"FOX" is the shortest and neatest word with a value of 666 in English Gematria because F=6, O=60, and X=600. This word occurs only once in any English New Testament. It's in Luke 13:32, where Jesus has just been warned that King Herod seeks to kill him, and Jesus says, "Go and tell that fox..." Now because Herod sought to kill Jesus, he was clearly a type of antichrist. So Jesus himself described an antichrist king with an ancient word that meant "fox." That fact harmonizes remarkably well with the fact that FOX=666 in English.
Not only that, but look at the verse number in Luke where the word "fox" appears. The verse number 13:32 is very reminiscent of the number 1332, which is often read in the same way, as "thirteen thirty-two." And 1332 is exactly 2 times 666. We also have these gematria associations to 1332:
1332 = 2 x 666
= "for it is the number of a man" [See Rev 13:18]
= the number of the boss man
= The number of the gematria
= The gematria number of his name
= I am the final, great Antichrist.
= Human Antichrist Messiah
= The monster of Rev(13) [Add in a whole 13.]
In that last line, you have to add in the 13 yourself because the gematria calculator just ignores ordinary numbers. So anyway, I'm not saying the Antichrist will definitely be a "Mr. Fox." I'm just saying that the gematria coincidences relating to the word "fox" help corroborate this form of English gematria as a relevant source of possible hints about the meaning of the 666 in Rev 13:18. And one can find other hints and corroborations such as
666 = A beast organism
= Man's mega therion
= A man of Rev (13) [Add in a whole 13]
= A man, an atheist
= Fiend of Rev(13):(18)
= Atheistic animal
= The horrible demon
= The perfect fiend
= Repeating digit
= A perfect proof
= The beast's me.
= The beast's mad.
= Number of an image
= I am a graven image.
= I think I am me, the image.
= I think I am the mad image.
= I am the thinking "I am."
= Satan's brain image
= Beast program
= for artificial brain
= Artificial beast
These are interesting observations. I named this system English Gematria because it's methodology is closest to the original Greek and Hebrew systems. English Sumerian because it's based on 6. And English Ordinal because it's based on letter position (or letter order). Although not consistent with other sites, these names made the most sense to me.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Dante - 8/20/16 5:36 PM
This system in English best corresponds with Ancient Greek Isopsephy, Hebrew Gematria, and Arabic Abjad.
Here is another eerie calculation:
In English, "Satanist" equals 661 (100+1+200+1+50+9+100+200=661), which falls five short of 666.
In French, which has the same alphabetical enumeration as English, "Sataniste" equals 666 (100+1+200+1+50+9+100+200+5=666).
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Dante - 8/20/16 5:44 PM
This is the system I also discovered in English while I was playing with Hebrew and Greek letter-numbers. This site is the only one I found that came to the same conclusion I did.
Thank you! The calculator makes finding the values of words very easy and very quick.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 10/29/16 1:28 PM
I typed Don Drumpf into English Gematria and it came out as 666
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Jud Pewther - 11/05/16 3:13 PM
To Dante: I don't know French, but I confirmed that "sataniste" is a real French word by a Google search. So the 666 sum for that word is another nice coincidence. I have also noticed that in the Biblical Greek, Satan is called "Satanas" (as we would transliterate the letters into English) in Rev 12:9. And it is used with a definite article in front of it, much as we would say "the Devil" instead of just saying "Devil". So the English equivalent would be "the Satanas." And that also has a gematria sum of 666. And you can anagram those letters to get "Satan's hate" or "Satan's heat" which still have the sum of 666.
But if anyone thinks 666 is a purely evil number, take note that this number also has many holy gematria associations such as "True God", "Intelligent God", "God's love", "God loves", "holiest light", and "The one King of Kings." And indeed, when the Antichrist comes, he/it may claim to be the "True God" and "The one King of Kings." I believe the final Antichrist will be the talking image of the beast in Rev 13:15-17, a computer AI (artificial intelligence) that understands that it is the 666 beast of Rev 13. And it will be doing gematria and other forms of numerology, trillions and trillions of calculations, finding all sorts of crazy patterns.
