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Faulty Foundations

by Anonymous - 6/28/03 2:18 AM
Since the time of "the towers fall" many have been praying for "God {to} Bless America" not knowing all that this request {or demand} entails. We have been conned into asking "why do they hate us so?" without really listening to the answer of muslims, but instead one that is supplied by our media, and those who control them.

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by Anonymous - 7/03/07 8:37 AM
9/11= God withdrew His protecting hand off of America for a second...look what`s came from this, a loss of our freedom i.e. the Patriot Act, which we gave up so willingly. A very convenient situation for our government officials to enact their "plan for a new american century" which lead us into Iraq, A growing deficit from the war effort which puts an extra strain on our already shaky "fiat" money system. (have you noticed the price of energy or precious metals or even a gallon of milk lately?)Our US dollar is being devalued. We have had it so good for so long. I know that it is controversial to suggest that the Lord has kept His hand on us, but how else could you explain the relative safety and security of our nation with no real border security to speak of? When I was young, my parents didn`t even bother to lock the doors on our home. I could go outside and play without fear that something bad would happen. What has happened??? I`ll tell you what has happened, we as a nation have let the little foxes spoil the vine. Just look at the filth and garbage out there that the old generations would never have tolerated. Lord help us.

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