i see you all here, in panic and fear and fervor. and i am left awestruck at it. i have yet to see but one to acknowledge the one sin that cannot be forgiven, the sin of severance. or what you would all understand as the rejection of Jesus Christ.
there are things in this world that should not be named and yet are done. things that are given reverance that are clear filth. and there are things that are hidden by those who think it best to keep it hidden from you for there own sake, when in truth the only one it helps is you. you think that all of these forems are left up by negligence?
no, they want you decived by witchcraft and magic by other names, "vibrations", "numerology". yes there is danger to be found in these kinds of things that are said here in these forems, for exsample, a certain company that likes to put a certain letter in all of their branding... XXX... as you all said "X=6"
or close enough. although i myself do not think on the "magic" of numbers i look at what others say and of their symbolism, it would be foolish not to know what the enemies signs are.would you walk into a church of satan?
(odd how that xxx is the url of porn now is it? moveing on.)
there are things good called evil and those evil called good, we know this. but who here understands hate is not a sin? it is that last virtue when all other virtues fail. a hate of the dark may bring one back from the brink.
but to stay on topic of this article, the clear reason why the mark shall make one marked dead in the eyes of god is clear, it is the final symbol of rejecting him. no more, no less. be it a tatoo, a badge, medallion, party card, nero-chip. they all serve the same end, a mark to show you are against the lord of hosts.
so i end here with three warnings that i know few of you would hear.
1: look to God not through shadows but by the light, the lord is no lord of confusion or chaos. but know most who preach, preach not for the glory of God but there own gains, at least in these days. keep humble, and keep diciplined if you can, and if you can not, then may God correct you, and may you repent. know that evil is the absence of God nothing more.
2: there are those of many signs but not all those of signs are allied. this is our greatest strength outside of Gods direct might and grace, their rebel and anarchist nature leads to infighting vary commonly, the twoheaded snake may have but one body, but do not think that it is not fighting itself. know too that a penonex needs ash so that it may hide that it never died, none of us may kill the soul for the only one who can do so is of course God.
and lastly a warning i have more so of slight expereance rather than wisdom on.
3: under all circumstances, bewere the black flames of hell.
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Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts
by J - 3/20/25 1:18 AMNo Replies Post a Reply
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