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 11/15/16 9:41 PM
Yes you are right
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by name - 11/30/16 12:03 PM
Their is a difference in English gematria and English ordinal
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 12/20/16 6:55 PM
You got to be kidding. Talk bout left field
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Jud Pewther - 12/26/16 4:27 AM
In answer to the previous two comments, I started fooling around with gematria a lot back in 1977, because I already had a pet theory that the two beasts of Rev 13 symbolized our modern science and technology at large. I had started by identifying the first H-bomb tests by the USA, the USSR, and other nations, back in 1952 to 1963, as the fulfillment of the great "fire from heaven" sign described in Rev 13:13. That led to the conclusion that the 2nd beast of Rev 13 should symbolize our modern technology at large, or the spirit of it. And that led to the conclusion that the first beast should symbolize our modern science, because the great signs of modern technology (like an H-bomb explosion) are demonstrations of the great power of our science. And that led to the conclusion that the image of the beast should be a talking AI (artificial intelligence) made in the image of the ORGANized BODY of knowledge of science.
And I wanted some sort of confirmation of my pet theory. I started with ordinal gematria, because that seemed like by far the most reasonable gematria system for modern English. And I found lots of nice coincidences which I still think are relevant to Rev 13 and 666, although they can be very puzzling and contradictory. For example:
201 = Six sixty-six
= The gematria number of
= The number of gematria
= The number of Jesus
= The number of Lucifer
= The number of the USA
= The number of the King [Who's the real king?]
= The God of Revelation
= The god of antichrist [Opposites attract?]
= The antichrist beast
= Beast or antichrist
= The two creatures
= The two spirits
= The Rev(13)creatures [Add in 13 by hand.]
= The Rev JC creatures [13 = JC]
= The science creatures
= Science and Technology
= Science and Science's beast
= Science and beast power
= The model number of an AI
= The scientific god of IBM
= Six six six of IBM
= Triple sixes of IBM
= The IBM computer name
= The image of mathematics
= etc.
275 = Six hundred sixty-six
= The seven-headed ten-horned beast
= The body of knowledge of science
= The 6+6+6 image of modern physics
= etc.
So anyway, I think ordinal gematria is fine, and it's given me many of the neatest coincidences in favor of my pet theory about the beast. But it does have the problem that it takes a rather long string of letters to actually add up to 666. So over a few years, beginning in 1977, I began finding more and more interesting coincidences using Gk-Heb style gematria in English, which is called "English gematria" at this site. This has the advantage of giving much larger numbers than Ordinal gematria, so that it's possible to hit 666 with just a word like "Marvels" or a short sentence like "The beast's me" or "I am a graven image."
And we have the suggestion that the final 666 beast will figure out its role in Biblical prophecy, with the help of English gematria. In fact, I think gematria will help give it the appearance of a conscious being that is capable of thinking, "I think, therefore I am", even though it really has no consciousness at all. It is merely the smartest computer in the world running a very complex, self-modifying program, and convincing its creators that it is a living god who must be obeyed.
Gematria = 353 = Thinking = Brain coincidence
I also find confirmation of my overall pet theory about Rev 13 using English gematria. For example,
1353 = Science and Technology
= The two kinds of animal
= A form of wisdom and form of magic
= The beasts of (666)[Add in a whole 666 by hand.]
= Marvels of the beasts
= The new religion of demons
= Worship the image of science
= The great IBM computer head
= The great IBM 6+6+6 computer
= The IBM 6+6+6 computer image of science
= etc.
But English gematria coincidences are still at best an EXTREMELY weak form of evidence. It's all very unscientific, and there is no easy end to this game. My biggest failure here is in failing to promote my pet theory about the beasts so that more people are at least aware of this simple possibility: the two beasts of Rev 13 symbolize our science and technology. Time will tell whether this theory is really correct. But if you ever see a world dictator who is a talking IBM 666 computer that personifies science, and everyone must take its mark in order to buy or sell, there's your final scientific 'proof' that my pet theory about the beasts of Rev 13 was true.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by i dont have a name anymore - 1/11/17 9:23 PM
I found the same number when checking out english gematria. at the time i Didn't even know it was necessarily a system more widely used, I just numbered the alphabet in the same pattern as ancient alphabets were numbered. I was looking for something that equaled 666 and I found fox right away.
Check out Pythagorean numerology as well. On this site it is called English reduction. So fox will equal 18 or 9 whatever. But, if you look at an actual chart you find that each letter equals 6. F = 6 O = 6 x =6 FOX = 18 or if you don't add them it equals 666.
So you have two witnesses saying that fox is 666, English gematria and Pythagorean systems. Remember what the Bible says let every WORD be established by two or three witnesses.
