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Digital Codes

by Linja - 1/28/11 1:55 AM
"Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA." .... crystalinks

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RE: Digital Codes

by Anonymous - 9/03/19 11:25 AM
Thanks. This now makes sense. I activated my DNA back in 2011 and have since been experiencing the influx of numeric warnings, messages, and consolation.

RE: Digital Codes

by Anonymous - 9/03/19 11:42 AM
And once all the activations. When you are handed the challenges that trigger fear, anger, panic; etc. You're gonna have to be able to work on releasing these and understanding that you are forming your reality. You alone control it. You can choose to give it a positive spin by redirecting towards that and rewriting your situation. Literally and figuratively or allow your fear and anger to write it for you. The hardest for me has been negative people bantering, threatening, and seeking to control the ship to missdirect me. FYI: Do not argue with fools. Lead them to believe instead you agree then do the opposite quietly. Know that their inner devils will know something is up and will seek to thwart your progress. You will overcome that also. Something in them and in the matrix is aware that you are different and altered so it or they will react.

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