i was born December 6. so 6+6=12. & then being born on the 6th. also, my soccer number is 33. 3+3=6. another occurrence is one of my best friends lost her life in a car accident on my 18th birthday. 6x3=18. also, it falls on 12-6. also, my numerological number is 6. so as you can see, the number 6 plays a huge part in my life.
My boyfriend and I both have loved the number 6 since were were kids, it is our lucky number and everyday, a 6 shows up. it is our lucky number and I never met anyone that loved the number 6 as much as I did and have had so many instance in their lives revolve around the number 6.
RE: huge in my life
by Anonymous - 2/13/15 8:06 AM
I'm born the 6th of Aug but was supposed to be born on the 13th.Is anything freaky about that.
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huge in my life
by --julie-- - 9/15/10 8:52 PM2 Replies: Post a Reply
RE: huge in my life
by Anonymous - 10/14/11 1:13 PMRE: huge in my life
by Anonymous - 2/13/15 8:06 AMRead all 81 comments »
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