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Guess what?

by Jamie Kara - 2/23/11 11:58 AM
123! lol =P I've been seeing it and 1234 a lot as well. I've been following spirituality for a good 3 years now. More and more we realize that we are not alone and we are all being awakened for a reason. So these numbers are not to be afraid of, in case you are. The messages under these number patterns is to be taken in consideration. If it's continuously repeating itself then it's time to search it's meaning.

These are messages from guides, angels or any other beings of Light trying to help you be aware of something that you may need to know. If you don't believe it that's ok, cauz, baby, one day will come where you have no choice but to believe that we have inter dimentional beings living among us but on another plane of existence. We just don't want to accept the hidden truth sometimes. Because many people can't handle the truth! =| lol. Humans are funny =)...just like myself. Like why am I afraid, why? Meditate, let your soul gravitate and that way we'll overcome our fears. YE

Anyway lol, if you follow Doreen Virtue, she's really good with angel reading. She has the meaning of number patterns in case you have 123 1234 or any other number repeating in your life. Check her out.

Enjoy =)

5 Replies: Post a Reply

RE: Guess what?

by 323 - 6/29/12 3:21 PM

RE: Guess what?

by Anonymous - 5/30/13 1:14 PM
I wake up almost everynight seeing 123 or look at my I-phone seeing the time 1:23 I always tell whoever I am with look there it is 123 , my husband is beginning to wonder why I see it , I have to admitt it is strange at the least, please if anyone can explain this share , I wonder did I die in a previous life at this time or is something happen at that time, I believe it is from a previous life myself , because I can't explain it, to wake up out of the blue and see 1:23 all the time to coincidental,may never. Know why but , wish I could find the answer

RE:Guess what?

by Diane - 5/30/13 1:23 PM
Reading all the comments , I hope and pray , God ,angels higher beings are trying to tell us something , 1:23 it an everyday , number in my life , my family knows it , God help me to help others

RE:Guess what?

by Diane - 5/30/13 1:25 PM
I my goodness I just notice 1:23 was my last post I swear I did not know until I just reread it

RE:Guess what?

by TellMeSomethingGood… - 1/15/17 11:34 AM
Has anyone here, ever dreamt of a baby boy conducting a full on conversation with them, you know, like one word converse with an adult?

I had a dream like this, about a month and a half ago, I felt really wonderful when I awoke.

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