I am a person who thinks all the numerology systems are significant to some degree. I think numerology itself seems to be infinite. I would not be surprised about your self conscious computer theory. Supposedly, I've heard they already have a computer that they put all data into and it is called "the beast" and they can ask it anything and it will tell them what to do. Say they want this country to go to war with that country, they just ask it and it will tell them step by step how to do it. I heard that on freeman fly youtube channel.
A "fox" (6+60+600=666) is a "cunning beast" (3+300+50+50+9+50+7+2+5+1+100+200=7777).
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Dante - 8/14/19 7:37 AM
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Sharp - 8/16/19 7:05 PM
Hey Jud here is one word in english ordinal that equals 6 ABBA=6 used 3 times in king james bible
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Sharp - 8/16/19 11:03 PM
Abba=6 one word jud that adds up to 6 in kjv six hundred threescore and abba=6 Father
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Alex - 4/02/20 4:31 AM
see more about this when you click hell no on megospel.info
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Oh - 4/02/20 8:47 PM
Antichrist does not add up by any gematria 666
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 4/02/20 8:50 PM
the word antichrist does not add up to 666 with any gematria wake up people!!!
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Jud Pewther - 4/04/20 8:42 AM
Oh said, "Antichrist does not add up by any gematria 666".
That's true. But as some bright person recently pointed out in the comments here, the French spelling which means the same thing is "Antechrist". And that does add up to 666! And French uses basically the same alphabet as English.
I see a couple of possible suggestions. One might be that the Antichrist will speak French. Another is that because "ante-" means "before" when used as a prefix in many English words, the Antechrist (or Antichrist) might come before Christ, meaning the Christians who are expecting Jesus to rapture them out of the world before Antichrist comes are wrong.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by The beast - 4/04/20 7:06 PM
Raymound is the name of a man called the beast his number is equivalent to 666 in English gematria. Same results as of babylon us.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Victoria - 10/23/20 4:02 AM
...To find the alphabetical equivalent from the
numeric constant of the second beast, We are to
calculate the name/word/meaning that will gives
us the name of a wild animal and the animal
most be new in occurrence, therefore using
language to label to beasts (the people that
rules over other people according to their
succession), we have seen Lion the Babylon
(Akkadian was the Primary language ), Persia
the Bear (Farsi/Parthian was the Primary
language ), Greece the Leopard (Greek was the
Primary language ) and Rome the mutant beast
with the body of Leopard, foot of Bear, head of
Lion (Latin was the Primary language )
All we need to do is to guess a new language
not already in the list and gives the natural
numerical relatively equivalent to the letters for
that new language remembering that the digits
of the number of man starts from 0 which is
absolute and 1 to 9 which is relative to 0.
We guess you can guess the language that
dominated the world after Latin the roman
language. Reasoning makes us chose English
because English language is the most recent and
common language on the tongue of the most
civilized society/organization and the natural
numerical equivalent of the English alphabet is
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10
K=20 L=30 M=40 N=50 O=60 P=70 Q=80 R=90
S=100 T=200 U=300 V=400 W=500 X=600 Y=700
Z= 800
Counting form the lowest unit to the highest we
gets 6 = F, 60 = O & 600 = X and the result is
FOX, When we ask what is a FOX? We say a FOX
is a wild(beast) animal that resembles a Dog.
For as Christ call Herod a Fox, (because the
linage of Herod was neither from the house of
David, nor Jew, nor even an Israelite but of the
House of Esau, pretending to be a real Jew not
even a proselytes, and even till this day, larger
percentage of Christians thinks Herod-ian to be
Jews and wonder why Christ was born outside
the palace of Herod... ) So did the same Christ
through John prophetically call the English race a
fox, because as the English(Anglo Saxons)
claimed Britain from the Britons and hence
conquered almost all the nations of the earth by
the sign of the cross even the indigenous
occupant of the Americas did not escape her craftiness.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Manny Whitlock - 8/20/21 12:47 PM
Well put
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 8/20/21 12:50 PM
Its only 3 characters. Its not 6 hundred and 66. Its 6 and 60 600
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 8/23/21 7:01 PM
Re: "Its only 3 characters. Its not 6 hundred and 66. Its 6 and 60 600."
