5 Comments for Erdogan?

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by Anonymous - 4/25/16 3:43 AM
Recep Erdogan = 111 in standard gematria, 666 in English gematria.
Recep = 47, Tayyip = 96, Erdogan = 64
The number of his name is therefore: 479664

4+7+9+6+6+4 = 36 (666)
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is 18 letters (6+6+6)

Satan’s gematria is in Hebrew 359 (Shin (300), Tet (9), Nun (50))
In English: 330
In Jewish: 232
In Standard gematria: 55

Since the Beast is empowered by Satan we multiply The Beast number with Satan’s, which the bible tells us is 666. 359 is Satan’s original number since it is in Hebrew.

359x666 = 23 90 94 (2+3+9+0+9+4 = 27)
23+90+94 = 207
Recep Tayyip Erdogans full standard gematria is 207.

479664 x 330 = 158289120
1+5+8+2+8+9+1+2+0 = 36, the same as the number of his name.

479664 x 232 = 111282048 (111 = Recep Erdogan in standard gem.)
1+1+1+2+8+2+0+4+8 = 27 (999; coming back to this)

479664 x 55 = 26381520
2+6+3+8+1+5+2+0 = 27

27+27 = 54: (Nachash (Serpent) in standard gem and the year of his birth.
27 is 999; 999+999 = 1998
1998 / 3 (names) = 666

The number of his (Erdogan’s) name: 479664
479664 / 3 (number of names) = 159 888 (888 = lawlessness in English gematria)

1+5+9+8+8+8 = 39 (13+13+13, reduced 444)
15+9 = 24 (8+8+8), 888 + 888 = 1776 (illuminati)

479664 / 36 (the sum) = 13324 (133 = little horn), 24 = 888)
1+3+3+2+4 = 13

479664 / 6 = 79944, 7+9+9+4+4 = 33 (33 / 6 = 5.5 (55 = Satan)
79944 / 6 = 13324
13324 / 6 = 2220.7; 222 by reducing the decimals and the zero; rounding up = 2221
2221 = 1 John 2:22 (antichrist chapter)
2+2+2+7 = 13


207 is the full gematria value of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. We’re going to multiply it with all the different numbers of Satan.

207 x 359 = 74313
7+4+3+1+3 = 18 (6+6+6)
(74 is Lucifer in standard gematria)

207 x 330 = 68310
6+8+3+1+0 = 18 (6+6+6)
(310 = Nimrod in Hebrew gem.)

207 x 232 = 48024
4+8+0+2+4 = 18 (6+6+6)
24 = 8+8+8 (888) = Lawlessness in standard gem.
207 x 55 = 11385
1+1+3+8+5 = 18 (6+6+6)
(1138 is the chapter in Daniel where the antichrist is mentioned with his god of fortresses.)

Satan in Hebrew spelling is Shin (S), Tet (T), and Nun (N); in other words STN. Let’s just for the fun of it calculate Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the STN value in Standard, English and Jewish gematria values.

Standard: STN = 19+20+14 = 53
English: STN = 318
Jewish: STN = 230

207 x 53 = 10971
1+0+9+7+1 = 18 (6+6+6)

207x318 = 27 (999)
(479664 x 55 = 26381520
2+6+3+8+1+5+2+0 = 27)

207 x 230 = 47610
4+7+6+1+0 = 18 (6+6+6)

666x330 =219780
2+1+9+7+8+0 = 27

666x232 = 15 45 12
1+5+4+5+1+2 = 18

4 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Erdogan?

by Anonymous - 3/04/18 11:19 PM
My daughter born in 6/6/2006 is this bad?? because she is unusual girl in everything, pretty, smart and trouble magnett even her teachers said she is affecting everyone on the class and she got in lots of troubles and they moved her to another school and the same thing happened and I don't know what to do. Her teacher said that she can't teach cause she is so pretty and has magnate that all boys don't pay attention to the class and she had to put her away in another class so no one gets trouble.

RE: Erdogan?

by Anonymous - 11/29/18 8:11 AM
Your daughter is fine God bless her


by Joe - 3/28/19 3:45 AM
"Grey Wolf" also equals 666 in English Sumerian Gematria. Which just happens to be Turkey's national animal/beast. Like the eagle is to the US.

RE: Erdogan?

by Anonymous - 5/06/19 4:50 PM
But who destroyed or overcome 666 us Christian by faith in Jesus Christ he is a man

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