I had the oddest dream that lead me to research the number 45. I usually have lots of prophetic dreams but i had no knowledge of the number 45. In my dream i was in some sort of ruins. A voice spoke softly and my dream was filled with warm golden rays from the sun. Usually i hear this voice speak to me and it tells me things to come. In this dream this voice told me about God being in the form of a goat and the devil is made of 45 skulls. And when he said that an image of a red pyramid formed of skulls appeared. I dont know what it ment till i read what was on this site. I understand what it said about demons cause ive had a horrifying experience with one whether you all believe me or not. I started my search of the number 45 with asking whos the 45th president... obama is our current and 44th. I was unaware of this. May our 45th be the devil himself thatll lay mankind to ruins. I hope this voice that speaks to me every night is all just a dream and nothing more but a dream.
dream of the number 45****** what year were you born in?????
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 11/07/12 8:16 PM
Whatever you were smoking, I want 10 of.
RE: Dream of number 45
by the end - 1/19/13 12:33 PM
can you or do you post other prophetic dreams. I was looking up the sinificance of the number 45 too, because of who would become the 45 president. I would really like to know more of your prophetic dreams.
RE: Dream of number 45
by Shawn welling Goodwater - 10/03/15 5:57 AM
I see 45 in some form in the media the most, I think you might be right about next president. Would like to hear more of your dreams.
RE: Dream of number 45
by Shawn welling Goodwater - 10/03/15 6:01 AM
I see 45 in some form in the media the most, I think you might be right about next president. Would like to hear more of your dreams.
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/19/16 9:36 AM
I had a very similar occurrence, except it came to me in a vision while watching a repeat of DT speech announcing running mate. Something came over me and my mind was no longer in a conscious state, but I was fully awake and could not hear. If that makes sense... It was triggered by a statement made about DT being the 45 th pres. Something spoke to me an said that DT was the antichrist and the reign of the antichrist would begin with him! At that very moment I started researching the #45.
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/21/16 1:03 PM
Does this mean Donald Trump is gonna destroy the world after all?
RE:Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/22/16 12:50 PM
I know it sounds crazy but, I believe so. If not him it all has to do with the 45th pres.
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/27/16 8:48 AM
Well I want to say you dream may if very well added light further to a dream I had about 9-10 years ago.
I saw the statueof Liberty fallimg, it crumbled to the ground, in ruins.
Well for years I was always praying what it meant, in reality with all that's happened with terrorist attacks, I thought we may have another 9/11 but it will bring down the statue of Liberty.
Then I was led to the scriptures as I continue to pray, Revelation 17.
The Whore of Babylon.
As I read this scripture I was in complete shock. Then I watched one day on history channel, about Greek mythology, and the gods n godesses, therefore learning that our liberty was a replica of a Greek goddess Athena.
So then I prayed, asking God, is our statue that is honored and noticed all over our nation, a idol? That will bring us to our knees?
So all these years I thought, we are in for a rude awakening.
Then 7/22/2016; 3am I was given a decrement, as I watched the 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump, now I am not saying Donald Trump is bad, then commercial came, Hillary campaign, says while Donald watching Shows, Hillary was out saving, helping the people, blabla....
Then something hit me, a vision, a premonition perhaps, I seen the statueof Liberty fallimg again, this dream, came to my memory, like a rushing water fall, it became so real.
The great fall of our nation, the ruins of our liberty and justice, I heard those words.
Then, I realized, we are in trouble, is Hillary goimg to be our next president?
Well look, what the Whore of Babylon is in scriptures
The Whore of Babylon or Babylon the Great is a female figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is given as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth."
Thus is who the Whore of Babylon is described, so as inwas watching, Hillary was officially chosen, as the democratic runner, for 2016 presidential election campaign, it was brought to my attention if she's elected, and I have a sick gut feeling she will be, then sje us the 4th president of our nation, and I thought, what is the biblical meaning of 45.
I then came to this, I read your dream.
I related, I connected, n I am praying for God's mercy on us all.
Read Revelations 17, research the Greek goddess Athena, research the history behind the statue of Liberty, and let your eyes be opened.
I believe trump will be a better candidate, he is for the people, for our veterans, for Israel!
But all things happen for a reason, Obama was sent to humble our nation, bring us to realize we need God, bc we have a leader that praised evil deeds, riots, protesters that murdered our cops, brought us into bondage. God was sending a man that will bring us to our knees, pleasing for mercy, bc like the book of kings, the people cried out fir a king, n they got ine, then they cried out for God to replace him, but it was years b4 God did, bc he wanted the people to be humble.
Read the rise of Saul, in Book of 1st kimgs.
RE:Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 10/16/16 10:25 AM
when the bible speaks of a whore it speaking of the roman catholic system,a false church and yes America will fall by Islam
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 11/09/16 1:09 AM
I was googling what does 45 mean biblically? This post is what I found. Donald Trump was just elected as president. God help us!
