555 is the sign of a man who was born to fight the demons and their master Satan until you come to Jesus Christ, who will prophecy says that one glance destroy Satan. this man has been born and lived among us, but he did not know it was him. prophecy says that the angels in one night to prepare and give him the knowledge which will be able to fight against the demons and their master Satan. The prophecy says that his soul is hidden between two of the world in order to be protected from Satan, because he will be the first and who will lead an army against the demon to the re-arrival of Jesus Christ
Tha is so stupid since satan is a woman who has been betrayed by her family friends and Man wo was supposed to protect her The fall of man was because of mans greed and Jealousy
RE: Ali Mahdi
by 665 - 1/25/13 6:48 AM
Did you mean sign from christ to mahdi?
RE: Ali Mahdi
by by we believe in a god - 1/25/13 3:13 PM
No,555 it is sing of mahdi,Christ is coming later. A´m repeate hi is the only one who will stand against satan and will protect the people as competent to do the re-arrival of Jesus Christ, the man who was born and who bears the mark 555. what we are allowed to say is that this man is a direct descendant of the two largest religions Christianity and Islam. prophecy said that he would be a Muslim mother and her whole family will lead to the very roots of Islam and his father to be a Christian and his family will lead to the very roots of Christianity. Of course this man for it knows nothing, and I repeat, in one night, the angels will teach and show him how to fight against them and that will help protect people from Satan.
RE:Ali Mahdi
by Bobbie - 10/23/13 12:25 PM
Where can I read this? I need to know more information please?
RE:Ali Mahdi
by mico - 2/05/15 10:30 AM
Ali mahdi i have dreamed this number and im a little bit scared. I dreamed with a bible verse and i searched every versea. But i cant find the eaning of 555 can make me an email i realy need your help
RE: Ali Mahdi
by Anonymous - 4/18/15 4:40 PM
I am a male luciferian and I am of the white race for Lucy but I cant race because of the English language plus I've already won and everyone is antisocial around me and my track and I am the one left behind andishowsoul
7 Comments for Ali Mahdi
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Ali Mahdi
by we believe in a god - 12/23/12 8:30 AM6 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Ali Mahdi
by wendy - 1/01/13 4:10 AMRE: Ali Mahdi
by 665 - 1/25/13 6:48 AMRE: Ali Mahdi
by by we believe in a god - 1/25/13 3:13 PMRE:Ali Mahdi
by Bobbie - 10/23/13 12:25 PMRE:Ali Mahdi
by mico - 2/05/15 10:30 AMRE: Ali Mahdi
by Anonymous - 4/18/15 4:40 PMRead all 304 comments »
Comment on Ali Mahdi