It's been a few times that every time I wake up the time was 3:48am I fall asleep and it's 4:48 am I go back to sleep and then the 48 comes agent in my clock that same night I hear a dog howling there are no dogs in my neighborhood that's what keeped on waking me up every 48
The same thing is happening to me, everytime i look at the time i seem to notice the number 48 far more than any other number. i feel like this all began when i had a lecture on the 1848 revolutions...
RE: every 48 min
by Kristin - 1/06/19 3:54 AM
Me too!! My whole life, I’m 42.
RE:every 48 min
by Kristin - 1/06/19 3:57 AM
As in I’m 42 yo, it’s been happening for as long as I can remember, lol. Inevitably, way more often than by chance when I see a clock it’s -:48 (or 47 about to turn 48!). I have always said I’m so freaked out to turn 48, and man, now I only have 6 years, yikes!!
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every 48 min
by mayra - 11/14/16 3:37 PM4 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: every 48 min
by FatFreddy - 3/14/17 6:02 PMRE: every 48 min
by Kristin - 1/06/19 3:54 AMRE:every 48 min
by Kristin - 1/06/19 3:57 AMRE: every 48 min
by Anonymous - 2/22/20 12:03 PMRead all 90 comments »
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