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 11/09/16 3:57 AM
Sounds like you are being visited by demonic spirits and should reconsider your walk with the Lord Jesus. God is not in the shape of a goat, and the devil WILL appear to you as an angel of light and make himself beautiful to you.
RE:Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 12/21/16 9:26 AM
Believe it because it is a prophetic dream. I know because I had them too. The change will start very very soon. Our world will be in ruins and Christians will be persecuted and killed. A new world will born from the ashes of the old world and humanity will start a new journey living under the light and love of God.
RE:Dream of number 45
by Spud - 8/18/17 8:39 AM
"The change will start very very soon. Our world will be in ruins"
Jesus and Paul were both prophesying that the world would end very very soon. But 2,000 years have passed since their inaccurate prophecies. They were mistaken (if not liars, or fools).
In my lifetime I have heard numerous predictions that the world will end soon (1968, 1973, 1980, 1982, 1999, 2000, 2012, etc).
Each and every prediction was foolish nonsense.
Wake up. Live today for today. Be kind to each other and plan for a long future.
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 12/31/17 10:42 AM
Not sound
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 3/05/18 5:34 PM
Bible number 44 means son of perdition. And Obama’ was
RE: Dream of number 45
by Jarod - 8/13/18 6:24 PM
45 is the number of the devil and it is implanted into heart rythms to metaphysically twist people up. If a person unwittingly grants permission and thus access. They angels when they clean you out will look for 45 to flash red and white on your heart monitor (this is often done in a hospital) and the will began using metaphors to untwist you, going back and fourth until the rhythm no longer displays 45 and is normal. 15 + 15 + 15 is 45 . 1+5 is 6 so 666 =45 and yes we are on the 45th president. The time is near be prepared, look forward to Christ's return .
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 8/30/18 12:09 PM
That makes no sense because God said to Daniel blessed is he who waits the additional 45 days. Therefore 45 cannot be an evil number
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 8/30/18 12:15 PM
Number 45 stands for preservation and protection in hebrew
RE:Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 6/19/23 6:29 PM
Every number can have many different associations (by gematria or whatever), but I like to point out that Donald Trump was our 45th President, and by English Gematria (the default method in the calculator,
45 = Me = Mad = A lie
And Trump's Presidency was always about himself (me) and telling lies to make himself look better. Like lying to the whole USA, telling us that he had won the 2020 election. Try searching YouTube for "Christie on Trump", and you'll find at least a couple of decent videos at the top of the list that expose Trump's madness.
RE:Dream of number 45
by Dimah - 6/14/24 7:20 PM
*yahshuyah* tells no lie
*en\'d translates 2 nwo_6666_eulers
*yahshuyah* say, not to fear 666_6_616, birth pains...*the world will become *999_9_919*
RE:Dream of number 45
by Dimah - 6/14/24 7:23 PM
11 is the numeral of chaos
trump\'ph uses 88022 as text
22 is twice te chaos
22 also translates to completion
have hidden codes 2
RE: Dream of number 45
by Yael - 10/27/24 1:31 PM
45 or a variation of 45 is the most prevalent number on earth l, I’ve seen since my 20s so I’ve been obsessed with that number myself and I’ve also been obsessed with revelations since being a teenager. The man of sin,the lawlessness one. You could add on and on and on how matches up. He even has hats proclaiming 45 as do his follower, mostly Christians, even my, Mom, Who is the most morel person I know. Mark of the Beast is already in their hearts and Mind. Trumps babel tower address is 666 also. But the first that screamed at me before I realized 45 , is His Name Trump!!!! 7 trumpets and at the Last Trump!!! Yet so many can’t even see how YaHaVaH made it so Obvious. Let alone this all leading up to 2033, 2000 years since Yahshua’s death and Ressurection. I’m not obsessed with any date , but that’s pretty easy one to see.
24 Comments for Dream of number 45
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Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 6/11/12 2:13 AM23 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/09/12 9:21 AMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 11/07/12 8:16 PMRE: Dream of number 45
by the end - 1/19/13 12:33 PMRE: Dream of number 45
by Shawn welling Goodwater - 10/03/15 5:57 AMRE: Dream of number 45
by Shawn welling Goodwater - 10/03/15 6:01 AMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/19/16 9:36 AMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/21/16 1:03 PMRE:Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/22/16 12:50 PMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 7/27/16 8:48 AMRE:Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 10/16/16 10:25 AMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 11/09/16 1:09 AMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 11/09/16 3:57 AMRE:Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 12/21/16 9:26 AMRE:Dream of number 45
by Spud - 8/18/17 8:39 AMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 12/31/17 10:42 AMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 3/05/18 5:34 PMRE: Dream of number 45
by Jarod - 8/13/18 6:24 PMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 8/30/18 12:09 PMRE: Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 8/30/18 12:15 PMRE:Dream of number 45
by Anonymous - 6/19/23 6:29 PMRE:Dream of number 45
by Dimah - 6/14/24 7:20 PMRE:Dream of number 45
by Dimah - 6/14/24 7:23 PMRE: Dream of number 45
by Yael - 10/27/24 1:31 PMRead all 136 comments »
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