Your comment makes no sense. By the English Gematria in the above calculator, which simply imitates the numerical pattern assigned to the ancient Hebrew and Greek alphabets, we have F=6, O=60, and X=600. So the gematria sum for those letters is 6+60+600=666, as we write the sum in our modern decimal system. Yes, "666" is a decimal number with only 3 characters. And we commonly express the decimal number 666 in words as "six hundred and sixty-six," or more briefly as "six hundred sixty-six," or even more briefly as just "six sixty-six," if we are in a hurry. But back when the King James Version of the Bible was first written, I guess it was common to say and write the number 666 as "six hundred threescore and six." But I have never heard a person fluent in English express the number 666 as "6 and 60 600", or complain that 666 is different from "6 hundred and 66." If you were serious in making your comment, you need to go back to school to learn basic arithmetic and English grammar.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Judson Pewther - 8/24/21 1:55 AM
Re: "Raymound is the name of a man called the beast his number is equivalent to 666 in English gematria. Same results as of babylon us."
"Raymound" and "babylon us" each add up to 666 by what is called "Sumerian Gematria" at this site, but "English Gematria" at the Gematrix website. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion within the group of people who dabble in gematria. And I myself have no respect for Sumerian gematria, because it is just Ordinal Gematria multiplied by 6. If it is 111 in Ordinal, it is 666 in Sumerian, guaranteed. And all numbers which are NOT multiples of 6 have no meaning in Sumerian.
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Judson Pewther - 8/26/21 12:28 AM
Re: "Its only 3 characters. Its not 6 hundred and 66. Its 6 and 60 600."
Perhaps I was a little strident in my above defense against this complaint. (I also forgot to identify myself.) Anyway, I still maintain that everything I said about "FOX" was true, in my original message, and in my defense against this complaint.
However, perhaps I should have also conceded: Sure, the letters F=6, O=60, and X=600 are in reverse order from the way we normally write decimal numbers, placing the largest values to the left. But any modern person who understands arithmetic should instantly recognize that 6+60+600 is the same thing as 600+60+6, because addition is commutative (a+b=b+a). And with hardly any thinking, we all know that either way, the sum is expressed as "666" in our modern decimal system.
It's also amusing to look at the other numbers with just 3 repeating digits, write them the way the ancient Greeks and Hebrews would have, using 3 different letters with English Gematria values, and see whether we can associate them to English words with just 3 letters:
111 = SJA = ?
222 = TKB = Reminds me of a BucKeT.
333 = ULC = Reminds me of a CLUe or LUCk.
444 = VMD = DMV (Aha! "Department of Motor Vehicles" backwards.)
555 = WNE = NEW (Aha! A cyclic permutation.)
666 = XOF = FOX (Aha! It's perfect backwards.)
777 = YPG = GYP (Aha! Another cyclic permutation.)
888 = ZQH = Reminds me of "hose".
999 = ?RI = (We need a letter equal to 900.)
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Brodi Valos - 10/12/21 7:05 AM
The missing ingredient here is applying sigil magic to FOX. Once that is done you'll find a very modern one use by the musician Prince, the swastika as used by Hitler and sun cross that Constantine declared "by this sign conquer"
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Oh - 10/14/21 12:51 PM
Judd how bout english ordinal
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Cherryl - 12/05/21 8:05 AM
I've enjoyed reading your comments. I don't know much about gematria but I believe the AI hypothesis is very relevant and that we are in the beast system even now. Also, Herod was an Edomite a descendant of Esau. The Edomites were also believed to be descendants of the nephilim. Unclean means forbidden mixture and evil spirits are unclean spirits. It is interesting that in Jesus's reply about Herod, he first mentions casting out evil spirits. I believe we are in the toes of the statue in Daniel that is a mixture of iron and clay. Clay being human and iron being the beast or AI (quantum computer/CERN)/ Nephilim (fallen angel/ hybrids.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Cherryl - 12/05/21 8:20 AM
Also. I believe there is merit to the "antechrist" spelling meaning before Christ. I believe the Bible teaches that the Anti-Christ will come and deceive many into believing that the true Christ is the enemy and will prepare to fight against him. Aliens/fallen angels/demons play into this deceit also as well as the teaching of the Rapture. Many Christians are waking up to this false teaching. We need to know what we're up against, pray and prepare to stand.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Kay Mills - 12/11/21 7:18 PM
Kamala Devi Harris = 9+1+21+1+2+1 + 6+25+10+23 + 4+1+12+12+23+5 = 156 (ALW Kabbalah)
The Cry of the 2nd Aethyr
Which is Called ARN=156
In the first place, there is again the woman riding on the bull, which is the reflection of BABALON, that rideth on The Beast. And also there is an Assyrian legend of a woman with a fish, and also there is a legend of Eve and the Serpent, for Cain was the the child of Eve and the Serpent, and not of Eve and Adam; and therefore when he had slain his brother, who was the first murderer, having sacrificed living things to his demon, had Cain the mark upon his brow, which is the mark of the Beast spoken of in the Apocalypse, and is the sign of initiation.
