Hands up who wants the earth to be distroyed? Hands up who wants God to change his mind (my hands up now)? Well people God hears prayers so i woiuld like everyone to stop thinking these numbers are bad stop thinking God will not save us and just pray that he does. Im tired of this "the world will end crap" if he will not give us a stone if we ask for a fish why would he not help us to make the world better. Truth is he is already making changes now. These numbers are good they are the wakeup call we all needed to get off our butts and start searching for God in our OWN way.
RE: hey
by Anonymous - 3/01/11 12:38 AM
Good entry. No the world will not end. Great changes yes. The word change is 11. Yes God is Intervening in human affaires as we speak. It is referred to as Divine Intervention. Like the TV program Intervention. Most of humanity is on a drunken, drugged up, materialistic life journey right now. God is going to bring them all together in a circle and deal with each and everyone of them. Symbolically speaking of course. Why is he going to take the time to do that is because He Loves them. So be an intervener not an intervention.
by Anonymous - 8/25/15 2:50 PM
I seeing changes all the time and learning to recognize them asap. The 11 has been showing up regularly in my life & affairs in the last 3 wks. It's been AMAZING!!!
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by bbbbbbbbbbbbb - 2/19/11 11:34 PM3 Replies: Post a Reply
by Barbs - 2/21/11 5:42 PMRE: hey
by Anonymous - 3/01/11 12:38 AMRE:hey
by Anonymous - 8/25/15 2:50 PMRead all 178 comments »
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