear/ temple able to hear/ reSEAv.
I, can continue. However, I have stated enough. I, thank the for thine time and look forward to speaking/ working with the soon!
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A $'EAR-E-U$ $t.-R I$ B'EARTHd
by OLADAYO-NEGASI ANNUNAKI EL - 1/21/20 1:53 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
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