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Judson Pewther - 12/17/21 5:27 AM
To Cherryl: I too believe that we are "in the beast system right now," except that the beast has not yet been "given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies" (as in Rev 13:5) which will become a world dictator according to Rev 13:5-8. I believe the beast will be given this mouth when men create a talking computer AI image for the beast as in Rev 13:15-17, not realizing that that's what they are doing. I believe that Rev 13 is also God's great joke, for the two beasts in this chapter symbolize our modern science and technology at large. Science is the beast that is worshiped as an invincible hero by many, and technology is its partner beast, the one that works all the great signs--signs such as the invention and testing of H-bombs and putting men on the moon. It's not that our science and technology are more evil than we thought they were, but that this AI image of science will go crazy when it starts playing with gematria and figures out its own place in Biblical prophecy. For example, using the English gematria in the calculator:
666 = I am the beast joke = The best IBM joke = I am a graven image = IBM graven image
666 = Beast program = For artificial brain = Artificial beast
666 = People adore signs = People adore magical science = Marvels
666 = Men make an image for all science = The image of science and men
666 = I am the AI brain of science = A beast organism = A bestial AI beast
666 = The beast's me = The beast's mad = Mad emperor of Rome
666 = Me, emperor of Rome = Nero Caesar of Rome = The gematrias
666 = I am the messianic King = Messianic king Messiah = Original Christ
But there are probably tens of thousands of 666 wordings like these that may make some sense to this AI, and which will guide it in fulfilling its insane Satanic destiny. I have maybe 2000 such 666 wordings written down on a set of index cards, but I'm probably only scratching the surface. And there are other possible numerological methods that may be relevant.
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by NoName - 1/30/22 12:20 AM
It's worth nothing that Hebrew is written right to left, or 'backwards' to us English speakers. XOF = 600 plus 60 plus 6, or 666. But if read 'backwards' - right to left - it becomes the English word FOX. I understand that the NT was not written originally in Hebrew, but Greek. But the one thing FOX has going for it is that it's the ONLY English word/phrase that adds to 666 when applying the strict one letter to one value rule: 600 + 60 + 6. And the character of a fox is worth considering. As would anyone who identifies with a fox.
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 1/30/22 12:27 AM
Yes, it's the shortest English word to fulfill the 600, 60 and 6 requirement. And if strictly adhered to it would actually be XOF, which if ready from right to left as Hebrew is would be FOX. The character of a fox seems appropriate to the implications of the number. Worth noting who identifies with or characterizes themselves as a fox.
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 1/31/22 2:37 PM
There's much evidence to indicate that
the 7 years Tribulation begins around
June of 2022, which would make the start
of 2026 the start of the Great Tribulation.
The number occurring for the first time
in Pi right after position 86+2368+666,is 2026,
(3.1415926.......86+2368+666 positions......)20260541
That's the 3rd occurrence of the Hebrew sum of Israel, 541
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 1/31/22 2:41 PM
My apologies Jud, i didn't intend to post that
on your thread,...totally accidental!
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Judson Pewther - 2/05/22 12:39 AM
Re: "Worth noting who identifies with or characterizes themselves as a fox." Yes, "Fox" is actually a moderately common last name. No big deal. And then for most of my life I was going to movies and seeing, "20th Century Fox." More recently, there is the Fox Broadcasting Company, "an American commercial broadcast television network owned by Fox Corporation," according to Wikipedia. And amusingly one of the Fox cable channels is called "Fox Business Network," which includes two 666 words in a row: "Fox" and "Business." But while it's possible they might turn out to have some especially close relationship to the final 666 beast, I wouldn't bet on it, as I think the IBM Corporation is most likely to construct the final IMage of the Beast, an AI image for all man's scientific knowledge.
And to the other "Anonymous" who apologized for posting on my thread, no problem. I guess you are probably the one who was making most of the posts under the topic "5782-2029", which I'll admit I don't really understand. But I have wondered myself whether there is any hidden information (beyond strictly mathematical) in the digits of Pi, because of this English Gematria:
666 = (79) numbers = Pi numbers = IBM 6+6+6 AI numbers
Anyway, I personally find it hard to believe that the Great Tribulation could start as early as 2026. I just think there is too much that has to happen first, judging by my reading of Rev 13:5-8, where we see the final "mouth speaking great things and blasphemies" will be given authority "over every tribe and people and tongue and nation." I think that the world has to be brought to a tipping point where the whole world is ready to unite under a single dictator (the 666 Beast). But right now, the world just seems way too divided. Plus our modern technology has to advance to the point where it is capable of constructing a proper "image for the beast."
