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by Anonymous - 8/01/11 1:14 PM

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35. Is changing your way of thinking your minds are antennas. Remember that

by Do not under any circumstance judge a living being bad bad resistance you build for your self - 10/24/17 1:17 AM
Haven't quite figured it out just yet.. But a few things are certain.... Heaven/hell/ spirituality. What ever you want to call it. Is all more than real and I'm sure most people reading this agree... I've always been a very receptive individual up to the age of 20 i never used it wisely.. From age 20 to 24 I was seeking the answer to life I've tried everything staying positive no matter what... I've tried doing things in my own power to achieve financial security... I've tried law of attraction etc.. You name it I've tried it... Bottom line it has failed time and time again with miniscule or no progress... I felt like life truly sucked... Now from age 24-25 having no where else to turn no family/friends I started listening to Joel osteen siriusxm ch#128 this was just the beginning..... I had listened to to all his seminars... Don't listen to his words by the way he speaks In a hidden metaphorical way... I've always been a Christian but now I have new powers sounds frugally but so dam true and I love every moment of it I fully rely on God... I don't worry about absolutely nothing... Because that is what true faith is... Fear is not real danger is real..... My powers gained from trusting God are... Well in my dreams I dream about the future and they always come to pass the... Can't predict the time it will though.... Mostly because there is no such thing as time in heaven... I see things people dont things that are hidden in plain sight... So sad that we are being lied to all day everyday from our leaders in office anyway and I have a few other "powers" I'm not willing to share publicly. And it all started with the number 30 fricking 5
.... If you see this number everything is going to work out just fine and no need to worry because you just hurting yourself mentality witch leads to physical turmoil another recurring number is 212. Which mean keep the faith that the Lord all our God is testing you to your limits believe me he will stretch you so dam far you will think there is no end... But when it does that's the strength he knew you had the whole time... And you'll pretty much get everything you want materialily speaking or friends. Family it's your just test the gruelling long ass painfully long test that he bestows upon you. LET the little things go. Because if you can't how is he sapoused to let you handle larger more fulfilling projects if you cant handle the little nucinces. and don't give up because you will fail and have a hard life till you die... Always keep your peace do not get mad/angry that attracts poverty... Be happy... Ever hear fake it till you make it lol... It has truth in it. And be positive at all times with people and situations. And there you go the secret to abundance.... When you first start using this method of changing the minds way of thinking u will attract your first test quickly and it will be negative and and another until you snap then the invisible force will reset... It won and once you try again. It will do the same but pass the test cause after a while the negative will stop and you will start experiencing the gooood stuff... That's if you want the good stuff:)

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