Long story so I wont get into great detail. I was dating this woman. The first one I felt was worth dating since my divorce. Well I ended up dumping her. Huge mistake. Prayed and prayed and asked for some sort of sign. One day I was driving to my office and I was at a stop light. When it turned green I noticed that 2 cars in front of me had the number 35 on the right and left hand side of the bumper. The hair on my neck stood up and I had this voice that said this is your sign. Upon thinking about this I realized we were both 35. My life path is a 3 hers a 5. Well and now everytime I check the time its x:35, no matter when. As I drive around I might glance over and always there is the number 35, address, in a business' phone number it just doesnt matter. I am really trying to find a deeper understanding of this. Let me know what is going on.
She is definitely your soul mate, and that is God's way of showing it. As you probably know, 3 + 5 = 8, which is the infinite symbol, and there's 774,746 words in the bible (added together equals 35). The reason I did the research was because I also asked God the same question, I prayed so many times and the number 35 appeared in my dream as well as the feeling of who my soul mate was; a person I have known pretty well since kindergarten, and whom I love very much but took me awhile to finally realize...I just hope it's not too late.
RE: Crazy Stuff
by Thanks Anonymous - 1/16/13 11:39 AM
I really appreciate your comment and I feel as though she is my soul mate. I still see 35 every day and its frequency was doubled and even tripled at times!
RE:Crazy Stuff
by Anonymous - 5/27/15 11:14 AM
Number 3 usually means an ascended master you feel close to is helping you and number 5 a significant change is occurring for the better. 3+5=8. 8 signify abundance on whatever else you require especially for your life purpose.
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Crazy Stuff
by no need for it - 12/07/12 8:54 PM3 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Crazy Stuff
by Anonymous - 1/13/13 4:47 PMRE: Crazy Stuff
by Thanks Anonymous - 1/16/13 11:39 AMRE:Crazy Stuff
by Anonymous - 5/27/15 11:14 AMRead all 62 comments »
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