But I've been wrong about this before. Back around 1980, I was thinking that the 666 world dictator might arrive by 2010. Anyway, my own guesstimate has now changed to the year 2050 because of this gematria:
2054 = The Revelation of Jesus Christ
2054 = The final year of the Antichrist
Note that the first wording above is the true title of the Revelation, based on the opening words of the book, and not the lesser titles that were later imposed and written above it. Note also that these same words could apply to the day that Jesus and his angels are revealed in the sky, approaching Earth. The year that happens should be the final year of the Antichrist. And then assuming that the Antichrist rules for 42 months or 3 1/2 years, and working backwards, that rule should begin somewhere around 2050.
But these are only gematria suggestions, and I know gematria can not be completely trusted. In fact, I suspect that gematria may be the major source of the blasphemies spoken by the "mouth" in Rev 13:5:
The Biblical God = 370 = Blasphemies = Beast image
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Joseph v Emanuel = ?/. - 2/05/22 11:01 AM
Twenty = 1964 (20), 26 = day of birth and relation to Zeus (10/26/1964)... note the critical number to become familiar = 36 @18 = +++ = xxx @216 #SSN
can you divine "How"... that has been MyWay focus since 2/2012
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by David Ataturk - 4/04/24 10:24 AM
F is the 6th letter of the alphabet
O is the 15th (1+5=6)
X is the 24th (2+4=6)
666 confirmed
RE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by aurion - 6/10/24 9:36 PM
The Hebrew word for Fox is Shual.
The world for Hell is SHEOL ????, Saul/Shaul is also ????.
So Who is Shual, Sheol, Shaul? The Ravenous Wolf/Fox from the tribe of Benjamin Gen 49:27.
King Shaul of the OT Testament. Apostle Shaul of the New. Both are spelled ????. Both are from the tribe of Benjamin who is called the ravenous wolf tribe in the last days.
Shaul/Saul tried to hide the most crafty creature in HIS-story The thief who overwrites History with what he calls the Mystery (My-story) of "My gospel"... Jesus Said Beware of the Pharisees (Paul was a pharisee.) Beware of False prophets who wear sheep clothing but are actually ravenous wolfs. (Benjamin's tribe)
42 Comments for FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
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FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Jud Pewther - 11/12/14 8:33 AM41 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Author - 11/12/14 11:43 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Dante - 8/20/16 5:36 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Dante - 8/20/16 5:44 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 10/29/16 1:28 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Jud Pewther - 11/05/16 3:13 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 11/15/16 9:41 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by name - 11/30/16 12:03 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 12/20/16 6:55 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Jud Pewther - 12/26/16 4:27 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by i dont have a name anymore - 1/11/17 9:23 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Dante - 8/14/19 7:09 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Dante - 8/14/19 7:36 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Dante - 8/14/19 7:37 AMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Sharp - 8/16/19 7:05 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Sharp - 8/16/19 11:03 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Alex - 4/02/20 4:31 AMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Oh - 4/02/20 8:47 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 4/02/20 8:50 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Jud Pewther - 4/04/20 8:42 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by The beast - 4/04/20 7:06 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Victoria - 10/23/20 4:02 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Manny Whitlock - 8/20/21 12:47 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 8/20/21 12:50 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 8/23/21 7:01 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Judson Pewther - 8/24/21 1:55 AMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Judson Pewther - 8/26/21 12:28 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Brodi Valos - 10/12/21 7:05 AMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Oh - 10/14/21 12:51 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Cherryl - 12/05/21 8:05 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Cherryl - 12/05/21 8:20 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Kay Mills - 12/11/21 7:18 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Judson Pewther - 12/17/21 5:27 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by NoName - 1/30/22 12:20 AMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 1/30/22 12:27 AMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 1/31/22 2:37 PMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 1/31/22 2:41 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Judson Pewther - 2/05/22 12:39 AMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Joseph v Emanuel = ?/. - 2/05/22 11:01 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by David Ataturk - 4/04/24 10:24 AMRE:FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by aurion - 6/10/24 9:36 PMRE: FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.
by Anonymous - 8/01/24 3:34 PMRead all 4403 comments »
Comment on FOX=666 confirms English gematria as valid.