This same website now has a gematria calculator: /gematria-calculator/
I recommend the first two methods called "English Gematria" and "Ordinal Gematria." The first method imitates Greek and Hebrew gematria by using A=1 to Z=800. The second uses the simple counting values A=1 to Z=26. The 3rd method is widely seen on the Internet, but it is silly because everything is a multiple of 6.
RE: English Gematria
by FRED - 6/27/12 7:05 PM
RE: English Gematria
by 666 - 4/17/16 2:22 PM
between the years 1660 and 1760 (100 Years 1660-1760 (666) Britain come to power (little kingdom/horn) World #1 superpower was & is today. Royal state owns 6,600 million acres Todate what language does the world speek (ENGLISH). Number of a man 666 (english Gematria Table) The initials (JAL) J=60 A=6 L=72. 60+6=66+6=72 (666) The Islamic definition of the Antichrst in English DAJJAL (JAL) Chained up upon a island somewhere britain an (island) Now. Spread this information it's 100% please revise. The JAL initials find the name (First middle surname) What Gematria number is 6 is this man!
RE:English Gematria
by John - 8/28/17 4:28 PM
My last name comes up with the fitst 3 numbers of my ss#. Is there significance to that. I wonder?
RE:English Gematria
by Oh - 11/29/18 8:57 AM
English=74 break down eng=26=God Lish=48=Son
7 Comments for English Gematria
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English Gematria
by Anonymous - 4/16/10 7:12 AM6 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: English Gematria
by Anonymous - 7/13/10 12:31 PMRE: English Gematria
by Anonymous - 3/10/12 6:02 AMRE: English Gematria
by FRED - 6/27/12 7:05 PMRE: English Gematria
by 666 - 4/17/16 2:22 PMRE:English Gematria
by John - 8/28/17 4:28 PMRE:English Gematria
by Oh - 11/29/18 8:57 AMRead all 162 comments »
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