First of all, where do you get that Muhammad was a false prophet? You would have to show a lot of evidence to lightly affirm what you say, it is like denying that any other prophet was sense, and second, Abaddon is an angel of God, not a demon.
Unlike Yeshua/Jesus his apostles and disciples, there is ZERO archeological evidence
of Muhammad's life his 'journey' nor his teachings. There are scads of errors and contradictory statements in the Koran, and if you do a small amount of research you will find the truth. The Israelites knew God. They waited for their messiah (before Muslims, by a very long time; clearly borrowed from Judaism), but a few of their leaders were power mad and when their messiah came they passed down a lie that he did not yet come. The messiah Yeshua started gaining gentile followers, they would come to be called christians. Fast forward, the christians trying to make the unlawful nomadic and murderous (the christians were murderous too) tribes in the desert christians too, but they would not. They wanted that they should have God so they would stop running around and be peaceful. So, mysteriously right around that time the writings of a nomadic prophet appeared, and was accepted. However, it didn't make them more peaceful. Find the truth, read and take notes! It is all a lie the Koran!
RE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 12/27/24 12:31 PM
He was a false prophet. You should really study your history. Esau was who he is linked to. Bad side of the story. Don't end well for them.
RE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 12/29/24 7:57 AM
Tell me what prophecies, Mohammed spoke and have come true.
RE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 1/02/25 8:13 PM
Locusts swarmed mecca, any religion that enslaves is false. That kills is false. That prayer in counterclockwise circles. Women enslaved for profit and control Mormon 6 Muslim 6 NASCAR 6
RE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 1/25/25 1:16 PM
An "angel of the abyss."
RE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 2/09/25 12:30 AM
Lucifer is Muhammad, but The Bible doesn't actually call Lucifer an/the antichrist anywhere. In 5 minutes you can confirm this with Bible Hub's search engine by typing in the word antichrist. An antichrist is someone that doesn't believe Christ has immortal life. I'm guessing that Lucifer knows if he doesn't die, neither does his parallel being: Christ. The antichrist in Thessalonians 2 can't be Lucifer because it's only some poser pretending to be God, and sitting in God's temple calling himself God. Lucifer/Muhammad/Aries/Allah is the God of Gods. Prophetic text couldn't be clearer that Lucifer isn't the antichrist. Encyclopedia Britannica says that antichrist/The Al Dajjal is a pudgy man with a ruddy, or damned face. That and Thessalonians point to Pope Francis. Either way The Antichrist is a mortal man according to all prophetic text, and that rules out any of the living the Gods including Muhammad. Next time read the book for yourself dont drink that damned catholic church's koolaid. b1tch.
RE: RE: Antichrist
by Joseph A. Sprute - 2/09/25 3:29 AM
"Muhammad" in the English Sumerian system equals 444
"Muhammad" in the English Ordinal system equals 74
"Jesus" in the English Sumerian system equals 444
"Jesus" in the English Ordinal system equals 74
"Lucifer" in the English Sumerian system equals 444
"Lucifer" in the English Ordinal system equals 74
RE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 3/16/25 9:34 AM
Abandon is a fallen angel, and Muhammad was a prophet of the god of the moon aka middle eastern deity or fallen angel, Muhammad was not a prophet of God his youngest wife was 9 years old and that says a lot.. he also practiced witchcraft which is forbidden in the true Word of God- not the Koran.
11 Comments for RE: Antichrist
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RE: Antichrist
by Khaira Imân B.M - 3/27/24 6:10 AM10 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 9/19/24 11:57 PMRE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 10/25/24 1:16 AMRE: RE: RE:Antichrist
by Emily - 11/30/24 2:49 AMRE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 12/27/24 12:31 PMRE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 12/29/24 7:57 AMRE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 1/02/25 8:13 PMRE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 1/25/25 1:16 PMRE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 2/09/25 12:30 AMRE: RE: Antichrist
by Joseph A. Sprute - 2/09/25 3:29 AMRE: RE: Antichrist
by Anonymous - 3/16/25 9:34 AMRead all 4407 comments »
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