3 Comments for Difficult harmony; disappointment... 84

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Difficult harmony; disappointment... 84

by Der Mann - 9/19/10 1:40 AM
Someone very close to me was obsessed with the number and killed himself, his stated reason being the mismatch between what he was (and what he could have been in an ideal world) and what the world, being what it is, supposed him to be That seems to match the explanation by R. Allendy as on this site: the "ratio of the nirvana world to the natural law."

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RE: Difficult harmony; disappointment... 84

by Anonymous - 9/20/10 12:03 PM
Hi, you frightened me... why was he obsessed with that number? Im not obsessed at all neither feel like killing myself...
Thank you.

RE: Difficult harmony; disappointment... 84

by Der Mann - 11/30/10 9:25 AM
From palmistry and numerology he found that 8 and 4 were both unlucky, but potently so in combination. In the books he read were stories of how 4 and 8 (when together) had caused continuing bad luck for some people. He planned his suicide, the date having only 4's and 8's (except for the "19..").

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