6 Comments for a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

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a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by Leslie G. Mathis - 9/03/12 12:44 PM
am searching for this meaning of 777 on me

5 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by Anonymous - 9/04/12 9:25 AM
can anyone give me some insite on this

RE: a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by Anonymous - 11/11/12 5:50 PM
did you find the meanin

RE: a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by Anonymous - 11/19/12 8:21 AM
it mean witchcraft

RE: a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by B.C.,i:III-7 - 11/26/12 6:20 PM
My lifes meaning had always been the 777.. feel free to contact me. It is time, and I have answers.

RE: a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

by Anonymous - 2/18/21 11:52 AM
My name is dawn rene whaley 4+4+6=21 777 !I was born 7-7-1974 777 also the year I was born 1+9+7+4=21 777 I was also born on Sunday at 10.24 am 1+0+2+4=7 I have two children my son was born on the 21 same day as his father !and my first niece also my fathers full name adds up to 14 letters !there is more I just can’t think of it now I have always loved the lord and I believe he gave his only begotten son for are sins!he has been there when I had no one else !im not perfect I am a sinner but I do have a conscience and I’try to be a good kind hearted person most of the time people take my kindness for weekness I have also have had dreams of Jesus and him showing me things also I have had dreams of what seemed to be the end of times !im no better then no one but I do believe 7 has a meaning to a lot of peoples life’s and god is a big part of it

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Comment on a prophet told me that the numbers 777 would mean something in my life

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